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[[File:U3pmaxext2point0.jpg|alt=|thumb|U3P at Maximum Size in 2.0]]The Plus Plus of 2.0 had long been host to a number of small and medium sized settlements which could provide varying levels of security to their citizens. Though others in the past had tried and failed the King of Pella was fixated on the idea to unite the region and in doing so become the Emperor of a grand and powerful polity. His attempts to create an empire failed but in the face of growing raid threats from marauding HCF clans a loose understanding eventually grew until the signing of the Clocktower Accords and the establishing of the United Provinces of the Plus Plus (or U3P).
The initial membership consisted of the Pellan Kingdom, the Republic of Churchill, the Kingdom of Blackcrown, the Kingdom of Eclipse, the Wander Association, and the Danzilonan Federation. At its greatest extent membership consisted of 13 Plus Plus nations with over 6040! total citizens, a robust understanding of mutual economic and security partnerships lead by a Secretary General and a Secretary of Defense.
The group became well known primarily through its friendly inhabitants and the exciting hockey league it played host to. But not all good things last, internal differences lead to some nations leaving the organization to chart new paths. Other nations lapsed into inactivity for months at a time.