
Revision as of 12:06, 23 July 2018 by JykriFoxCivclassic (talk | contribs) (Overhaul of the page to be more formal and less "rushed". (I've made these edits with the permission of Prince Hroerek the Head of State.))

Pruthenia, officially the People's Principality of Pruthenia is a sovereign country located within the +,+ quadrant of the map. It was established by Hroerek in late June 2018 in the wake of his family going bankrupt, famine spreading across his home land and sea people destroying his family farm.

People's Principality of Pruthenia
LanguagesPruthene, English
ReligionSecular (official), Paganism
GovernmentFederal Socialist Constitutional Monarchy
Location+,+ Quadrant [1]


The name Pruthenia derives from the Latin name for the Old Prussians "Pruteni", the Old Prussians were a Baltic tribe that inhabitied what is now considered East Prussia (part of modern Poland & Russia).


'Giant Oak' Tree

The territory of Fredericksland, which makes up the entirety of the nation is all of the 'ForestHills' biome aside from the limited beach and nearby islets which are 'beach' biome. A particular type of tree, colloquially referred to as "Giant Oak" is considered a national treasure and icon as they are frequent on Fredericksland.


The Great Wandering

Hroerek was of common birth and was never destined to lead a nation and people, it was only forced onto him when his family farm was destroyed by "sea people". Escaping on a boat with 2 other people, his group set sail around the +,+ quadrant to find new land to start fresh. All initial efforts failed as everywhere they went was either claimed, heavily contested or uninhabitable. They were however able to find the island nation of Lasopena completely abandoned as if something bad happened to make the previous settlers suddenly run away from home. It was left in a condition where it was like people were still living there, but nobody was in sight and all was quiet.

Establishing the Government

In the following days of the re-settlement of Lasopena, Hroerek crowned himself Prince of the new nation of Pruthenia & he appointed a former noble Argead as Chancellor of Pruthenia. Together the first Pruthenian Government with the other settler ratified the Pruthenian Constitution of 2018 declaring Pruthenia a "Federal Socialist Constitutional Monarchy" on the renamed island of Fredericksland.

Construction of Theoderichshafen

Overview of Theoderichshafen

While the now refurbished properties were enough for comfortable living it was clear that better and more spacious living quarters were required if the nation was expected to grow. To provide the level of security and safety required for a prosperous settlement it was determined that the core of the new town would form within a fortified zone. From start to finish the construction of the main fort took over a week and was very strenuous on the already limited resources available to Pruthenia. After construction the city was zoned and the construction of three new buildings began, the palace, the factory and the brewery.

Claiming of Jerusalem

The Kingdom of Jerusalem was suddenly abandoned with all the former inhabitants committing suicide in a suicide pact. Prince Hroerek heard of this and then claimed the majority of former Jerusalemite territory as part of Pruthenia. Men were sent to inspect the former Kingdom and they found this was a joint Jewish-Christian-Muslim nation which Hroerek heavily disapproved of, so Hroerek forced through the "Renaming Act" which allowed the government to rename all the former Jerusalemite territories and take down all "heretical symbolism" such as the cult of Kekistan's symbols all over the Kingdom. The Pruthenian Government are hoping for people to come and re-settle the new territories but none have come.


The People's Principality of Pruthenia functions as a Constitutional Monarchy, where power is shared between the Prince and the Chancellor. Section 4 of the Pruthenian Constitution defines this power sharing arrangement as "the Chancellery and the Monarch who share power on behalf of the people of Pruthenia." To assist in administration and decision making within the country the chancellor can form and dismiss a council where they can then appoint ministers; there are no formal ministerial titles along with all political parties being banned.



Pruthenia's agricultural sector is extremely limited as the terrain and makeup of the land makes it unsuitable for the farming of anything other than simple wheat.

Economic Diversification

The relative lack of exports or production within Pruthenia has forced the need to diversify it's economy. The expansion of the brewery was undertaken with this objective and the goal is to create export brews.


Rail Connections

Following the establishment of diplomatic ties with U3P/Provincia, a pre-existing half complete tunnel to the capital of Threepton is being transformed into a functional rail line connecting the two nations.

Sea Connection

The right to build a canal connecting an ocean to the nearby river through the small sandbank was guaranteed by U3P/Provincia and construction is intended to begin soon, this canal would save major time in boat transport between the two nations.