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==== Period of Peaceful Hibernation ====
While construction projects were well underway with the near completion of both the Winchester and Melbourne suburbs, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a nature walk lined with natural flora and fauna to lead north from Salisbury towards to the international with the Republic of Bloom, this culminated in the construction of the friendship bridge by both nations. Encouraging visitors and diplomatic ties was an important direction taken by the Chancellor BritishWanderer, aiding in Vice Chancellor Gobblin's vision of a strong economical city. The Military Camp of Willywhacker was also built during this time, a military complex tasked with the goal of training, equipping and housing those who would defend Salisbury and the country of Varkonia. [[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|447x447px416x416px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
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Fortunately the period of hibernation was not lengthy and with the return of The Vice Chancellor, it was decided to reboot the government and continue to build on previous progress, OstenVonStolz, a model citizen who had been hard at work constructing the Capital walls was promptly appointed to the position of Lord's Councillor in place of the late ChrisFa99. The government wasted no time and immediately set itself three enormous tasks, namely the Capital Depository, the shoreline district of Portsmouth, with a heavy focus on shopping in the harbour. and a renovation of Salisbury International Station, these were due a chancellery decree to expand the diplomatic outreach of Salisbury via rail connections and economical growth.
The Capital Depository was the first project to be attempted, a behemoth of a building with the intent of storing all of Salisbury's building materials and supplies. It was not only the construction of the building itself that was time consuming but transporting almost 30 double chests of resources into the depository itself, reportedly three fully-loaded donkeys died in the transportation process. The Capital Depository would become a vital part of every future building project planned from then on, making the distribution of building supplies much more efficient throughout the entire borough.[[File:AprilMap.png|thumb|434x434px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new suburbs of Portsmouth, the beginnings of Hackney in the south and Central Salisbury. '''Circa April 2019''']][[File:SalisburyStationGabon.png|left|thumb|289x289px|This picture was taken of Salisbury International prior to the vital renovations that took place. '''Circa March 2019'''[[File:SalisburyInternationalStation.png|left|thumb|281x281px|This picture was taken of Salisbury International Station after the extensive renovation efforts put in by Gobblin, OstenVonStolz and BritishWanderer. '''Circa 13th April 2019''']]<br />]]
[[File:SalisburyStationGabon.png|left|thumb|367x367px|This picture was taken of Salisbury International prior to the vital renovations that took place. '''Circa March 2019'''[[File:SalisburyInternationalStation.png|left|thumb|365x365px|This picture was taken of Salisbury International Station after the extensive renovation efforts put in by Gobblin, OstenVonStolz and BritishWanderer. '''Circa 13th April 2019''']]<br />]]
Portsmouth's blueprints were gradually laid out as foundations across the eastern bay of Salisbury by Vice Chancellor Gobblin, who had the vision of creating an modest economic community within the Capital to hopefully attract business from across the quadrant. Initial progress was slow as on April 11th it was leaked that allegedly the Gabonian Government had poorly budgeted the cities stone supplies and overstated the amount of stone in storage, while started as gossip, the government did later confirm the rumour and city-wide projects including the Salisbury wall were halted as a new source to make up for the lack of stone was sought.
While construction materials were being ordered, Chancellor BritishWanderer and Vice Chancellor Gobblin took part in public events and set out to better the daily life of the average citizen, this included the popular bill to provide adequate public lighting across Salisbury especially to those who resided in impoverished areas of the Capital such as Melbourne. Both Chancellors also took the time to repave certain roads and enhance the local beauty by adding in bunting strewn across streets, planting flora and fauna that lined major roads and creating public gardens for citizenry to benefit from.
