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(completed the history of salisbury up to the present date of september 2020)
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Throughout December post civil war, Books and art were heavily encouraged by the Chancellor, of which such works of 'Tender Night in Gabon' & 'Gabon in Spring' were written by ChrisFa99 during this time. 'Tender Night In Gabon' especially proved as a popular book internationally and was sold out twice during the height of publication. ChrisFa99 would continue to author many pieces of Gabonese literature, many of which are still held in high regard and form an integral part of Gabonese culture.
Throughout December post civil war, Books and art were heavily encouraged by the Chancellor, of which such works of 'Tender Night in Gabon' & 'Gabon in Spring' were written by ChrisFa99 during this time. 'Tender Night In Gabon' especially proved as a popular book internationally and was sold out twice during the height of publication. ChrisFa99 would continue to author many pieces of Gabonese literature, many of which are still held in high regard and form an integral part of Gabonese culture.

=== 2019 ===
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=== 2019 ===
==== Period of Peaceful Hibernation ====
==== Period of Peaceful Hibernation ====
While construction projects were well underway with the near completion of both the Winchester and Melbourne suburbs, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a nature walk lined with natural flora and fauna to lead north from Salisbury towards to the international with the Republic of Bloom, this culminated in the construction of the friendship bridge by both nations. Encouraging visitors and diplomatic ties was an important direction taken by the Chancellor BritishWanderer, aiding in Vice Chancellor Gobblin's vision of a strong economical city. The Military Camp of Willywhacker was also built during this time, a military complex tasked with the goal of training, equipping and housing those who would defend Salisbury and the country of Varkonia. [[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|416x416px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
While construction projects were well underway with the near completion of both the Winchester and Melbourne suburbs, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a nature walk lined with natural flora and fauna to lead north from Salisbury towards to the international with the Republic of Bloom, this culminated in the construction of the friendship bridge by both nations. Encouraging visitors and diplomatic ties was an important direction taken by the Chancellor BritishWanderer, aiding in Vice Chancellor Gobblin's vision of a strong economical city. The Military Camp of Willywhacker was also built during this time, a military complex tasked with the goal of training, equipping and housing those who would defend Salisbury and the country of Varkonia. [[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|416x416px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
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==== Wartime Period ====
==== Period of Wartime ====
The Chancellery would return in November 2019, with the nation being involved in the [[NATO-Mir War]] under the helm of [[Varkonia]]. Although at war, the conflict did not come to the city of Salisbury and as such the Chancellery did not get involved for the most part, except for partly funding the vault break during the [[War of The Coalition|War of the Coalition]].
The Chancellery would return in November 2019, with the nation being involved in the [[NATO-Mir War]] under the helm of [[Varkonia]]. Although at war, the conflict did not come to the city of Salisbury and as such the Chancellery did not get involved for the most part, except for partly funding the vault break during the [[War of The Coalition|War of the Coalition]].

