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== History ==
''We should not be forced to choose between Mt. Augusta's industrial economy, and New Danzilona's tradition of slavery. We deserve, demand, and shall have both!"
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Now free from the bonds of aggressive foreigners, and purged of dissidents and inferiors, Gensokyo continued its inward perfection by focusing on cultivating a nation as beautiful as its neighboring Prussia. A call was sent out to recruit builders from all around. Some were a wasted effort, and caused exstensive damage, and some proved to be a true asset to Gensokyo. One in particular, Topaz4293, would rise to become one of Gensokyo's preeminent builders. This would cause a shift towards a focus on building to promote Gensokyojn culture rather than aggressive foreign policies. More cities were built in the east, such as Mayohiga and Higan. Many more players were recruited that would stick with Gensokyo to this very day. Gensokyo began to recover from the disasters of August, and it seemed that the future was bright.
This was not to last, as it had been announced that Civcraft 3.0 was coming, and the world plunged into the darkness of apocalypse. 3.0 was coming, and it would not be pretty.
“That's what's wrong with this city. Liberals just want to open the floodgates, let anyone in, and make hard-working men and women pay for it. Well, you have my permission to beat them with sticks. We won't prosecute. You'd be doing us all a favor.”
- Screenname von Gensokyo on the economy. Probably.
Gensokyo initially re-established itself as the bustling port city of Galveston in the state of Texas on the island of Soleado. It focused mainly on tourism and naval supremacy. The tropical climate allowed for large bushels of marijuana to be grown which allowed weed to become the primary Texan export.
Unbeknownst to the people of Texas, danger was brewing on the island of Soleado. The vengeful spirit of King Tuckyashirtin, the long dead last ruling monarch of the Asstech Empire, was growing restless. Excavations into the ruins of his temple and subsequent burial site had been going on for weeks, excavating building supplies, artifacts, and anything that looked like it could be sold at a pawn shop. The turning point came with the extraction of the Royal Slab of Tuckyashirtin, a slab chiseled with a list of people that owed the former king money. Fearful he would not be able to extort them later, Tuckyashirtin was determined to get the slab back at all costs. Breaking the bonds of death and returning to the mortal plane, he spent several days trying to break out of his triple sealed coffin. After finding that he was facing the wrong way, having been buried upside down as a joke, he righted himself and escaped.
Meanwhile in Fort Tuckyashirtin, the now ironically named capital building of Galveston, Texas, Screenname was hanging up numerous artifacts recovered from the temple, including the infamous slab. King Tuckyashirtin approached the Fort and demanded the return of his slab, threatening unholy disaster should it not be. In true Gensokyojin fashion, a stand-off occurred. Screenname refused to return the slab, feeling that if somebody wanted it that bad, it must be worth something. She refused to return the slab to him unless he paid a million diamonds for it. Tuckyashirtin would not even entertain the subject. Screenname did not consider some ugly emaciated corpse standing around making terrible sound effects to be a genuine threat but Tuckyashirtin wasn't fucking around.
The first "plague" was to bombard the city with an ungodly amount of newfags, hopefully to overload the city's capacity and destroy its infrastructure by sheer force. In less than a day though these new people were assimilated into Gensokyojin culture and only benefited the city.
The second "plague" was to play terrible terrible touhou remixes over a loudspeaker truck in the city square. This was unsuccessful due to the population's terrible taste in music, and his speaker system was eventually short circuited by the island's ungodly humidity.
The third "plague" was something but nobody was really paying attention, having completely forgotten about the king by this point, the novelty of his appearance having worn off. The new fad at the time was growing oversized fruit. The Galveston Watermelon festival was very successful that year.
Screenname mocked the king, noting he was out of ammo at this point, having only promised three plagues. However, Tuckyashirtin was far from finished. Slowly the sea level began to rise drastically. The rate of the rising ocean would engulf the city within hours. What Tuckyashirtin had failed to account for was the large number of seaworthy vessels docked around the city. Knowing that the jig was finally up but determined to hold onto the slab out of pure spite, Screenname mobilized the population to evacuate on the ships. King Tuckyashirtin attempted to give chase aboard the unoccupied ship, the SS Catpeter, but due to the ship's construction being made almost exclusively out of rocks, he would drown in the attempt.
"I can't really say it's been fun, because 3.0 was literally the worst game I've ever played."
- MuffinPimp
Civtemp was gone, and the opening of 3.0 was marked with confusion and disarray. Members of Gensokyo were spread out across the entire map, and wandered for many a day searching for a place to call home. In the land of Eilon, home to massive trees with that blocked out the very sunlight, Screenname had rallied the Gensokyojin people once again. With the aid of Gensokyo's elite corps of builders, a new city rose beneath the canopy in under a week. This new city was christened as Morieji, and became the nerve center for the nation even as more ambitious plans for a capital began to emerge.
It wasn't long before Gensokyo came to have neighbors. Alpoko and Volterra both settled their nations next to Gensokyo, as Eilon was a small and crowded land. Talks to confirm the claims of Gensokyo began internally, with one faction vying for an aggressive land claim that spanned an entire quadrant, and another wanting a more modest claim. In the end, the former faction won Screenname's support. This showed a trend in growing factionalism within Gensokyo. All attempts to reform Gensokyo's government into something more robust fell through, with both factions never willing to compromise on anything, and getting more hostile with eachother by the week.
Things were about to go from bad to worse, as 3.0's mechanics proved themselves once and for all to be completely bone-headed. Volterra, the most powerful of Gensokyo's neighbors, quickly made a move to claim as many of the pylons in Eilon as they could, e-lawyers be damned. Gensokyo, wanting a pylon of their own, attempted to strike a compromise with Volterra. Although talks were making good progress, a new challenger entered the arena. A mysterious nation on Gensokyo and Volterra's border, Province, claimed the last two pylons available on Eilon before Gensokyo could create one. This threw a wrench into the gears, as Volterra was unwilling to crack down on Province and led Gensokyo into a dangerous situation. Talks of war began to seep in amongst Gensokyo and its allies, and internal factions within Gensokyo grew discontent with these rumors. Some called for war, and some called for a peaceful solution.
As if things couldn't get any worse, waves of raiders began to descend upon Eilon. Volterra was hit the hardest, and even lost one of their pylons in the attacks. Gensokyo was not spared either, and one of their highest-ranking members was slain while attempting to flee the city of Morieji with a large sum of diamonds in tow. In the midst of the chaos however, Gensokyo was able to claim two pylons, at the cost of potentially provoking Volterra. This was a risk that Screenname was willing to take.


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