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RailSwitch is a plugin that allows to set a destination when using the rail transportation.


If the rail is set up, simply write /dest place where place is the place where you want to go.


Idea of the plugin

The plugin works by using the redstone mechanics of T-junction, which follows the South-east rule, interaction with detector rails. The plugin allows the detector rail to send a redstone signal only if the person in the market chose the right destination. This plugin can only works in one way rail as the player has to arrive from a certain direction. Also, it can only choose between two destination for a total of three rail direction : one starting point and two destinations.

Block placement

A sign with the destination name on it must be placed over a detector rail and reinforced under the same group. The sign first line must be [destination], then the other three lines can be destination names. They have to be placed before the T-junction.

RailSwitch example from the side
RailSwitch example from above with the destinations


Upon passing on the detector rail, the redstone signal will activate only if the player on the minecart chose a direction written on the sign. If it's the case, the detector rail will send a signal which will allow the T-junction to change direction, those allowing the player to chose a direction. In the exemple on the right, if the player had the mall set has their destination, the detector would send a redstone signal which would change the T-junction orientation, those sending the player to the mall. If the player had an other destination setup, the detector rail won't send a redstone signal, and the player would continue straight up as per the normal T-junction rules.

When the redstone signal is sent, the T-junction change direction

Direction of the rail

The intersection minecart will always follow the south-east rule. In the case the rail has to be directed in the other direction, a redstone inverter has to be made. This gives two additional conditions :

  • The rail has to be at least at y = 4
  • The detector rail has to be placed two blocks before the intersection to make space for the inverter.
Inverting the default state of the T-junction


Going to the stables by default

In our example, the rail direction makes it so that if no redstone signal is sent, the cart would go to the stables. When the player will pass under the sign with mall as a destination, but without having it set up as their destination, no redstone signal will be send, thus the player will reach the stables. If the player had set their destination to mall, the activator rail would send a signal that would switch the T-junction orientation, and thus making the player go to the mall.

Going to the mall by default

To make the player go to the mall by default, the T-junction has to be powered, and unpowered when someone wants to go to the stables. Using an inverter makes this possible. If a player arrives without having set their destination to stables, the T-junction won't change and they'll head to the mall.