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| label5 = <div style="text-indent:-0.9em;margin-left:1.2em;font-weight:normal;">•&nbsp;Prime Minister
| data5 = Cortwadebloof_
| label6 = Senate
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==== Current Parties: ====
===== '''Ashahara People's Party/Ashahara i'Dorei Farroth (APP) ====='''
The APP is a center-left party that prioritizes individual rights and freedoms. It aims to allow prosperity and peace in accordance to Ashaharist values. However, it is a secular party and also advocates for the freedom of religion for all Acadians. It wishes to institute strong individual protections in order to ensure the freedoms and rights of Acadians are protected from those that would wish to take them away. While it supports capitalism, it wishes to regulate it in order to prevent the exploitation of workers and natural resources. To date, all Prime Ministers of Acadia have been part of the APP or its predecessor, the Progressive-Snow party.
===== Ashahara People's Party/Ashahara i'Dorei Farroth (APP) =====
===== '''Worker's of Acadia Party/i'Cuin'Dorei o Akkadye Farroth (WAP) ====='''
The WAP is one of the newest parties in Acadia. Founded originally as a joke, the party quickly morphed into a serious opposition bloc. Though its values aren't radical, it is certainly the farthest party from the center in Acadia. It values collectivism and freedom, and wishes to prevent the ruling class from oppressing the common person. It seeks to reform the nation to allow for collectivist practices, and has signaled that it would attempt to abolish private property, something that would require a constitutional amendment. In the July elections, it secured 3 out of 6 seats, nearly reaching a majority.
===== Visionary Party of Acadia/Tira Farroth o Akkadye (VPA) =====
===== '''Visionary Party of Acadia/Tira Farroth o Akkadye (VPA) ====='''
===== National Defense Party/i'Nothlir Nidh Farroth (NDP) =====
The VPA is the newest party in Acadia. Based on "transhumanist" and "futurist" teachings, the VPA is the closest Acadia has to a technocratic party. It seeks to further Acadian industrial power, boosting the economy. It seeks to trade with foreign nations, and allow Acadians to augment themselves with the best equipment avaliable. To date, it has failed to get a seat in the Senate.
===== '''National Defense Party/i'Nothlir Nidh Farroth (NDP) ====='''
The NDP is one of the oldest parties. The only true right-wing party, the NDP has been a staunch supporter of expanding Acadia's military power and becoming more well-known on the international stage. It has signaled support for joining the large alliance blocs prior, but has yet to be elected to any federal positions. The NDP believes that capitalism is a waste, and that only state corporations should be chartered to manufacture goods. It has been known to issue staunch militarist rhetoric, and was one of the fiercest supporters of the intervention in the Lewis Islands.
==== Disbanded/Defunct Parties: ====
===== '''Acadian Trade and Prosperity Party (ATPP) ====='''
The second party to be formed on CivClassics, the ATPP was a short-lived center-right party. It believed in minimal governmental interference in day-to-day life, and staunchly supported businesses in Acadia. However, it faded before it could establish many policy goals, due to a political suicide maneuver when an ATPP member started a vote to strip Babbage of statehood, causing the Senator of that state to defect to the ATPP. At the time of its dissolution, the ATPP was the only opposition party to have held a senate seat.
'''Progressive-Snow Party (P-S)'''
The Progressive-Snow Party was the direct predecessor of the APP. Formed Pre-migration on CivUniverse, It held mostly the exact same policy stances as the APP, and contained most of the same members. It was dissolved during the Great Migration.
===== '''Solidarity Party (S) ====='''
The Solidarity Party was a leftist party in CivUniverse. It held many of the same views as the WAP does today, though it was not so anticapitalist. It was dissolved due to a lack of members and interest.
===== Acadian Trade and Prosperity Party (ATPP) =====
===== Progressive-Snow'''Libertarian Party (P-SL) ====='''
The Libertarian Party, or GRILL, was a center-right party on CivUniverse. It held many of the same policy views as the ATPP did, however it never reached federal power. It was dissolved during the Great Migration.
===== Solidarity Party (S) =====
===== LibertarianElection PartyResults: (L) =====
{| class="wikitable"
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|Prime Minister:
'''Bloof (APP)'''
Tsar Ivan (WAP)
Minister of the Interior:
'''Zombie_Striker (WAP)'''
chickenwinggeek (VPA)
Minister of Foreign Affairs:
GunmetalMercy (APP)
'''GrumpyWalnut (WAP)'''
CrackerVolley (I)
Minister of Defense:
'''Egi (APP)'''
Druid (WAP)
|Held on 3, July 2021. Election of Bloof to his first term as PM. Heavily contested elections for MoFA and MoD, resulting in slima majoritytie for APPSenate control.
== States, Territories, and Cities ==
=== CivClassicCapitol Territory ===
==== New Turing ====
[[File:AcadiaMap.png|thumb|Claims with cities as of April 24th, 2021 (Outdated)]]
The oldest and largest city in Acadia, New Turing is situated on the island within Lake Elizabeth, with the Temporary Public Works, Sheepmany Farmsresidences, and the beginnings of several businesses. It is a fewplanned city, with zoning and build codes in effect. It is led by Cortwade, who also owns Wade Winery, situated in New Turing. Notable places include Perseverence Square, Riverfront Street, and the soon-to-be-built Capitol housesBuilding.
=== The Lewis Islands ===
A controversial state, the Lewis Islands is the newest state in Acadia and holds most of the island territory in the Lewis Archipelago. It has the largest population of any state, and is rapidly developing in multiple small townships. It was born out of a federal occupation district after the annexation of the Kingdom of the Lewis Islands after its status as a rogue state.
=== Babbage ===
==== Lovelace ====
Founded by Owain_X - Capital city of the state of Babbage. It houses many notable buildings, including the tallest in Acadia. It has many areas for sale or lease, and is actively searching for new citizens.
===== ''Lovelace Tunnel'' =====
The Lovelace Tunnel is dug through the hills between the Lake Elizabeth to River Lovelace. It has pathways and a canal the entire route, allowing for boats.
==== Kanava =Territory ===
Located on the far east coast, the defining measure of this actively develop city is instead of roads, it has canals. Its nearest settlement is in the Lewis Archipelago.
==== Kanava Town ====
Located on the far east coast, the defining measure of this actively developdeveloping city is instead of roads, it has canals. Its nearest settlement is in the Lewis Archipelago.
===== ''Kanava Tunnel'' =====
Built by [[ScammerSteve]] to connect the River Lovelace to the city of Kanava, it is a 2 wide water tunnel that goes under the Acadian countryside{{Sovereign States of the Northeast}}
[[Category:Northeast Countries]]
