Polaria (CivMC)

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Polaria is a district along the southern coast of Vinland. It is heavily influenced by its own agricultural practices. The main exports of Polaria are potatoes and ores. The region has a very strong sense of culture, and it follows its official religion of Polarism. Polaria was founded by TheGhostofGaming after meeting with Vinnish leaders for the first time.

District of Polaria
Location3658, -7192
Capital cityPolaria
Foundation dateJanuary 14th, 2024
Motto"May Polaris be with you."

Polarian Timeline

January 6th: North Cascadia is incorporated into Vinland.

January 13th: TheGhostofGaming joins for the first time, residing in a region of Northfort.

January 14th: After meeting with Vinnish leaders, TheGhostofGaming helps found the Polarian district in the newly acquired region of North Cascadia.

January 16th: Not long after the formation of Polaria, TheGhostofGaming is enlightened by Polaris and her religion is born.

May 2nd: TheGhostofGaming retires from her governing position of Polaria. BroadPancake is selected as the new governor.


All Polarians have been deemed Vinland citizens by the Vinnish government. Despite being a part of a larger government, Polaria has enough autonomy to execute its own local laws, pass legislation, and keep its own records. See the Vinnish Hierarchy for general details. All of the region is governed by BroadPancake.