r/Place 2022

Revision as of 00:55, 5 April 2022 by Metriximor (talk | contribs) (added second lattice location image)

r/Place 2022 was a collaborative project wherein users could place one pixel at a time every 5 minutes. The CivMC community banded together to get a logo as an advertisement for the upcoming release of the server.

The final logo on the canvas before it was wiped out with white


(someone fill out this part I'll be writing the main blurb)

First location and annexation by PoliticalCompass Memes

The first design published in the #announcements channel of the CivMC discord

Second location and Asmongold grief

CivMC logo on the second location next to the Green lattice, designed by animeme_master [1]

Final location and eventual attacks by griefers

It was entirely deleted at 00:02:17 UTC[2]

Hasan mentions CivMC
