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=== Restarting Ashelor ===
When Orinnari and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] sought to reclaim [[Ashelor]], they quickly found that in the year since its founding and subsequent abandonment, the territory was now owned by another: the [[Adina|Federation of Adina]]. It was lead by Kaly, who didn't take to Orinnari whatsoever given his [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] citizenship, even going so far as to call him a "Yoahtl agent." However, the other citizens of [[Adina]] were amenable to the idea of [[Ashelor]] but only as a territory of [[Adina]]. Orinnari hoped he could work his way towards gaining [[Ashelor|Ashelor's]] independence like he did with the [[Kropotnia|Free Territory of Kropotnia]] though over a longer time spantimespan, however, disaster struck during negotiations.
Under the [[Adina|Adinan]] constitution, autonomous territories are allowed to request opt outs of federal law, so as part of the negotiation process, Orinnari read through [[Adina]]'s federal laws and noted any concerns. One concern was communal storage, the remedy for which was exempting [[Ashelor]] from that law on the basis that [[Ashelor]] would not have access to [[Adina]]'s communal storage and vice versa. Another concern was that of Koric Law, which appeared to be a set of religious doctrines that imposed some odd restrictions in the context of minecraft such as: the prohibition of the mutilation of dead bodies, the prohibition of TNT'ing trees, state protection of burial grounds, state protection of foetuses, etc. This is not to say that there weren't any aspects relevant to minecraft or any that weren't agreeable to Orinnari, far from it, he very much respected the right to be free from discrimination for example, but such things would already exist within [[Ashelor|Ashelor's]] constitution. The request for an opt out however was interpreted by Kaly as a slap in the face, a fundamental insult to the very fabric of [[Adina|Adinan]] society, and so broadcast this to [[Adina]]. [[ImperatorMendes]] then acted as a mediator, offering [[Ashelor]] the compromise of being subject to Koric Law but under a strict system of Judicial Review, that only qualifying cases would be accepted, and [[Ashelor]] begrudgingly acquiesced.
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On 10th January 2020 [[Ashelor]] was griefed for the second time within the span of a week by [[seanfpa]] and [[xVANCEx]]. Seeming that Orinnari was spending a lot of his time in [[Nyasaland]] and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] was largely inactive, Orinnari decided to offer [[Ashelor]] as a state to [[Adina]] so that they could use the land for farms and such should [[Ashelor]] be abandoned. But over the coming days and weeks, this (the abandonment) would never happen since Orinnari was already growing distant from [[Nyasaland]] and instead becoming more involved with [[Adina]]. [[Ashelor|Ashelor's]] accession to statehood also brought with it the federalisation of a version of [[Ashelor|Ashelor's]] Habeas Corpus laws. [[Adina]] passed the "Ashelor Integration Act" on 17th January 2020, and [[Ashelor]] responded by passing the "Recognising the Ashelor Integration Act" on the same day. On 24th January 2020, [[Ashelor]] passed "Integrating into the Republic of Adina" which officially transitioned [[Ashelor]] into a state of [[Adina]].
Around the beginning of March 2020, both Orinnari and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] found themselves more active and so made an effort to be more involved with [[Adina|Adinan]] affairs, however, the cultural divide between [[Ashelor]] and [[Adina]] became more and more apparent, particular when Orinnari ran as a judge candidate on the principle of separation of powers: that the judgejudges should -, in their official capacity -, be limited to judicial affairs. This asalong well aswith Orinnari's proposal to make the National Assembly more transparent clashed with the unwritten conventions of [[Adina]]'s unwritten conventions thus framing Orinnari as an outsider. It was surprising thentherefore when Orinnari and [[pamaxwell]] (the incumbent) tied and were brought into a private room and asked to choose between deciding the winner through random chance, or allowing the National Assembly to vote. After a short discussion, they both decided withto allow the National Assembly voteto sinceresolve the tie; Orinnari didn't want to set the precedent of choosingties winnersbeing randomly.resolved Orinnarithrough random chance, but he was not surprised however when the National Assembly swiftly chose theto incumbentelect whothe campaigned on extrajudicial promisesincumbent.
=== Ashelor's secession from Adina ===
On 24th February 2020, [[ImperatorMendes]] approached the government of [[Ashelor]] with a proposition to build a vault within [[Ashelor|Ashelor's]] red desert. Orinnari and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] had immediate concerns, mostly to do with its proximity to the the town of [[Ashelor]] and the implications that would have but also what it would mean in terms of borders, since it would be a dramatic reduction in [[Ashelor|Ashelor's]] then already small land claims. After some research into [[Adina]]'s laws and constitution to figure out the specifics of how a land transfer would occur, he found that there wasn't anything specific pertaining to land jurisdiction with the sole exception of the "Ashelor Integration Act", which stated that [[Ashelor]] would retain its borders, thus implying that those borders meant something. This was backed up by the fact that [[Adina]] was ''requesting'' [[Ashelor]] for the land rather than acquisitioning it, thus also implying that [[Ashelor]] could in fact refuse.