While construction materials were being ordered, Chancellor BritishWanderer and Vice Chancellor Gobblin took part in public events and set out to better the daily life of the average citizen, this included the popular bill to provide adequate public lighting across Salisbury especially to those who resided in impoverished areas of the Capital such as Melbourne. Both Chancellors also took the time to repave certain roads and enhance the local beauty by adding in bunting strewn across streets, planting flora and fauna that lined major roads and creating public gardens for citizenry to benefit from.[[File:AprilMap.png|thumb|434x434px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new suburbs of Portsmouth, the beginnings of Hackney in the south and Central Salisbury. '''Circa April 2019''']]Once the aptly named stone crisis was declared over by the Council, labour immediately began on the renovations of Salisbury International Station, the scale comparatively to the station at the time was colossal, stationed underground at nearly 100 metres tall, it was a tremendous upgrade and became a grand entrance for any tourists or travellers passing through. The construction was the most efficient project of its size in the history of Salisbury, being designed, collected resources for and built all in the same working day. The days following, old rail lines were re-linked up to the new international station and holes were dug out in anticipation for future rail line extensions to [[Nyasaland]], [[Gensokyo]] & [[Tvtopia]]. On the 14th of April, a direct rail line was dug between [[Icenia]] and Salisbury, linking the two major cities in the minus, minus quadrant.
The April renovations brought with it vast commercialisation to Portsmouth thanks to immense government investment which brought international corporations and countries to open up stores selling foreign goods. This economic growth in turn created a steady supply of visitors, shoppers and tourism for Salisbury which in turn boosted the number of citizenship applications and property purchases.
Around the same time, Councillor OstenVonStolz, undaunted by the Capital wall project took it upon himself to finish the remainder of the wall, this was no small feat as the wall only covered the north side of the city at the time. For his efforts in completing the entirety of the wall of his own volition, a small ceremony was held in a meeting of Lord's Council where Councillor OstenVonStolz was awarded a sizable portion of forested land south of the Capital, within the borough of Salisbury. It was this parcel of land that Councillor OstenVonStolz would transform into the quaint town of South Shields, boasting a pub, church, and blacksmith. This settlement was the first to be constructed outside of the capital, making it the second oldest settlement in the borough of Salisbury. With the success of South Shields, the Lord's Council would grant OstenVonStolz further land to the far west, upon which Osten would settle the port settlement of Tynemouth. [[File:Victoryarchsalisburyrow.png|left|thumb|329x329px|This picture was taken at the beginning of construction of the Victory Arch and Patriotic Row '''Circa Late May 2019''' ]]The wave of constructions continued with immense progress undertaken on the foundations of the new suburb of Hackney in the south of Salisbury. This suburb would go onto house working class, and lower middle class individuals who would form the backbone of Salisbury's service and minor industrial economy. The suburb of Hackney would house the Nox Theatre until the suburbs were redrawn in November 2019. The erection of Hackney was partly overseen by Dr_Oracle, diplomat of Mount Augusta at the time. Dr_Oracle was appointed as an health inspector for the duration of his visit, allowing him to visit construction sites and interact with the locals of Hackney. The diplomat from MtA was taken on a tour by the Vice Chancellor, the tour included places such as the famous Melbourne public toilet, widely known as the first toilet in the -,-, the new monasterial grounds, and additionally the inspector checked active building sites such as the Portsmouth south-end expansion, and Balmoral Castle.
The wave of constructions continued with immense progress undertaken on the foundations of the new suburb of Hackney in the south of Salisbury. This suburb would go onto house working class, and lower middle class individuals who would form the backbone of Salisbury's service and minor industrial economy. The suburb of Hackney would house the Nox Theatre until the suburbs were redrawn in November 2019. The erection of Hackney was partly overseen by Dr_Oracle, diplomat of Mount Augusta at the time. Dr_Oracle was appointed as an health inspector for the duration of his visit, allowing him to visit construction sites and interact with the locals of Hackney. The diplomat from MtA was taken on a tour by the Vice Chancellor, the tour included places such as the famous Melbourne public toilet, widely known as the first toilet in the -,-, the new monasterial grounds, and additionally the inspector checked active building sites such as the Portsmouth south-end expansion, and Balmoral Castle.