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In the south of Salisbury, plans were made for a shipyard suburb under the name of Whitehaven. Whitehaven was set upon large amounts of sediment and dirt which was used to fill in the southern bay, this land reclamation project was the size of the suburb of balmoral and was huge undertaking by the Chancellery. The construction of the suburb of Whitehaven was headed up by Vice Chancellor Gobblin and Zyra_bot, the latter of which was put incharge of construction on account of his architectural vision and activity. Production was the main focus of Whitehaven, with a Woolery being one of the first constructions, containing cranes allowing it to take wagons from the elevated borough of Bakerswood down to the Capital Borough and vice versa. Whitehaven would go on to further integrate the Capital borough with the agricultural producing borough of Bakerswood, with closer links and easier transport methods. Additional housing was also constructed during this time to house the influx of new workers into the suburb.
In the south of Salisbury, plans were made for a shipyard suburb under the name of Whitehaven. Whitehaven was set upon large amounts of sediment and dirt which was used to fill in the southern bay, this land reclamation project was the size of the suburb of balmoral and was huge undertaking by the Chancellery. The construction of the suburb of Whitehaven was headed up by Vice Chancellor Gobblin and Zyra_bot, the latter of which was put incharge of construction on account of his architectural vision and activity. Production was the main focus of Whitehaven, with a Woolery being one of the first constructions, containing cranes allowing it to take wagons from the elevated borough of Bakerswood down to the Capital Borough and vice versa. Whitehaven would go on to further integrate the Capital borough with the agricultural producing borough of Bakerswood, with closer links and easier transport methods. Additional housing was also constructed during this time to house the influx of new workers into the suburb.
[[File:24thNovemberSalisbury.png|thumb|448x448px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new industrial port suburb of Whitehaven to the south on the reclaimed land. The GOR is also seen straddling the Salisbury canal and cutting through the middle of Whitehaven. '''Circa 24th November 2019''']]
[[File:24thNovemberSalisbury.png|thumb|448x448px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured is the new industrial port suburb of Whitehaven to the south on the reclaimed land. The GOR is also seen straddling the Salisbury canal and cutting through the middle of Whitehaven. '''Circa 24th November 2019''']]
Around this time, the Chancellery was approached by Bgbba regarding the [[Great Overland Railway|GOR]] and whether Gabon would be interested in a connection. The matter fell to the Vice Chancellor and was accepted on the condition that Gobblin would construct the portion running through the borough of Highgrove and Salisbury. This elevated rail line was an expensive and colossal project that spanned from the river between The Grand Duchy of Varkonia & Gabon in the southern region of Highgrove, up through the southern portions of the Salisbury borough, and across the borough of Bakerswood. The GOR then ran up past the Capital city and into Reddingsfield where it crossed the river into the Republic of Bloom. This rail line would connect Salisbury to many major cities across the world, and the wall it sat on would serve the dual purpose of being an outer wall around the new developments of Whitehaven and settlements such as South Shields.
Around this time, the Chancellery was approached by Bgbba regarding the [[Great Overland Railway|GOR]] and whether Gabon would be interested in a connection. The matter fell to the Vice Chancellor and was accepted on the condition that Gobblin would construct the portion running through the borough of Highgrove and Salisbury. This elevated rail line was an expensive and colossal project that spanned from the river between The Grand Duchy of Varkonia & Gabon in the southern region of Highgrove, up through the southern portions of the Salisbury borough, and across the borough of Bakerswood. The GOR then ran up past the Capital city and into Reddingsfield where it crossed the river into the Republic of Bloom. This rail line would connect Salisbury to many major cities across the world, and the wall it sat on would serve the dual purpose of being an outer wall around the new developments of Whitehaven and settlements such as South Shields.[[File:NovemberElectionGabon2019.png|left|thumb|305x305px|This picture was taken of voters at the voting booth inside St Varkanos Cathedral on 27th November 2019. Turnout was high for this location, with 75% of voters using this voting booth. '''Circa 27th November 2019''']]The new developments around the suburb of Whitehaven would take shape in late November, with a shipyard accompanied by multiple long piers being constructed. Whitehaven was aptly named by the Lord's Council as the industrial & shipbuilding port of Salisbury, in contrast to the suburb of Portsmouth which was regarded as a commercial port and canal thoroughfare. This suburb would mark the new direction that future construction would go in the borough of Salisbury, as the inner city walls began to fill up, more and more buildings would begin to spread out from the gates.

The new developments around the suburb of Whitehaven would take shape in late November, with a shipyard accompanied by multiple long piers being constructed. Whitehaven was aptly named by the Lord's Council as the industrial & shipbuilding port of Salisbury, in contrast to the suburb of Portsmouth which was regarded as a commercial port and canal thoroughfare. This suburb would mark the new direction that future construction would go in the borough of Salisbury, as the inner city walls began to fill up, more and more buildings would begin to spread out from the gates.
[[File:NovemberElectionGabon2019.png|left|thumb|305x305px|This picture was taken of voters at the voting booth inside St Varkanos Cathedral on 27th November 2019. Turnout was high for this location, with 75% of voters using this voting booth. '''Circa 27th November 2019''']]
In November, former Queen of Gabon, Jamie would go on to found the Salisbury Gazette. The Salisbury Gazette would report on all notable on-goings inside of Gabon and international political stories. The Gazette was seen as a real hit with both citizens and the government of Gabon, the latter of which would encourage further publications and celebrate the growing of Gabonese culture, art and news.
In November, former Queen of Gabon, Jamie would go on to found the Salisbury Gazette. The Salisbury Gazette would report on all notable on-goings inside of Gabon and international political stories. The Gazette was seen as a real hit with both citizens and the government of Gabon, the latter of which would encourage further publications and celebrate the growing of Gabonese culture, art and news.

