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==== Period of Dormancy ====
After this period of vast expansion, diplomatic outreach and population growth, the Chancellery once again decided to step back. BritishWanderer attendedtended to duties in the Varkonian Senate whilst Gobblin spent his holiday designing new suburbs and constructions for the future of Salisbury.
Salisbury around this time was quiet, yet extremely safe. No major events occurred during this time inside the City, and daily life continued as it had in June and the months prior. This period of dormancy would last from 12th of June until the 3rd of November 2019
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The Chancellery would return in November 2019, with the nation being involved in the [[NATO-Mir War]] under the helm of [[Varkonia]]. Although at war, the conflict did not come to the city of Salisbury and as such the Chancellery did not get involved for the most part, except for partly funding the vault break during the [[War of The Coalition|War of the Coalition]].
November bought another celebration on the citizenry of Gabon with the One Year Anniversary of the Civil War in Gabon. This was celebrated by light gatherings in the Salisbury square and a 14 bow salute at 14:00 to mark the memory of lives lost.
November was a strong month for the capital's construction industry, with Reddingsfield receiving an expansion of an extra 4 buildings and the HMS Nox, which would remain docked in port at Reddingsfield. This northern region on the border with the Republic of Bloom would see a small population boom during this time, filling up the new-built houses and solidified the gabonese claim to the western portion of the river. InThe the southRepublic of Salisbury,Bloom planswould were made forinitiate a shipyardbuilding suburbcompetition underaround thethis nametime, ofby Whitehaven.starting Whitehavenconstruction wason settheir uponown largetown amounts of sediment and dirt which was used to fill inon the southern bay, this land reclamation project was theeast sizeside of the suburbriver ofwith balmoralSlushhi, andPrime wasMinister hugeof undertakingBloom byas the Chancellerymain architect.
In the south of Salisbury, plans were made for a shipyard suburb under the name of Whitehaven. Whitehaven was set upon large amounts of sediment and dirt which was used to fill in the southern bay, this land reclamation project was the size of the suburb of balmoral and was huge undertaking by the Chancellery. The construction of the suburb of Whitehaven was headed up by Vice Chancellor Gobblin and Councillor Zyra_bot, the latter of which was appointed to the council on account of his architectural vision and activity. Production was the main focus of Whitehaven, with a Woolery being one of the first constructions, containing cranes allowing it to take wagons from the elevated borough of Bakerswood down to the Capital Borough and vice versa. Whitehaven would go on to further integrate the Capital borough with the agricultural producing borough of Bakerswood, with closer links and easier transport methods. Additional housing was also constructed during this time to house the influx of new workers into the suburb.
Around this time, the Chancellery was approached by Bgbba regarding the [[Great Overland Railway|GOR]] and whether Gabon would be interested in a connection. The matter fell to the Vice Chancellor and was accepted on the condition that Gobblin would construct the portion running through the borough of Highgrove and Salisbury. This elevated rail line was an expensive and colossal project that spanned from the river between The Grand Duchy of Varkonia & Gabon in the southern region of Highgrove, up through the southern portions of the Salisbury borough, and across the borough of Bakerswood. The GOR then ran up past the Capital city and into Reddingsfield where it crossed the river into the Republic of Bloom
= Administrative Districts =


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