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Around this time, Salisbury's leading government ministers and monarchy especially that of GetSkinny and BritishWanderer had been playing an instrumental role in drafting the original Charter for the United Northern Congress, which reflected upon the capital of Salisbury with the document being signed by each contracting party at the location of Balmoral Castle. This was displayed at the bottom of the Charter alongside the date. The Gabonese Lord High Chancellor, BritishWanderer served the United Northern Congress for 118 days as the Alliance Spokesperson and was the last serving Spokesperson at the alliance's disbandment on 13th July 2019.
During August the initial productivity slowed down in Salisbury, with much of the Council taking up residence in neighbouring Varkonia to assist in policy due to their appointment as Varkonian Senators representing the Province of Gabon. This left Salisbury somewhat stagnant, with no buildings being constructed during this time. Although Councillor Gobblin was hard at work making blueprints of the boroughsuburb of Winchester, continuing on the construction of the surrounding areas of the concretery.
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After being settled in and becoming an integral part of the Varkonian Senate, BritishWanderer, still Chancellor of Gabon returned home to Salisbury to continue to work on the city alongside Councillor Gobblin. It did not take long for numerous issues to arise, internally Salisbury was suffering deep neglect with royal duties being off-loaded onto the already over-encumbered Council of which half were inactive at the time. The peaceful green flag protests occurred during November, where much of the citizenry held up green banners on their person and blocked roadways and other crucial infrastructure, the protestors demanded an end to the royal tax and an overview of the current system of governance.
Chancellor BritishWanderer swiftly put an end to the royal tax by pushing through a successful council vote to abolish the controversial levy. The Queen, GetSkinny was insulted by the fact she had not been consulted over this matter due to the fact that royal taxes directly kept the royal estates afloat, although Her Majesty did not push it further than publicly voicing her displeasure.
[[File:CoupofSalisbury.png|thumb|349x349px|Picture taken of the rebel forces and the assisting Varkonian legion after securing the Capital city of Gabon during the Civil War period. '''Circa November 9th''']]After the quelling of the citizenry, Gobblin & BritishWanderer set about constructing and renovating current building projects within the centre of Salisbury. The underground portion of the train station was updated to a modern standard and granted the title of `''International''` by the Government of Varkonia. Homes were planned and built up around the central fountain in Salisbury with priority given to house councillors and active citizenry. Councillor Gobblin encouraged excavation of nearby areas in search of minerals, namely diamonds to fund the purchase of resources for Salisbury, while Chancellor BritishWanderer sought out those without a home from far and away to come to Salisbury and assist in construction and the start of a new era, most notably of all those who came as a result of this is ChrisFa99.
Her Majesty, GetSkinny, unhappy with the current state of affairs, demanded that the royal tax be readministered to the local citizenry in order to fund the construction of Balmoral. The Council rejected her proposals in favour of supporting the growth of Salisbury rather than the monarchy. Tensions between The Queen and her councillors had reached its boiling point, after numerous failed independence votes put forward by Her Majesty who felt that Varkonia was being too controlling and dictating internal policy away from the Monarch.
[[File:CoupofSalisbury.png|thumb|349x349px|Picture taken of the rebel forces and the assisting Varkonian legion after securing the Capital city of Gabon during the Civil War period. '''Circa November 9th''']]
Her Majesty, GetSkinny, unhappy with the current state of affairs, demanded that the royal tax be readministered to the local citizenry in order to fund the construction of Balmoral. The Council rejected her proposals in favour of supporting the growth of Salisbury rather than the monarchy. Tensions between The Queen and her councillors had reached its boiling point, after numerous failed independence votes put forward by Her Majesty who felt that Varkonia was being too controlling and dictating internal policy away from the Monarch.
On the 9th of November The Queen branded her Chancellor and the fellow Councillors as traitors and declared a civil war in order to restore the absolute power of the monarchy and declared independence from Varkonia. Citizenry within Salisbury were split down the middle with regards to political support of either side, most of those residing in poorer sections of Salisbury supported the rebels led by BritishWanderer, while those living closest to Balmoral felt a deeper connection and inevitably supported the Monarchy. Her Majesty allowed the military forces of Gabon to commit what they must for a victory, who committed brash violence in small skirmishes throughout the city in alleyways and parks. Many sympathisers tried to hide from the loyalists however most were found, arrested or murdered in cold blood. Gabonese rebel forces led by BritishWanderer and a Varkonian Legion led by S4NTA entered Salisbury from the west in order to take back the city and put a swift end to the civil war.
Following the orders of the Red Duke, Mickale, of Varkonia to show no mercy, many loyalists suffered brutality at the hands of the Varkonian Legions. The devastation and the horrific scenes that they witnessed was said to have put the rebel forces into a shock upon their entrance to the city.
[[File:DecemberMa.png|thumb|Picture taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. '''Circa December 2018'''|alt=|left|350x350px]]
With the capital being seized by the rebels and the royal family surrendering, [ peace was officially announced] by BritishWanderer on November 14th. The citizenry, although disgusted in the actions that the rebel forces and BritishWanderer took to achieve victory, mostly accepted the new government, with others emigrating to neighbouring nations. The abolishment of the monarchy and the establishment of an executive lord's council freed up a decent amount of wealth that was held by the royal family, which the council swiftly used for the betterment of Salisbury.
=== Period of Internal Recovery ===
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The end of the Civil War in Gabon brought about a much-needed period of growth to the nation. The Government was reformed into the entirely democratic as the ''Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace''. The Head of State from this point onwards was the High Lord Chancellor, BritishWanderer accompanied by his Vice Chancellor of Gobblin. The elected Council during this time was made up of the Chancellors, Tvman999 & ChrisFa99.
