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''This article is about the [[Gabon]] borough & capital city''{{Infobox
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''This article is about the [[Gabon]] borough & capital city''

Salisbury is a city and the provincial capital of [[Gabon]], it is the largest city by area and second by population within the [[Varkonia|Grand Duchy of Varkonia]]. The local and provincial authority is Gabon's Lord Council, which resides in Salisbury proper and meets in Salisbury's historical town hall. The Capital boasts a varied array of builds, from grand to homely.
Salisbury is a city and the provincial capital of [[Gabon]], it is the largest city by area and second by population within the [[Varkonia|Grand Duchy of Varkonia]]. The local and provincial authority is Gabon's Lord Council, which resides in Salisbury proper and meets in Salisbury's historical town hall. The Capital boasts a varied array of builds, from grand to homely.
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= Timeline of Notable Events throughout the History of Salisbury =
= Timeline of Notable Events and Documentation of the History of Salisbury =
=== '''Founding & Development of Salisbury Proper''' ===
=== '''Founding & Development of Salisbury Proper''' ===

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The construction of these two buildings set the tone and direction from which Salisbury would take while under the Monarchy, following to improve architecture and infrastructure under the policy of productivity for the local economy while the concerns of the local citizens were brushed aside. The roads during this time were constructed as medium sized 5 block wide, straight plain passages out of stone slabs built for the sole reason of passing wagons and large amount of citizenry, leaving no room for greenery or public spaces. These roads would make up the three main avenues of Salisbury as, Worchester Road, Balmoral Avenue and Warwick Drive.
The construction of these two buildings set the tone and direction from which Salisbury would take while under the Monarchy, following to improve architecture and infrastructure under the policy of productivity for the local economy while the concerns of the local citizens were brushed aside. The roads during this time were constructed as medium sized 5 block wide, straight plain passages out of stone slabs built for the sole reason of passing wagons and large amount of citizenry, leaving no room for greenery or public spaces. These roads would make up the three main avenues of Salisbury as, Worchester Road, Balmoral Avenue and Warwick Drive.

July 20th 2018 marked the moment that Her Majesty alongside the Privy Council declared that Salisbury would from here on out be the Capital City of Gabon.

In late July, the Principality of Gabon formally joined governments with the Grand Duchy of Varkonia and while not explicitly having an immediate effect upon the city of Salisbury due to its size, the economical and social benefits that have come since the signing of the treaty cannot be understated. The treaty bought with it the investments of great sums of wealth internally and abroad, funding large scale public projects such as the construction of Salisbury's second international station, upgrading the total number of rail lines from three to eight.
In late July, the Principality of Gabon formally joined governments with the Grand Duchy of Varkonia and while not explicitly having an immediate effect upon the city of Salisbury due to its size, the economical and social benefits that have come since the signing of the treaty cannot be understated. The treaty bought with it the investments of great sums of wealth internally and abroad, funding large scale public projects such as the construction of Salisbury's second international station, upgrading the total number of rail lines from three to eight.
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Her Majesty, GetSkinny, unhappy with the current state of affairs, demanded that the royal tax be readministered to the local citizenry in order to fund the construction of Balmoral. The Council rejected her proposals in favour of supporting the growth of Salisbury rather than the monarchy. Tensions between The Queen and her councillors had reached its boiling point, after numerous failed independence votes put forward by Her Majesty who felt that Varkonia was being too controlling and dictating internal policy away from the Monarch.
Her Majesty, GetSkinny, unhappy with the current state of affairs, demanded that the royal tax be readministered to the local citizenry in order to fund the construction of Balmoral. The Council rejected her proposals in favour of supporting the growth of Salisbury rather than the monarchy. Tensions between The Queen and her councillors had reached its boiling point, after numerous failed independence votes put forward by Her Majesty who felt that Varkonia was being too controlling and dictating internal policy away from the Monarch.

On the 9th of November The Queen branded her Chancellor and the fellow Councillors as traitors and declared a civil war in order to restore the absolute power of the monarchy and declared independence from Varkonia. Citizenry within Salisbury were split down the middle with regards to political support of either side, most of those residing in poorer sections of Salisbury supported the rebels led by BritishWanderer, while those living closest to Balmoral felt a deeper connection and inevitably supported the Monarchy. Her Majesty allowed the military forces of Gabon to commit what they must for a victory, who committed brash violence in small skirmishes throughout the city in alleyways and parks. Many sympathisers tried to hide from the loyalists however most were found, arrested or murdered in cold blood. Gabonese rebel forces led by BritishWanderer and a Varkonian Legion led by S4NTA entered Salisbury from the west in order to take back the city and put a swift end to the civil war.
On the 9th of November The Queen branded her Chancellor and the fellow Councillors as traitors and declared a civil war in order to restore the absolute power of the monarchy and declared independence from Varkonia. Citizenry within Salisbury were split down the middle with regards to political support of either side, most of those residing in poorer sections of Salisbury supported the rebels led by BritishWanderer supported by [[Varkonia]] & [[Hjaltland]], while those living closest to Balmoral felt a deeper connection and inevitably supported the Monarchy. Her Majesty allowed the military forces of Gabon to commit what they must for a victory, who committed brash violence in small skirmishes throughout the city in alleyways and parks. Many sympathisers tried to hide from the loyalists however most were found, arrested or murdered in cold blood. Gabonese rebel forces led by BritishWanderer and a Varkonian Legion led by S4NTA entered Salisbury from the west in order to take back the city and put a swift end to the civil war.

