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In early November, tensions between her majesty and her councillors had reached its boiling point and civil war was declared. With Her Majesty allowing the military forces of Gabon to commit what they must for a victory, they quickly attempted to stamp out rebel sympathisers within the capital with small skirmishes taking place in alleyways and parks. Many sympathisers tried to hide from the loyalists however most were found, arrested or murdered in cold blood. Rebel forces led by BritishWanderer entered the capital from the south alongside the bombing raid ordered by Mickale of Varkonia. This act devastated the centre of the city, with many buildings such as the train station and church being obliterated beyond recognition. The devastation and the horrific scenes that they witnessed was said to have put the rebel forces into a shock upon their entrance to the city.
With the capital being seized by the rebels and the royal family surrendering, peace was officially announced by BritishWanderer on November 14th. The citizenry, although disgusted in the actions that the rebel forces and BritishWanderer took to achieve victory, mostly accepted the new government, with others emigrating to neighbouring nations. The abolishment of the monarchy and the establishment of an executive lord's council freed up a lot of wealth that was held by the royal family, which the council swiftly used for the betterment of Salisbury.
=== Period of Recovery ===
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== Administrative Boroughs ==
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=== Independent Assessment Committee Survey (IACS) ===
In early April of 2019, an independent assessment survey was conducted on the six boroughs within the capital city boundaries. This survey assessed the quality of education, housing and service facilities, additionally touching on the economical benefits and social aspects of individual residents. The committee released ratings in each category for each borough and advice on how to improve or to continue the current state of the districts.
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==== Melbourne ====
'A town within a city'. The administrative division of Melbourne is 98 blocks crosswise with the highest point of the district standing at 17 blocks above ground level (70). There is a clear display of a lack of safety regulations with rampant violations on the residential buildings, overhanging structures are not sufficiently supported, stairs to reach other stories act more as a climbing frame than a reasonable flight of stairs. Vines and vast stretches of leaves have overrun the walls and roofs of Melbourne, the district is in a dilapidated state with no form of active education, sports or other service facilities besides an inn, the 'coughing swine'.
===== Quality of Life =====
The QoL within Melbourne is nowhere near acceptable levels, the residents of this particular area can expect to be at the lowest rung on the social ladder, with a majority of inhabitants being unemployed with little to no wealth to their name.
Most residents shall be born and die in this borough, unable to be buried in the grounds of St Varkanos Cathedral, many residents will be buried in the unmaintained graveyard in the centre of Melbourne. There is a single public toilet within the district of Melbourne, in close proximity to the graveyard however in no better shape, the potential for diseases and festering bacteria leaves the toilet a mockery of the more advance toilets seen in other parts of Salisbury. No educational facility exists within this borough, with most parents taking to home schooling their children or allowing them to learn on the streets.
The culture of Melbourne is that of a very close knit community, almost all residents know each other and gossip spreads like wildfire through the tight alleys and over balconies. Happiness is surprisingly above average, a majority of residents rating their individual happiness averaged around 6.3/10~, many remarking on the hard working and community collective of the borough in contrast to the more individualistic styles of the other boroughs. There is a real sense of family within the close knit streets which is compounded further by the government's unnatural desire to construct tall and externally pretty looking buildings to effectively wall in the impoverished area of the district, blocking the view from anyone outside. In addition to the boundary constructions, higher quality streets and numerous gardens have been laid down though at no adverse benefit to the residents and more serving a facade for residents in neighbouring boroughs. Because of this, residents of Melbourne hold strong opinions about not only the government however on their neighbouring districts as well, with many residents hurling abuse at anyone seen to act 'above' the inhabitants of Melbourne.
===== Notable Buildings =====
Serving the residents of Melbourne with drink, food and a place to sleep is the aforementioned inn, the 'coughing swine'. A butchers, 'Paps Meat' is also within the vicinity, serving fresh cuts of meat from various animals for affordable prices. Although lacking in major industry, Melbourne is home to the Gabon Florist which produces 80% of Salisbury's output of grass and various flowers.
===== Government Statistics =====
These government statistics have been
===== Conclusion & Rating =====