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==== September 2018 ====
The most pressing issue during this period was that the capital government was currently in debt to Varkonia and other neighbouring countries and was struggling to find the payment even after implementing measures to cut all unnecessary expenditure, all construction projects had been halted the previous month due to the lack of resources and lack of active councillors. In order to assist in the payments, the council implemented the royal tax which was a strict diamond tax levied on all Gabonese citizens and their wealth every month,. outOut of all the laws passed to remedy the situation, the royal tax would end up being the most controversial of these. These unfavourable factors in Salisbury led to many citizens leaving to spend this duration in Varkonia or other provinces.
Of those who stayed, their taxes were used to fund projects such as Balmoral Castle and the surrounding area, foreign trips and material imports on behalf of the royal family. Very little was left to the council to pay off the outstanding debts that were owed by Salisbury. Understandably the citizenry were beginning to become discontent with the royal family's practices and their apparent apathy towards Salisbury's situation, although republicanism was not uncommon within Salisbury, it was especially heightened during this time.
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[[File:SalisburyDefensiveStructure.png|left|thumb|359x359px|Picture released from the Government via a freedom of information request. Displays the defensive structure designed by MrLlamma for the Government of Salisbury to defend against petty outlaws. '''Circa October 2018''']]
==== October 2018 ====
Perhaps one of the least active periods in Salisbury's history, the streets were said to be desolate and streets became overrun with brigands with looting and griefing becoming common place during this time. In response to this, the Privy Council reached out to MrLlamma, Leader of [[Coventhia]] for assistance in constructing a defensive structure to store valuables and act as a noticeable repellent to any bandits who would see fit to attempt to strike Salisbury.
Perhaps one of the least active periods in Salisbury's history
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This defensive structure was funded in part by Coventhia and Varkonia who both had a vested interest in protecting the base of quadrant from looters entering and stopping them from coming any further north.
==== November 2018 ====
After being settled in and becoming an integral part of the Varkonian Senate, BritishWanderer, still Chancellor of Gabon returned home to Salisbury to continue to work on the city alongside Councillor Gobblin. Im<br />
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==== September - December 2018 ====
The frenzy of construction that had taken place to accommodate the influx citizens slowly ground to a halt in late September due to varying factors. The most pressing being that the capital government was currently in debt and was implementing measures to cut all unnecessary expenditure, all construction projects were halted, with the builders being out of the work this had a profound effect on the capital and its local service economy. In order to remedy the situation, some of the council concluded that while cutting taxes and increasing the debt may be the most radical solution, it might be enough to jump start the economy, the royal tax being the most controversial of these.