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===Hidden Base===
He then attempted to make an [https://archive.ashelor.cc/commonwealth/underground-base/ underground base] in the hopes of steering clear of any future raiders while still remaining close to population centres. This however fell flat within a day or two when he discoveringdiscovered how RealisticBiomes was preventing his farms from growing.
===Commonwealth Capitol===
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[[File:Miloy-manor-bridge-strassburg.png|thumb|MiloY's manor and its bridge to Stassburg.]]
[[Fadedsoul]] invited Orinnari to join him is Strassburg, a German themed settlement within a snow biome. He accepted though did not like the snow biome, nor the build style restrictions of [[Strassburg]], so he built a [https://archive.ashelor.cc/commonwealth/strassburg-house/ cliffside house] and a staircase to it, both of which largely remain intact. Soon after [[StrPlatinum]] joined him in Strassburg after his own experiences with [[MiloY]]. Additional drama occurred when [[fadedsoul]] decided to remove a bridge between [[MiloY]]'s manor and Strassburg. That being said, after a frank and earnest discussion of politics, Orinnari and [[MiloY]] came to respect each other even if they didn't agree, and [[MiloY]] unexpectedly appeared in Strassburg territory, taking a huge risk in doing so, to return Orinnari's items that were taken during the [https://archive.ashelor.cc/commonwealth/miloy-incident/ boundary issue].
===Founding Southshire===
Orinnari and [[StrPlatinum]] decided to search for a new place to settle a new borough on 25th June 2017, as while they both appreciated [[fadedsoul]]'s hospitality, they didn't agree with [[Strassburg]]'s direction. A few potential areas were explored for settlement,but then Orinnari spotted the empty peninsular south west of the Capital District, now known as Southend. They explored and after finding it to be a roofed forest biome, Orinnari practically begged for them to settle there, and they did, and that's how [[Southshire]] was founded. [[StrPlatinum]] suggested calling it "Niro" ("Orin" backwards) however Orinnari suggested "Southshire", a play-on name of [https://www.wowhead.com/zone=6170/northshire Northshire] from [https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/ World of Warcraft]. HeOrinnari then laid out most of what is now known as the [https://civclassic.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Downtown_Southshire.png Downtown Area]: the roads, the river, the train station and underground rail tunnel, the bank, the farms, the plots, and the factory building.
===Harassment from a Mercenary===
On 2nd July 2017, Tabby, a [[Commonwealth]] citizen, hired a bounty hunter to pursue an alleged griefer named [[DurianSmash]]. Durian had been given a plot within [[Southshire]] after being driven out of the capitol, - which mirrored the experiences of Orinnari and [[StrPlatinum]] - but was interpreted by Tabby as [[Southshire]] protecting and perhaps even funding an unrepentant griefer. [[Zayshi]], the bounty hunter, arrived at [[Southshire]] and started behaving ominously, checking chests, minor griefing, and minor harassing. Tabby, for some reason, warned that Orinnari might "try stuff" if Durian was captured., and [[Zayshi]] soon went rogue and attacked Orinnari and attempted to break into his home.
===Southshire's Reconstruction===
On 10th July 2017, after Orinnari had visited the Commonwealth's capitol, he took a liking to the canal design and began a reconstruction of [[Southshire]], replacing the dirt bank river with a network of canals though without the prohibition on bridges. The reconstruction resulted in the bank and factory being being sacrificed and moved respectively. It is also when Orinnari rebuilt his home.
[[File:Southshire-pre-rebuild.png|thumb|Southshire pre-reconstruction]]
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:"Mami commited crimes abroad, but then he became a citizen of [[Southshire]] and therefore the citizen of the [[Commonwealth]]. Now, I have been told that the [[Commonwealth]] does not intervene in cases of extradition in cases where someone has been pearled for crimes abroad, however, [[Southshire]] does intervene, and because he was a [[Southshire]] citizen and pearled in [[Southshire]], we feel we have a right to a say and to block extradition. However, we can be overruled by the [[Commonwealth]].... so we need a ruling over whether Mami can and will be extradited."
[[MiloY]], who then seemed to chair the [[Commonwealth]]'s response to this matter, agreed with Orinnari's interpretation of the law and brought up precedent made in previous iterations of civ, that the [[Commonwealth]] traditionally does not prevent extradition. The conversation was then taken into relevant channels and voice chats where the [[Commonwealth]] gathered its most trusted citizens to rule on the issue and taking [[Southshire]]'s voice into consideration, andbut ultimately voted to allow the extradition.