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The new Lord's Council would go onto implement the Corporations Act, allowing corporations to be founded in Gabon and their approved structure culminating in the founding of the Gabon Trading Company, headed up by Councillor Zyra_Bot. This trading company would set up numerous shops in Salisbury selling an array of goods from the overflow of the Salisbury depository.
The new Lord's Council would go onto implement the Corporations Act, allowing corporations to be founded in Gabon and their approved structure culminating in the founding of the Gabon Trading Company, headed up by Councillor Zyra_Bot. This trading company would set up numerous shops in Salisbury selling an array of goods from the overflow of the Salisbury depository.

However construction and election activity would be mired by the on-going [[NATO-Mir War]] and activity would slowly grind to a halt over the christmas period. The GOR would see progress stalled until it's completion in late December but other projects would unfortunately remain unfinished for the rest of 2019.
However construction and election activity would be mired by the on-going [[NATO-Mir War]] and activity would slowly grind to a halt over the christmas period. The GOR would see progress stalled until it's completion in late December but other projects would unfortunately remain unfinished for the rest of 2019.

=== 2020 ===
=== 2020 ===

= Administrative Districts =
==== Period of Stagnation ====
''Districts, Suburbs and Divisions are used interchangeably when referring to the Capital boundaries between neighbouring areas.''
The construction industry took a backseat during the early periods of 2020, with only minor constructions in reddingsfield being completed alongside minor roads in the north.

Although the beginning of the year was a slow period of growth for Salisbury, it did experience a small influx of immigrants most notably of these was EvilxFish and Brettlessr who arrived in early January and settled north-west of Reddingsfield in the borough of Venice. They would later be joined by JonJonBenBen, Vemredat and Skullicus the latter of which would begin construction on multiple underwater projects including that of a church and rail system. These individuals would go onto found the Shadowwyn Trading Company focused on the buying & selling of XP materials. Shadowwyn would supply vast amounts of glass bottles to Varkonia which furthered Varkonia's XP industry and in-turn helped to encourage economic growth in Salisbury. The XP industry would be a steady supply of income for the city at thi

s time, with Salisbury selling XP in shops around the city as well as contributing to the XP co-operative in Varkonia. However demand began to fall and XP businesses would slowly grind to a halt in early March as the Varkonia's XP co-operative would cease to function properly, driving the Shadowwyn Trading Company and others into inactivity.

The NATO-Mir War was still ongoing at this time and was unfortunately a drain on activity for most citizens in Salisbury, with trade, diplomacy and travel being hampered by the conflict. Rail lines connecting to Salisbury from foreign nations were also damaged which restrained anyone from making long journeys outside of the city. This city was safe during this period of stagnation due to an increase in armed patrols, snitch coverage and bastions. Behind the scenes, the Lord's Council drafted an independence checklist as a result of their disagreements with the state of Varkonia and its policies. This document contained 23 items required to be checked off before Gabonese independence would be considered by the Council. Although never implemented it was evidence of the split in perspective of both Gabon and Varkonia which had built up due to frustration from the war.

In March 2020 the second election for Lord's Council was postponed by the Lord High Chancellor until further notice due to inactivity within the nation.

This period of stagnation would last from early March until July 29th, just after the conclusion of the NATO-Mir war.
[[File:CivilServiceHQSalisbury.png|left|thumb|451x451px|This picture was taken of the Civil Service HQ in Salisbury Proper. The view also contains numerous tall towers around Salisbury and the Highgrove palace in the distance. '''Circa 28th August 2020''']]
[[File:Streetmapofsalisburyaugust2020.png|left|thumb|348x348px|This is the street map of Salisbury city and the outlying major roads as designed and drawn by Tiddy1809. '''Circa 25th August 2020''']]

==== Period of Reinvigoration ====
Activity would be jumped started once again with the end of the war and subsequent commencement of the first Varkonian Senate elections on the 29th July. Citizens of Salisbury would find themselves participating in democracy for the first time in 8 months and the outcome of these elections would place 3 Gabonese citizens into the Varkonian Senate which gave Gabon alone a majority within the Senate. Those citizens, and now Senators were BritishWanderer, Gobblin and EvilxFish. Multiple laws would be implemented from this point onwards which would have a great impact on the city of Salisbury, such as the Civil Service Act 2020 which would implement a civil service across Varkonia headed by Gobblin. It was subsequently voted on that the headquarters of the civil service for Varkonia would be located in Salisbury Proper next to St. Varkanos Cathedral.
[[File:29thAugustSalisbury.png|thumb|460x460px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the City of Salisbury. This photo depicts the vast development of Swanmore to the south-east of the capital and the expansion of farms south of the GOR outer wall. '''Circa 29th August 2020''']]
The HQ of the civil service would be constructed in Salisbury Proper, and many Gabonese citizens would be appointed to head up departments within the civil service, Tiddy1809 became head of Cartography, rclMan became head of Transport and both EvilxFish & Brettlessr became head of information and head of architecture respectively.

