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They decided to make SwiftFizz the leader, as he came up with the idea for New Sovia. Soon, they had dug a trench and vault and built several apartment blocks in the distinct New Sovian Brutalist style. New Sovia was eventful, with raiders being pearled weekly, and a vibrant population of ~15 people. There was a brief conflict with Icenia called the Clown Wars, where Pirater was pearled by Thoths/Lil_Wayne, before being saved by callum. This conflict lead to tension in the UNC and the eventual dissolution of the UNC as a result of the pearling of Evocat0r directly contributed to this event. The remaining Sovians escaped via End Portal. SwiftFizz pearled Quanton_Biscuit later in the war, and eventually the peace was made. Soon, Pirater took a stack of birch from a dead town and broke an empty chest in another dead town and mentioned it to SwiftFizz. SwiftFizz, known for backstabbing, betrayed Pirater and set up a world police trap, stealing all of the New Sovia groups and causing Pirater to be pearled for almost 5 days. This effectively killed New Sovia, and with GamePhobic pearled for raiding Varkonia - Pirater and Raven (2 of the last inhabitants remaining after the betrayal) fled South-West to establish the new nation of [[Sovia-Unitas]], a combination of Sovia and [[Unitas]].
==Political Views==
Pirater and most other inhabitants of Sovia-Unitas are brought together by a common hatred of many issues facing Civ, such as perma-pearling and world police intervention across the server. Pirater is a known supporter of Donaldarmed J. Trump and his re-election. Pirater thinks all migrants should go back to where they came from and hestruggle lovesagainst the United Statestyranny of Americaimperialists consideringand itsupports oneany of the best nationsnation in thethat worldstruggle. Pirater has modeled the majority of his nations off of the USA, and even hosted a forth of july party.