However a new issue arose: the [[Commonwealth]] had been operating under the assumption that the pearl was held by [[Southshire]], and [[Southshire]] believed the opposite, and so when a vocal minority within [[Southshire]] began to conspire to break [[mrmamizoupie]] free and that the pearl wasn't being handed over, the [[Commonwealth]] assumed that [[Southshire]] had gone rogue. It turned out however that the pearl's owner, [[ThePayman]], wanted his own set of demands met before relinquishing the pearl. The [[Commonwealth]] managed to talk [[ThePayman]] down from these demands since an agreement had already been made and would otherwise create an international incident.
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[[File:Oakhurst-southend-government-building.jpg|thumb|Oakhurst's government building and Orinnari's manor]]
Oakhurst was an area within [https://archive.ashelor.cc/southshire/land-claims/ Southend]. Orinnari had been building in that area for about a week or so since his house at the time was dead centre of [[Southshire]] and didn't like howthe muchsheer passersamount byof triggeredsnitch his snitchespings. After the [[mrmamizoupie]] pearl situation was resolved, Orinnari annexed the land, createdthereby creating Oakhurst, and then stepped down from the council in an attempt to get out of the spotlight. Oakhurst was intended to behave like the [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrObZ_HZZUc City of London] and even created the title of Lord Mayor to cement that connection. Oakhurst's creation didn't receive any resistance from the council at the time since Orinnari co-founded [[Southshire]] and they felt he had the right to claim some land for himself.
[[File:Oakhurst-southshire-view.png|thumb|View of Southshire from Oakhurst]]
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Orinnari's proclaimed desire to dissociate from [[Southshire]] did not last long. When [[JC]], Orinnari's successor, decided the step down on 28th August 2017, Orinnari knew this could be an opportunity to rejoin [[Southshire]]. He knew that his stepping down was a moment of weakness, that after a week he had rested and moved on from the turmoils of the [[mrmamizoupie]] situation, and that he was willing to rejoin the council if they wanted him back. His problem however was that by the time Orinnari contacted [[StrPlatinum]], he had already announced to the [[Southshire]] discord that the replacement would be decided by election.
During the discussions of Orinnari running for council, [[Charlameme]] then brought up a potential conflict on interest seeming thatbecause IOrinnari was the leader of an autonomous territory of [[Southshire]] and running to become a council member of [[Southshire]], thus after some hours of negotiation and agreement, the following deal was struck:
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That kind of negotiating acted to rejuvenaterejuvenated Orinnari's drive to be a legislator, but he also knew he wasn't a people person, which made the inevitable devastating loss of anthe election even more impactful. He ran not as a John Doe, but as a co-founder, as a previous council member, as the builder of [[Southshire]], as a writer of its laws; he knew he wasn't popular but hoped that people would elect him on his ability rather than on popularity, but he ended up losing (disproportionately) to Callum.
===Oakhurst's Boroughification===
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[[File:Oakhurst-plantation-plans.png|thumb|Oakhurst construction plans in The Plantation]]
An example of hostilities between Oakhurst and [[Southshire]] was when Orinnari lobbied for a rail connection between the two boroughs and was met with scorn because to them it seemed ridiculous to have a rail that short, though it turned out the railto wasbe aboutroughly the same length as the rail from [[Mount Augusta]] to the Jewish Quarter, [[Mount Augusta]].
Hostilities between Orinnari and [[SamuelV]] reached a peak, so in early October 2017, Orinnari decided to dismantle Oakhurst and cede the land back to [[Southshire]] in order to move elsewhere. At first Orinnari returned to The Plantation, even going so far as to reconstruct the government building, but this was later abandoned as large swaths of the land was reinforced to [[DarkyDu]]'s groups. Oakhurst was then relocated to an island just north of The Plantation, now known as Shen. The island however was small and Teal-cliff'd, thus required lowering it down to sea level to make it usable. But the move itself from [[Southshire]] turned out to be a mistake as not only was Shen isolated geographically, socially, and infrastructurally, but the [[Commonwealth]] also refused to recognise it as a borough. This became a very inactive time for Orinnari.