The construction industry was given the go ahead once again with Vice Chancellor Gobblin leading the efforts. One of the larger projects took place on the grounds of Salisbury's ruineddefensive churchstructure which was reconstructed into a grand central public park married by St Varkanos Cathedral, which stood as the tallest building in Gabon at its completion.
[[File:DecemberMa.png|thumb|Picture taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Winchester is located just east of Balmoral with Melbourne to the north. Also pictured is a faint outline of the wall which would eventually encompass the Capital. '''Circa December 2018'''|alt=|left|384x384px]]While the rebuilding efforts were continuing, Chancellor BritishWanderer took it upon himself to revisit the policies of Salisbury and restructure them from the ground up, cutting taxes and establishing the Sovereign Fund which would be used as a safety net for the capital government and its citizenry. The Sovereign Fund was vital in keeping the economy afloat and allowing citizens to benefit themselves in periods when the Council were on diplomatic missions or otherwise outside of the Capital.
The impoverished housing district of '''Melbourne''' was built to house those left homeless by the Civil war, the messy-style apartment buildings were built in a close knit fashion to allow as many citizens to inhabit as humanelyhumanly possible. The apartments are homely and are purely funded by the Gabonese treasury allowing residents to forego any worry about housing payments. Foreign labourers were brought in from the neighbouring [[Bloom|Republic of Bloom]] to construct the buildings at a low cost as much of Salisbury's citizenry were busy cleaning up damages dealt by the previous month's conflict. Those in Melbourne tend to live an impoverished lifestyle with the only available work at the butchers or the local bed & breakfast. Grants were also provided to the district of '''Winchester''' to provide more environmental benefits to the local housing and businesses. Winchester is widely regarded as one of the prettier parts of Salisbury, earning the name as the jewel of Salisbury mainly thanks to the additions of the BnB and the Gloriana Cafe, both constructions overseen by the Chancellor and his Vice counterpartChancellor, Gobblin.
In late December, the Council came together to formalise and negotiate the funding and construction of a sturdy wall, 12 metres in height and 6 metres in width, surrounding Salisbury. The negotiations took 13 hours and ended with a fully funded wall, slight changes were made to the design which made it overall more defensible, in line with the policy set out by the government. AsThe ofwall earlyhas May,the main goal of outlining the wallcity isboundary completedof aroundSalisbury while providing a defensive benefit to all of Salisbury's citizenry. Around the districtssame time, withplans thewere erectiondrawn ofup by the flagsChancellor and theirhis polesVice beingcounterpart to further increase the lastsecurity remainingof tasks.Salisbury Thealongside the wall outlinesand theas citysuch, boundary30% of Salisburythe whileSovereign providingwas aused defensiveto benefitfund tosnitch alland bastion coverage across the entire borough of Salisbury's citizenry.
Throughout December post civil war, Books and art were heavily encouraged by the Chancellor, of which such works of 'Tender Night in Gabon' & 'Gabon in Spring' were written by Councillor ChrisFa99 during this time. 'Tender Night In Gabon' especially proved as a popular book internationally and was sold out twice during the height of publication.
==== January 2018 ====
The end of the Civil War in Gabon bought about a much-needed period of growth to the nation. The construction industry was given the go ahead once again with Vice Chancellor Gobblin leading the efforts. One of the larger projects took place on the grounds of Salisbury's ruined church which was reconstructed into St Varkanos Cathedral, which stood as the tallest building in Gabon at its construction. While the rebuilding efforts were continuing, Chancellor BritishWanderer took it upon himself to revisit the policies of Salisbury and restructure them from the ground up, cutting taxes and establishing the Sovereign Fund which would be used as a safety net for the capital government and its citizenry.
The impoverished housing district of '''Melbourne''' was built to house those left homeless by the Civil war, the messy-style apartment buildings were built in a close knit fashion to allow as many citizens to inhabit as humanely possible. The apartments are homely and are purely funded by the Gabonese treasury allowing residents to forego any worry about housing payments. Grants were also provided to the district of '''Winchester''' to provide more environmental benefits to the local housing and businesses. Winchester is widely regarded as one of the prettier parts of Salisbury thanks to the additions of the BnB and the Gloriana Cafe, both constructions overseen by the Chancellor and his Vice counterpart.
In late December, the Council came together to formalise and negotiate the funding and construction of a sturdy wall, 12 metres in height and 6 metres in width, surrounding Salisbury. The negotiations took 13 hours and ended with a fully funded wall, slight changes were made to the design which made it overall more defensible, in line with the policy set out by the government. As of early May, the wall is completed around all of the districts, with the erection of flags and their poles being the last remaining tasks. The wall outlines the city boundary of Salisbury while providing a defensive benefit to all of Salisbury's citizenry.
Under Chancellery decree in January, the quarry was safely filled in with large amounts of stone, sand and topsoil, aiding in the construction of what would become Salisbury Square with the infamous Great Oak as the centrepiece of the square. The underground section would later become the newer Salisbury International Station in late April 2019.
The recovery of Salisbury after the outbreak of the civil war was swift under the careful administration of the new government. Books and art were heavily encouraged, which such works of 'Tender Night in Gabon' & 'Gabon in Spring' were written during this time. Salisbury's growing cultural habits later led to the push of the construction of the Nox Theatre in Hackney and the capital museum in Portsmouth in May 2019.<br />
[[File:AprilMap.png|thumb|374x374px|Overhead view of the Capital city circa April 2019]]
