Plus-Minus Concordat: Difference between revisions

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The Plus-Minus Concordat (PMC) was a regional alliance in CivClassic 2.0 comprised of nation states in the deep [[+,-]] quadrant. The alliance focused on defense, cooperation, and sociopolitical exchange. Originally, it was named the North-East Concordat, but it was rebranded on August 14th 2021. The original members were [[Acadia]], [[Kingdom of Fish|Fish]], [[Mythril]], and [[City of England]]. Later, [[Sussex]], [[Kallos]], and [[Jomsviking Confederation|Jomsviking]] joined as well. Additionally, [[Columbia]] was arguably a de facto unofficial member since the alliance's conception. The alliance was disbanded November 22th 2021, after an incident [[Jomsviking-City of England Conflict|where Jomsviking suddenly tried to annex fellow alliance member City of England]].{{Plus-Minus Concordat}}
[[Category:CivClassic 2.0]]
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