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=== "Inventory Checking" ===
Soon after [[Southshire]] joined [[Yoahtl]] as an autonomous town, Orinnari travelled to NYC for the first time. The server was lagging like crazy and large groups of people wouldwere bebeing kicked from the server at oncethe same time. Orinnari was kicked twice while on the rails and rode past SouthernBloc along the way who was standing to the side of a rail. After a kick SouthernBloc was ahead of Orinnari though travelling slowly, so Orinnari caught up fast. After another kick which effected them both, Orinnari went to his minecart but so did SouthernBloc, seemingly not noticing nor caring about their minecart up ahead. SouthernBloc prevented Orinnari from continuing his journey, forcing Orinnari do try and move past them, and then prevented him again. Orinnari used his axe to one hit his minecart, but SouthernBloc attempted to take the minecart at the same time, causing them to get hit, which was used as justification to kill Orinnari to "inventory check him", stealing all of Orinnari's items and minecart. Orinnari still has claims against SouthernBloc for what they did.<ref>https://old.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/7sg5sp/my_side/dt56d0h/</ref><ref>https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/1-26-18-we-talk-to-bgbba-about-current-conflicts-dramas/id1294943390?i=1000400764199</ref>
===Settling in Yoahtl===
[[File:First-yoahtl-shop.png|thumb|Orinnari's NYC shop]]
Progress in [[Southshire]] was slow and Orinnari's attempt to reset his sleeping pattern alienated him from the goings on in [[Southshire]], and it appeared like the population wouldn't truly recover. Orinnari decided in late February to early March 2018 to move to the new capitol, NYC. However he was almost immediateimmediately accosted by [[TheOrangeWizard]] for building a property on NYC island but outside the city trench. Orinnari quickly dismantled the property in fear of being thrown out and created a slim shop within the trenched city. This shop quickly grew in size however when 1) [[SgtSoda]] agreed to trade his plot for a larger one of his own in the south easteastern part of the city, and 2) also when [[Feathercrown]] ceded a small area to Orinnari to square out the plot, and 3) when the ore exchange was moved from under thehis plot to allow for a basement.
Even with the plot's expansions, it was still dwarfed by [[5point0]]'s mansion, [[Fort Ruina]], and [[SpiderString]]'s brewery, and so he found it perplexing how [[TheOrangeWizard]] would alwayscontinuously bring up and refer to Orinnari's plot size with an edge. When [[TheOrangeWizard]] was speaking with someone else and their plot within ear shot, he brought up Orinnari's plot and its size. That moment was when Orinnari realised that [[TheOrangeWizard]] was not going to let thatit go and would continually dangle this issue in front of him and anyone who'd listen. He decided around mid June 2018 that he couldn't live in [[Yoahtl]] anymore if he would continuously face this level of toxicity.
=== Returning to Southshire, ''really really this time!'' ===
[[File:Southshire-view-from-south-island.png|thumb|View from the South Island property]]Orinnari returned to Southshire for a short stint of a few days. The previous Oakhurst land was already occupied and even then the bridge was being used as a free farm and so blocked the original sought after view. He instead attempted to build a house at the top of a mountain on South Island, but this fell flat as the path to reach the house was labouriouslaborious, the biome was ugly, and the build space too awkward for him to work with.
=== Moving to Bloom ===
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=== Founding the Kingdom of Ashelor ===
[[File:Ashelor-first-borders.png|thumb|The Kingdom of Ashelor's borders]]
In November 2018, a player named [[ThirdOfFive]] became a citizen of [[Bloom]]. At first they gravitated towards each other as they both had a great enthusiasm for law making, however Orinnari quickly found himself jaded by [[ThirdOfFive]]'s inexperience and tendency to insist upon solutions that either wouldn't work or would cause more problems than they solved. After a spat in which [[ThirdOfFive]] created a close replica of Orinnari's shop, insisted on his right to do so, and said that Orinnari should feel flattered, Orinnari and [[dBeatzx]] left for greener pastures on 6th January 2019 and found themselves in the +,+. Since [[dBeatzx]] left with Orinnari, [[ThirdOfFive]] began spreading the lie that Orinnari had poached [[dBeatzx]] and was therefore a traitor. Orinnari successfully negotiated the land from the [[Free Territory of Kropotnia]] on 8th January 2019 with a treaty called the [https://ashelor.cc/static/KropotniaTreaty.pdf Treaty of Mutual Recognition].
[[File:Aleh-ashelor-meme.png|thumb|Meme of Ashelor by Aleh]]


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