Following the orders of the Red Duke, Mickale, of Varkonia to show no mercy, many loyalists suffered brutality at the hands of the Varkonian Legions. The devastation and the horrific scenes that they witnessed was said to have put the rebel forces into a shock upon their entrance to the city.
Following the orders of the Red Duke, Mickale, of Varkonia to show no mercy, many loyalists suffered brutality at the hands of the Varkonian Legions. The devastation and the horrific scenes that they witnessed was said to have put the rebel forces into a shock upon their entrance to the city.
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Throughout December post civil war, Books and art were heavily encouraged by the Chancellor, of which such works of 'Tender Night in Gabon' & 'Gabon in Spring' were written by ChrisFa99 during this time. 'Tender Night In Gabon' especially proved as a popular book internationally and was sold out twice during the height of publication.
Throughout December post civil war, Books and art were heavily encouraged by the Chancellor, of which such works of 'Tender Night in Gabon' & 'Gabon in Spring' were written by ChrisFa99 during this time. 'Tender Night In Gabon' especially proved as a popular book internationally and was sold out twice during the height of publication.
==== January 2019 ====
==== January 2019 ====
While construction projects were well underway with the near completion of both the Winchester and Melbourne suburbs, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a nature walk lined with natural flora and fauna to lead north from Salisbury towards to the international with the Republic of Bloom, this culminated in the construction of the friendship bridge by both nations. Encouraging visitors and diplomatic ties was an important direction taken by the Chancellor BritishWanderer, aiding in Vice Chancellor Gobblin's vision of a strong economical city. Camp Willywhacker was also built during this time, a military complex tasked with the goal of training, equipping and housing those who would defend Salisbury and the country of Varkonia. [[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|510x510px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
While construction projects were well underway with the near completion of both the Winchester and Melbourne suburbs, Vice Chancellor Gobblin commissioned a nature walk lined with natural flora and fauna to lead north from Salisbury towards to the international with the Republic of Bloom, this culminated in the construction of the friendship bridge by both nations. Encouraging visitors and diplomatic ties was an important direction taken by the Chancellor BritishWanderer, aiding in Vice Chancellor Gobblin's vision of a strong economical city. Camp Willywhacker was also built during this time, a military complex tasked with the goal of training, equipping and housing those who would defend Salisbury and the country of Varkonia. [[File:Boroughs.png|left|thumb|420x420px|The Boroughs of the Chancellery of Gabon.
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]]On the 10th of January, the Government of Gabon reformed away from the "G''rand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace"'' into "T''he Chancellery of Gabon"'' while not having any major consequences for the day to day of Salisbury, it did make the position of Lord High Chancellor and Vice Chancellor permanent only open for election upon death or retirement. This change would cement BritishWanderer and Gobblin as permanent figures to represent Gabon for the foreseeable future. This change also came with a shift in the Council which was made up of {''BritishWanderer, Gobblin, Tvman999, ChrisFa99 and Cincius''}.
]]On the 10th of January, the Government of Gabon reformed away from the "G''rand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace"'' into "T''he Chancellery of Gabon"'' while not having any major consequences for the day to day of Salisbury, it did make the position of Lord High Chancellor and Vice Chancellor permanent only open for election upon death or retirement. This change would cement BritishWanderer and Gobblin as permanent figures to represent Gabon for the foreseeable future. This change also came with a shift in the Council which was made up of {''BritishWanderer, Gobblin, Tvman999, ChrisFa99 and Cincius''}.

