Chic-Fil-A Crisis: Difference between revisions

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m (fix a inaccurate implication that i did not encourage the chic fil a behavior which i did a bit)
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== First and Second Court Cases ==
It was finally decided within the Icenian Government that the best option at hand was to take Fig and Croc to court over what they deemed was an "illegal build". The first court case was ''Icenian Department of Defense v Figasaur & Crocodile'' and was to be decided by then Grand Judge of Icenia, [[Quanton Biscuit|Quanton_Biscut]]. After a lengthy trial process conducted over Discord, Quanton ruled that the Chic-Fil-A had to be completely removed. Fig and Croc contested this and, after protest from some members of West Isle that Quanton was biased against Fig during the process due to previous comments, relatively new Judge and Icenian, Anvil, was given the job to take the case. It was then ruled that the Chic-Fil-A had to be demolished in such a way that it was no longer impeding the ability of Milita members to reach the Skybunker and it could no longer overhang the Skybunker hole. This ruling was accepted by the defendants, but in no way, shape, or form, was the crisis over yet.
== Handing Ownership off to Iakwai ==
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== The Plot Today ==
Today the plot of the former Chic-Fil-A is intentionally greifed with obsidian by the Icenian Government to prevent any future builds on the plot. This was done shortly after an attempt by Caledonian's to build a Popeyes on the plot, which would also be a formulaic incident for Icenia's greatest period of inactivity due to the unwillingness of many members of the government to continue having to deal with fast food restaurants being built in the town. There is no tentative plan for the plot, though [[Gensokyo]] has expressed interest in building an embassy upon it. However, as of 3/9/20 the plot is owned by the Chungus Corporation, headed by [[Enforcer15]], for plans for the Chungus Corp Hotel.
[[Category:In Progress]] [[Category:Conflicts]]