In early August, Chancellor BritishWanderer and Vice Chancellor Gobblin would stumbleupon horrific damage to the old storehouse in the suburb of Salisbury Proper. The walls of the storehouse were torn down, and with it signs depicting history were removed, factories also fell victim to this attack with valuables still strewn across the floor. The individual who committed these acts would be named as Gooddknight97 and the Chancellery would rebuild the old storehouse replacing the signs of history with signs about the Gooddknight97 assault on Salisbury. This story would quickly become a national treasure within Salisbury and many citizens flocked to read it in the opening days.

Construction within Salisbury would see an explosive amount of growth in the weeks of August, beginning with the excavation and construction of the Salisbury crypts under the Cathedral, the crypts would serve as a spot to remember those who had contributed greatly to Salisbury and it's people. The Chancellery would also go on to design new interiors for buildings such that of the town hall & councillors building which received a full interior redesign, giving it a court, holding cells, meeting spaces and council offices. The Corvus shop was torn down during this period, opening up the square and the view of the Cathedral from the great tree.

With improvements being implemented throughout Salisbury Proper, the Chancellery turned its eyes towards a project much grander in scale. It was planned that the bay straddling the suburb of Portsmouth was to be dredged and deepened, with the same occurring for the Salisbury canal which ran through Portsmouth and out into the suburb of Whitehaven. Vice Chancellor Gobblin would propose for a connected line of tall yet roomy townhouses to straddle the canal towards Whitehaven, and to expand the region out so that the development would stretch around the south-eastern portion of the city walls. This new development would be named as the suburb of Swanmore and would be accompanied by an influx of citizenry to the region.

New citizens such as Tiddy1809, themoonisflat and rclMan would contribute greatly to Salisbury. Themoonisflat would write new literature, taking Gabonese culture in a new direction with works such as the acclaimed Pacem PD, a book about the libertarian society in Pacem. Themoonisflat would go on to be remarked as this era's ChrisFa99 by the Chancellor as moon continued to work tirelessly on authoring new novels for the populace and international buyers. Tiddy1809 would take an interest in creating maps and later, architecture. Tiddy would provide Salisbury with it's first street map, outlining all the major and minor roads which intersected throughout the city and beyond the walls. RclMan would look into repairing and redesigning the rail network of Salisbury and would be instrumental in assisting the excavation of a rail tunnel towards Pacem.

Swanmore would begin to take shape in the latter portion of August with both Tiddy1809 and Gobblin working tirelessly to construct nearly 30 buildings within the suburb. Swanmore quickly grew to become one of the favourite suburbs of Salisbury, with it's distinct style and beautiful street decoration & layout. As Swanmore began to touch the GOR outer wall, new roads were built connecting the southern portion of Whitehaven up to Swanmore through Bakerswood which was also receiving new developments at this time.

On the 26th of August, the Lord High Chancellor BritishWanderer would instate Vice Chancellor Gobblin as acting head of state for a week and would vest all powers, abilities and country representation into this role. The peaceful transition took place in the Chancellery offices and was witnessed by Tiddy1809.

During the Chancellor's week holiday, the second Varkonian Senate elections would take place. This election would return BritishWanderer, Gobblin and EvilxFish to the Senate accompanied by Jamie who had been elected for a first time, giving Gabon a further majority for this term in the Varkonian Senate.

BritishWanderer would return on the 2nd of September and all powers would be transferred back to their usual roles. Upon his return the Lord High Chancellor would appoint Tiddy1809 as councillor to replace outgoing councillor Tvman999 due to the efforts and activity that Tiddy had displayed over the past few weeks. After discussions amongst the Chancellery and the Lord's Council it was decided that Council elections would officially be held on the 11th of September for the first time in 10 months.

= Administrative Suburbs =
''The word Suburb is used when referring to the Capital boundaries between neighbouring areas.''

An independent assessment survey was conducted on the seven marked suburbs and districts within the capital city boundaries during the period of April to November 2019. This survey assessed the quality of education, housing and service facilities, additionally touching on the economical benefits and social aspects of individual residents.
An independent assessment survey was conducted on the seven marked suburbs and districts within the capital city boundaries during the period of April to November 2019. This survey assessed the quality of education, housing and service facilities, additionally touching on the economical benefits and social aspects of individual residents.