With the expansion of Salisbury, surrounding towns and the ceded borough territory to Venice, local governance slowly ceased to exist as the Capital was no longer the only settlement on the mainland and the Councillors of Salisbury merged into the same position of Councillors of Gabon with a borough representation system taking its place. The borough of Salisbury would remain the largest and most populated borough, with the neighbouring boroughs of Bakerswood {Southeast}, Venice {North} and Highgrove {South}.
With the expansion of Salisbury, surrounding towns and the ceded borough territory to Venice, local governance slowly ceased to exist as the Capital was no longer the only settlement on the mainland and the Councillors of Salisbury merged into the same position of Councillors of Gabon with a borough representation system taking its place. The borough of Salisbury would remain the largest and most populated borough, with the neighbouring boroughs of Bakerswood {Southeast}, Venice {North} and Highgrove {South}.
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Under official Chancellery decree in mid January, one of the larger envisioned projects was allowed to go ahead which involved promptly filling in Salisbury's defensive structure and the surrounding hole with incredible amounts of stone, sand and topsoil. This refill of the hole paved the way for a grand square to be set up in the centre of the Capital, with the now infamous Great Mickale Oak tree as the centrepiece of the square. This was later joined on January 15th by the St Varkanos Cathedral which involved all government members in its construction, the cathedral became the tallest building in Gabon at its completion. <br />
Under official Chancellery decree in mid January, one of the larger envisioned projects was allowed to go ahead which involved promptly filling in Salisbury's defensive structure and the surrounding hole with incredible amounts of stone, sand and topsoil. This refill of the hole paved the way for a grand square to be set up in the centre of the Capital, with the now infamous Great Mickale Oak tree as the centrepiece of the square. This was later joined on January 15th by the St Varkanos Cathedral which involved all government members in its construction, the cathedral became the tallest building in Gabon at its completion. <br />

=== Period of Hibernation ===
=== Period of Peaceful Hibernation ===

==== February 2019 ====
==== February 2019 ====

After the fervent display of unprecedented growth, with the Capital expanding to nearly three times its size in November 2018, most of the Council decided that a break was in their best interests, with Chancellor BritishWanderer heading off to Varkonia to carry out duties as Spokesperson of the UNC and Vice Chancellor Gobblin heading to Highgrove to continue construction of the St Marcus Headquarters. Unfortunately it was at this time that ChrisFa99 penned his resignation from the Lord's Council, deciding that his time with Salisbury while well spent had run its course. Councillor Cincius also went missing around this time and lost his position in the Council due to the unsure whereabouts of his persons.

The citizenry of Salisbury carried on business as usual, the sovereign fund allowed for the absence of both Chancellors and gave the citizenry the ability to fund their businesses or personal projects during this quiet period. The streets were relatively peaceful with no reports of crime during this time due to the security measures in place by both Gabon and Varkonia.

==== March 2019 ====
This hibernation period continued throughout the majority of March until the 28th when the Lord High Chancellor returned, it was decreed that the train station should have the available rail-lines expanded from 8 to 12 slots in order to accompany future diplomatic projects where Salisbury desired to expand international rail connections. Apart from this construction, it was quiet on most fronts and business as usual for all citizens of Salisbury.
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[[File:AprilMap.png|thumb|374x374px|Overhead view of the Capital city circa April 2019]]

=== Period of Growth & Expansion of Salisbury Proper ===
=== Period of Homecoming & Growth ===

==== April 2019 ====
Fortunately the period of hibernation was not lengthy and with the return of The Vice Chancellor, it was decided to reboot the government and continue to build on previous progress, OstenVonStolz, a model citizen who had been hard at work constructing the Capital walls was promptly elected to the position of Lord's Councillor in place of the late ChrisFa99. The government wasted no time and immediately set itself three enormous tasks, namely the Capital Depository, the shoreline district of Portsmouth, with a heavy focus on shopping in the harbour. and a renovation of Salisbury International Station, these were due a chancellery decree to expand the diplomatic outreach of Salisbury via rail connections and economical growth. [[File:AprilMap.png|thumb|408x408px|This picture was taken of an overhead view of the Capital city, Salisbury. Pictured are the new districts of Portsmouth, the beginnings of Hackney in the south and Central Salisbury. '''Circa April 2018''']]The Capital Depository was the first project to be attempted, a behemoth of a building with the intent of storing all of Salisbury's building materials and supplies. It was not only the construction of the building itself that was time consuming but transporting almost 30 double chests of resources into the depository itself, reportedly two fully-loaded donkeys died in the transportation process. The Capital Depository would become a vital part of every future building project planned from then on, making the distribution of building supplies much more efficient throughout the entire borough.

Portsmouth's blueprints were gradually laid out as foundations across the eastern bay of Salisbury by Vice Chancellor Gobblin, who had the vision of creating an modest economic community within the Capital to hopefully attract business from across the quadrant. Although progress was originally slow as on April 11th it was leaked that allegedly the Gabonian Government had poorly budgeted the cities stone supplies and overstated the amount of stone in storage, while started as gossip, the government did later confirm the rumour and city-wide projects including the Salisbury wall were halted as a new source to make up for the lack of stone was sought.