On 25th February 2020, [[Ashelor]] passed "Land Negotiations with Adina" which empowered theits Governor - an newly formed governmental role created under the requirements of [[Adina|Adinan]] statehood - the power to negotiate the desired area of red desert with [[Adina]], thus negotiations began. At first there were discussions of a land exchange, but [[Ashelor]] quickly statedasserted that a land exchange should be mutually beneficial, that it shouldn't be land area for land area but rather useful land for useful land, but that caused that line of negotiation to end pretty quickly. [[Adina]] then bragged about having sold [[Phylon]], an area they had recently been gifted, to [[Odresh]] ([[Odresh-Phylon Conflict|yikes]]) for 192 diamonds. This inspired [[Ashelor]] to suggest a land purchase, but while [[Adina]] understood, they felt it wasn't within their budget.<blockquote>"yeah i totally get why you guys do want to be compensated, we just may have to move location if it is too pricey"
- [[matanic]], President of [[Adina]]</blockquote>[[Ashelor]] came up with the price of 64 emerald blocks, butand after some discussions of a zero-interest payment plan, [[Incentives]] offered to pay bill in full himself, so it seemed like construction would start in a matter of days.
On 14th March 2020, - two days after a newly elected [[Adina|Adinan]] government - the mood suddenly changed: [[matanic]] sent [[Ashelor]] a rather scathing message which stated in no uncertain terms that the government of [[Adina]] was disappointed with the request for compensation; that they understood that [[Ashelor]] (supposedly) didn't feel [[Adina|Adinan]]; that other states do feel [[Adina|Adinan]] and thus would give up their land if it were them; that [[Ashelor]] should start acting like a state; that [[Ashelor]] doesn't deserve to be a state; that if [[Ashelor]] citizens wished to exercise their [[Adina|Adinan]] rights (such as running for election) then they should act like [[Adina|Adinans]]; that [[Adina]] will be "clarifying" its laws and constitution to give powers to the federal government to be able to take land from states without asking.
This was not surprisingly taken poorly by [[Ashelor]], but civil discussions began nonetheless about how to transition [[Ashelor]] into a different(supposedly) typemore ofappropriate territoryarrangement, withinleaning [[Adina]]towards thatan grantedautonomous more autonomyterritory. However they were soon made privy to the fact that [[Adina]] was, as part of their "clarifications", be updating itsthe constitution to strip autonomous territories of their voting rightsand oncandidacy federal lawrights. This was seen by [[Ashelor]] as a blatant attempt to coerce them into either handing over their land or accepting a form of self-imposed and federally enforced isolation from [[Adina]], thus giving credence to the idea that [[Ashelor]] wasn't really [[Adina|Adinan]]. It was also not lost on [[Ashelor]] that the federal government could, in theory, pass federal legislation requiring [[Ashelor]] to relinquish its land anyway, so in an abundance of caution, [[Ashelor]] pursued independence, becoming independent on 19th March 2020.
=== Problems with the Salisbury Gazette ===
OnFollowing the secession, on 20th March 2020, the [[The Salisbury Gazette|Salisbury Gazette]] published a heavily one sided and propagandised article about the recent dispute between [[Ashelor]] and [[Adina]] selectively using more dramatic and selective quotes which deliberately left out discussions from voice chats and other channels, as well as curiously makinggoing sureout of its way to mention how Orinnari's and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]]'s [closely]narrow lostdefeat in the electionrecent [[Adina|Adinan]] elections, which could imply certain untrue things to readers. Orinnari posted a [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/flnlse/salisbury_gazette_ashelor_leaves_adina_after/fkzozwn/ rebuttal] to the article's subreddit post, but it was then that he began to view the [[The Salisbury Gazette|Salisbury Gazette]] as a tabloid rather than a prestigious and unbiased news source.
=== Ashelor's first execution ===
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=== Ashelor's township of Yoahtl ===
The general decline of CivClassic saw a reduction in players in and around the +,+ often leaving Orinnari AFKing for days on end without seeing someoneanyone at all. With his continued and ongoing citizenship of [[Yoahtl]] and their reasonable though mostly meta-bound activity convinced Orinnari to offer [[Ashelor]] as a non-autonomous town of [[Yoahtl]] via the [https://civstorage.github.io/orinnari/ashelor/yoahtl-treaty/ Treaty of Terestai], signed 7th August 2020.
=== Bloomification of Ashelor ===


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