Laconia: Difference between revisions

571 bytes added ,  3 years ago
→‎First Laconia-Yoahtl War: General spelling edits
(→‎First Laconia-Yoahtl War: General spelling edits)
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====== First Laconia-Yoahtl War ======
This all came to a boiling point when YoahtlWackyAki attackedwas Laconia,pearled resultingwhile inbreaking an obsidian structure on the firstGOR, Laconianwhich Yoahtlwas warperceived andas Laconianan victoryattack by Laconia, resulting in the first treaty.Laconian ThisYoahtl resultedwar inand manyLaconia Yoahtlanswinjing movingby away,driving viewingthe theyrest couldof nothe longerYoahtlans liveout besideof their territory, resulting in the Laconiansfirst treaty.
Unbeknownst to the people in Yoahtl, many of the raiders that had been plaguing Yoahtl and Axochitlan at the time were actually Laconian alts, causing much of the damage and obbybombing in Axochitlan at that point
FRESH_Candy and TofeeDodger decided to reinvite ashnwill to the reborn Laconia around this time, playing on the secret alt TotallyNotHigh. Around this time Laconia began to slowly go inactive again, with Bucky rarely logging on and Fresh and Tofee somewhat working on Mt Doom, while ash began to grind at Mt Doom, building a vault and tunnel to it on world border.
Due to the perceived threat of alt raiders from Hjaltland, and pearling of Laconia by them, Laconia made agreements with Lexington, such as a defensive agreement.
====== Second Laconia-Yoahtl War ======
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Laconia again became inactive, this time fully with little play on the server. Ongoing around this time was the Somber war, and due to Lexington having been aggressive, Laconia did not have to join in with the agreement, and were also told not to due to being so close to Hjaltland, who we made an agreement with not to get involved unless directly provoked.
For months, Laconia remained inactive, until it was brought to our attention people were constantly trespassing on our mountain and breaking stuff in our vault. This, plus recent developments in drama and the beginning of Summer, brought Laconia back in full swing. Yoahtl began to try and reclaimresettle Axo, which resulted in tension between the two groups, but Laconia began discussing selling all the land, excluding Mt Doom, to Yoahtl with bg.
====== Third Laconia-Yoahtl War ======
After the talks kept being stalled, and tensioned increased yet again in Axo, Yoahtl prepare an attack on Mt Doom. Many Yoahtlans attacked Mt Doom, starting the third Laconia Yoahtl war, aiming to pearl the members of Laconia inside, claiming if we gave the land this would stop. Yoahtl greatly damaged Mt Doom, acid blocking, DRO griefing and bastioning the mountain. As a result of the attack, some offered aid and help in cleanup and condemned Yoahtl for the attack. One of those that came to help was SteveBuscemi of Rhodesia. During this, Yoahtl attacked again and began to chase Steve in an attempt to pearl him. Due to this, Capri rushed to the aid of Steve which resulted in the pearling of bg.
The war ended as a result and has lead to the creation of the Laconia-Yoahtl peace agreement, which can hopefully put to rest the hostilities between the two nations.
However, due to ongoing support for Nox, Laconia was unable to make peace with Yoahtl, who found themselves on the other side of the conflict. Any hope of the two nations being less hostile ended when the Laconians were pearled at the end of the Entente-Laconia war.
'''War of World Police Aggression'''
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Thule, Province of Laconia
{{Sovereign States of the Southeast}}Let's be real guys, Laconia sucks.