While construction materials were being ordered, Chancellor BritishWanderer and Vice Chancellor Gobblin took part in public events and sought to better the daily life of the average citizen, this included the popular bill to provide adequate public lighting across Salisbury especially to those who resided in impoverished areas of the Capital. Both Chancellors also took the time to repave certain roads and enhance the local beauty by adding in bunting strewn across streets, planting flora and fauna that lined major roads and creating public gardens for citizenry to benefit from.

==== April - June 2019 ====
Capitalising on the vast progress that the Lord's Council had made in regards to expanding the amount of available wealth to the government, Vice Chancellor Gobblin designed extensive renovations and new additions to the centre of the Capital. Most notably was the Capital Depository, swaths of Winchester ,

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== Administrative Boroughs ==
== Administrative Districts ==
=== Independent Assessment Committee Survey (IACS) ===
=== Independent Assessment Committee Survey (IACS) ===
In early April of 2019 to November of 2019, an independent assessment survey was conducted on the six boroughs within the capital city boundaries. This survey assessed the quality of education, housing and service facilities, additionally touching on the economical benefits and social aspects of individual residents. The committee released ratings in each category for each borough and advice on how to improve or to continue the current state of the districts.
An independent assessment survey was conducted on the six marked suburbs and districts within the capital city boundaries during the period of April to November 2019. This survey assessed the quality of education, housing and service facilities, additionally touching on the economical benefits and social aspects of individual residents. The committee released ratings in each category for each district and advice on how to improve or to continue the current state of the districts.
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The QoL within Melbourne is nowhere near acceptable levels, the residents of this particular area can expect to be at the lowest rung on the social ladder, with a majority of inhabitants being unemployed with little to no wealth to their name.
The QoL within Melbourne is nowhere near acceptable levels, the residents of this particular area can expect to be at the lowest rung on the social ladder, with a majority of inhabitants being unemployed with little to no wealth to their name.

Most residents shall be born and die in this borough, unable to be buried in the grounds of St Varkanos Cathedral, many residents will be buried in the unmaintained graveyard in the centre of Melbourne. There is a single public toilet within the district of Melbourne, in close proximity to the graveyard however in no better shape, the potential for diseases and festering bacteria leaves the toilet a mockery of the more advance toilets seen in other parts of Salisbury. No educational facility exists within this borough, with most parents taking to home schooling their children or allowing them to learn on the streets.
Most residents shall be born and die in this suburb, unable to be buried in the grounds of St Varkanos Cathedral, many residents will be buried in the unmaintained graveyard in the centre of Melbourne. There is a single public toilet within the district of Melbourne, in close proximity to the graveyard however in no better shape, the potential for diseases and festering bacteria leaves the toilet a mockery of the more advance toilets seen in other parts of Salisbury. No educational facility exists within Melbourne, with most parents taking to home schooling their children or allowing them to learn on the streets.

The culture of Melbourne is that of a very close knit community, almost all residents know each other and gossip spreads like wildfire through the tight alleys and over balconies. Happiness is surprisingly above average, a majority of residents rating their individual happiness averaged around 6.3/10~, many remarking on the hard working and community collective of the borough in contrast to the more individualistic styles of the other boroughs. There is a real sense of family within the close knit streets which is compounded further by the government's unnatural desire to construct tall and externally pretty looking buildings to effectively wall in the impoverished area of the district, blocking the view from anyone outside. In addition to the boundary constructions, higher quality streets and numerous gardens have been laid down though at no adverse benefit to the residents and more serving a facade for residents in neighbouring boroughs. Because of this, residents of Melbourne hold strong opinions about not only the government however on their neighbouring districts as well, with many residents hurling abuse at anyone seen to act 'above' the inhabitants of Melbourne.
The culture of Melbourne is that of a very close knit community, almost all residents know each other and gossip spreads like wildfire through the tight alleys and over balconies. Happiness is surprisingly above average, a majority of residents rating their individual happiness averaged around 6.3/10~, many remarking on the hard working and community collective of the district in contrast to the more individualistic styles of the other districts. There is a real sense of family within the close knit streets which is compounded further by the government's unnatural desire to construct tall and externally pretty looking buildings to effectively wall in the impoverished area of the district, blocking the view from anyone outside. In addition to the boundary constructions, higher quality streets and numerous gardens have been laid down though at no adverse benefit to the residents and more serving a facade for residents in neighbouring suburbs. Because of this, residents of Melbourne hold strong opinions about not only the government however on their neighbouring districts as well, with many residents hurling abuse at anyone seen to act 'above' the inhabitants of Melbourne.

===== Notable Buildings =====
===== Notable Buildings =====