The Red Duke of Varkonia, Mickale, also visited during this time. Mickale was shown around new developments such as the Nox Theatre, Winchester South and the new developing townships of South Shields and Tynemouth.
[[File:Victoryarchsalisburyrow.png|left|thumb|361x361px|This picture was taken at the beginning of construction of the Victory Arch and Patriotic Row '''Circa Late May 2019''' ]]
[[File:Victoryarchcompletedsalisbury.png|left|thumb|358x358px|This picture was taken at the completion of the Victory Arch and the Patriotic Row behind it. '''Circa June 1st 2019''']]
Salisbury was growing at a rapid rate, with nearly one new construction every other day for the months of April and May. The number of buildings in the Capital stood at 33 at the beginning of April, this grew to 67 buildings by the end of May.
On May 31st it was announced that Salisbury would hold a One Year Anniversary festival on the 10th of June. Invitations were sent out to numerous neighbouring leaders, citizens and the general international public. In preparation for the festivities, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a Victory Arch to commemorate the Civil War and founding of Gabon. This Arch would be flanked by a street of tall townhouses, a style which had not yet been seen anywhere else throughout the country.
The Lord High Chancellor, BritishWanderer gathered up citizens and appointed tasks, the festivities required an extensive amount of alcohol and food which had to be produced in just a week prior to the party. The inside of the theatre was completely redesigned, long pew chairs were ripped out and replaced with three large centrepiece tables with each table being adorned with a colour of the national flag. Huge amounts of bunting were hung throughout the theatre and across Patriotic Row, and along Balmoral Avenue. [[File:3rdJuneSalisbury.png|thumb|451x451px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new suburb of Hackney to the south, with the Nox Theatre, the Townhall and Patriotic Row coming off of the Victory Arch. '''Circa 3rd June 2019''']]
[[File:Victoryarchcompletedsalisbury.png|left|thumb|330x330px|This picture was taken at the completion of the Victory Arch and the Patriotic Row behind it. '''Circa June 1st 2019''']]On June 5th 2019, when tending flowers in Nox Square, Chancellor BritishWanderer was struck in the head by an arrow. Security forces led by the Vice Chancellor quickly secured the area and the Lord High Chancellor was taken to an improvised medical facility set up in the basement of the town hall. Luckily the Chancellor did not suffer any serious injuries and after bed rest would be able to attend the festivities later in the week.
On June 5th 2019, when tending flowers in Nox Square, Chancellor BritishWanderer was struck in the head by an arrow. Security forces led by the Vice Chancellor quickly secured the area and the Lord High Chancellor was taken to an improvised medical facility set up in the basement of the town hall. Luckily the Chancellor did not suffer any serious injuries and after bed rest would be able to attend the festivities later in the week.
The One Year Anniversary Festival was held on the 10th of June 2019 as planned and was attended by many notable individuals such as; Mickale, Red Duke of Varkonia. Varkanos, King of Varkonia. MrLlamma, Leader of Coventhia. BennyX, Commissar of Nyasaland and Slushhi, Prime Minister of Bloom. The night was deemed a success, with a race around the city walls, city tours and the now infamous reading of [ 'Tender Night of Gabon' by InvictusX and Varkanos]The Party concluded after a speech made by the Red Duke of Varkonia, expressing his immense pride and admiration of Gabon and it's government.
[[File:3rdJuneSalisbury.png|thumb|451x451px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new suburb of Hackney to the south, with the Nox Theatre, the Townhall and Patriotic Row coming off of the Victory Arch. '''Circa 3rd June 2019''']]
As a pet project in late June, the Vice Chancellor decided to enact land reclaiming policies in the eastern sea, by dredging the seabed and piling up sturdy materials to form islands off the coast. These three islands would be the start of an east coast archipelago project, with the islands varying in size and height. The Lord's Council would name the three islands, Christmas island, Nauru and Zealand respectively.
