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Originally the citizenry was small-scale, with most notable citizens being Jamietech as the Queen, BritishWanderer as Chancellor as appointed in June 2018 and Tvman999 as the initial explorer of the lands that would become Gabon. Soon after the founding of the state however, the prospect of grand new lands, the potential for wealth and influence in an upcoming nation attracted citizens from across the server, most notably of these was [[House of Gobbonia|Gobblin]], who travelled from MTA to assist in the digging of the quarry and was crucial in planning the initial constructions of Salisbury. ComradeNick from the HJE was also a noteworthy figure who visited Salisbury in its early days and gifted the government diamond tools which greatly aided in the excavation of the quarry and in bringing Salisbury off the ground.
[[File:SalisburyJune2018.png|thumb|379x379px|One of the earliest photos taken of Salisbury, containing the original Storehouse and Bakery with Mckinley gardens sitting in between. '''Circa June 16th 2018''']]
One of the earliest structures to be built was the factory building, with the first factory, beinga compactor beingwhich was donated by [[Mount Augusta]], createdinstalled by Mayor Ahrimanne in particular. Following this, Salisbury's train station was slowly dug underground around 20 metres from the quarry itself with the first completed rails to Bloom and Varkonia within this time period. This underground rail construction was overseen by Chancellor BritishWanderer who is also credited with the construction of the original Bakery, Storehouse and Mckinley gardens which were the projects built around the quarry and were the start of what we now know as the Capital of Salisbury. The Bakery built during this time is the oldest building within the Chancellery of Gabon.
As Queen Jamietech enriched the lives of her and the royal family, the privy council ''{Made up of BritishWanderer, Gobblin & Tvman999 at this time}'' was appointed by Jamietech to better the life of much of the citizenry. The council followed through excellently with the construction and renovation of the Grand Station and Royal Factory. Positioned on the wide Balmoral avenue and Worchester road respectively, these buildings provided ambitious entrepreneurs the foundations needed to improve the quality and quantity of their goods while providing a transport network from which to import and export to the international stage. Rail connections to Salisbury were expanded to include Alpoko in the south, Westmore in the north and the excavation of a rail line to MTA.
The construction of the Grand Station & Royal Factory set the tone and direction from which Salisbury would take while under the Monarchy, with a focus on improving architecture and infrastructure for the sole purpose of productivity for the local economy while the concerns of the local citizens were to be brushed aside. The roads during this time were constructed as medium sized 5 block wide, straight plain passages out of stone slabs built solely for passing wagons and large amount of citizenry, leaving no room for greenery or public spaces. These roads would make up the three main avenues of Salisbury named as, Worchester Road, Balmoral Avenue and Warwick Drive.
In late June, with vast construction underway to the southeast and within the capital of Salisbury, council concern was placed on the damage that many citizens were committing on the native flora and fauna when collecting resources. This opened a fierce debate within the Salisbury privy council, some councillors stating that protecting the native habitat from any further construction would hamper any economic growth and throw Salisbury and it's surrounding area into turmoil while others believing it necessary to protect the wildlife on a land that was not always theirs to begin with and could not be recreated in the future. This led Her Majesty to make a tough decision, ultimately siding with the native wildlife signing by letters patent creating defensive measures to protect the natural wildlife from any further destruction. The Queen later conceded a compromise to quell a minority of the councillors by allowing members of the privy council of Salisbury to authorise the destruction of any particular instance of flora so long as saplings of the respective fauna were planted elsewhere. This patent is regarded as saving the once rapid decline of the irreplaceable natural trees around the capital and set a track for development that is still followed to the present day. [[File:BalmoralFoundations.png|left|thumb|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the original foundation of Balmoral Castle laid down by Chancellor BritishWanderer and Councillor Gobblin at the behest of her Majesty The Queen. '''Circa July 2018''']]Remarking on the quantities of resources and minerals being extracted from the central quarry, Her Majesty The Queen Jamietech informed her then Privy Council {''BritishWanderer, Gobblin & Tvman999''} of her desire to construct a palace fit to house the royal family and council meetings, later to be known as Balmoral Castle. There were numerous debates on the placement of Balmoral, with its initial construction site being moved and adjusted at her Majesty's request, settling on a stretch of land located 100 metres west of the quarry. In July, construction officially began with the approval and the laying of the first stones by Gabon's government. The original designs of Balmoral were drawn up by Councillor Gobblin who envisioned a stunning castle on a grand scale, containing nearly fifty rooms, wide corridors and boasting a sizeable courtyard. It was planned to have the capacity to hold not only the Queen's residential quarters but the internal and external government gatherings, with three large meeting halls. In order to meet the demands of such an ambition project, a glass factory and concretery were constructed on Worchester road, these two buildings would mark the foundation of what would later become the suburb of Winchester within the Capital.
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BritishWanderer would return on the 2nd of September and all powers would be transferred back to their usual roles. Upon his return the Lord High Chancellor would appoint Tiddy1809 as councillor to replace outgoing councillor Tvman999 due to the efforts and activity that Tiddy had displayed over the past few weeks. After discussions amongst the Chancellery and the Lord's Council it was decided that Council elections would officially be held on the 11th of September for the first time in 10 months.
The candidates for Lord's Council would declare themselves in the runup, these being Vemredat, Tiddy1806, Skullicus, Rclman, Zyra_bot and Jamie, with all incumbents seeking re-election. Prominent issues of this election was the independence movement, which had been growing in recent weeks and the betterment of infrastructure in Gabon. This election would see the first political parties, with the Gabon National Party being created as well as some candidates receiving official backing from the Shadowwyn Company. The election was hard fought, drawing lines in the sand between those wishing to stay & those wishing to leave the union with all other policy points being disgarded.
On September 14th, Lord High Chancellor BritishWanderer announced the new council of Tiddy1806, Rclman and Jamie. Tiddy received the most votes with 15 or 93.75% of voters choosing him as their first choice. The council would pass the Architectural Standards Act, reinforcing the Salisbury build style across multiple boroughs.
In the weeks following the election, immense campaigning took place on the topic of Independence of Varkonia. Gobblin and BritishWanderer had decided not to run for the Varkonian Senate in the October elections which triggered a treaty crisis due to Article 9 ''Representation on the Senate''. Underneath the surface, the Gabonese Government had entered talks with Varkonia about invoking Article 10 ''Gabon may Withdraw,'' this was mostly due to rising support among the populace. On the 1st October, Mickale addressed Varkonia concerning Gabon partnership inside of the union with the Lord High Chancellor addressing Gabon the following day.
An Independence referendum was declared on the 2nd of October and voting would last 72 hours, with the two choices being 'Stay' and 'Leave'. The Government officially took no position on the matter however it was rumoured that BritishWanderer & Gobblin were strong supporters of the leave vote. The Referendum had the highest turnout of any democratic election in Gabon's history, the final result of the referendum would be '''Leave 62% | 38% Stay''' marking an historic moment in Gabon and changing the direction of the nation forever.
On the streets of Salisbury, the news was received with jubilant celebration, with pubs across the capital selling out of alcohol and breweries being raided for their stockpile. Signs marking Varkonia or other instances of the union across the city were torn down by citizens caught up in carousing leaving mess strewn across city streets.
==== Industrial Revolution ====
Following Independence, the Lord's Council immediately set about turning Salisbury from a city dominated by the tourist and service industry into a city worthy of exporting its own goods. An XP advisory committee
