Pruthenia: Difference between revisions

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=== Claiming of Jerusalem ===
The Kingdom of Jerusalem was found abandoned with it's inhabitants long gone. Prince Hroerek heard of this and then claimed the majority of former Jerusalemite territory as part of Pruthenia. Men were sent to inspect the former Kingdom and they found this was a joint Jewish-Christian-Muslim nation which Hroerek heavily disapproved of, so Hroerek forced through the "Renaming Act" which allowed the government to rename all the former Jerusalemite territories and take down all "heretical symbolism" such as the cult of Kekistan's symbols all over the Kingdom. The Pruthenian Government are hoping for people to come and re-settle the new territories but none have come.
=== Unification with the Thalassocracy ===
Following a prolonged period of negotiations and talks with the leadership of the Thalassocracy it was decided to unite the two realms together, thus Pruthenia has been succeeded by [[Vitelia]].
== Politics ==
