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Under the ''Pavia Reform Act 2024'', all landed nobility within the Empire were granted the right to elect a Prime Minister from among the ranks of the sitting Dukes, who in turn is endowed with the ability to seat ministers and secretaries of state for various bureaus and agencies within the government.
==== Elections in Pavia= ===
The serving HeadPrime of GovernmentMinister is elected by a majority of the nobility no sooner than every four weeks (barring resignation or assassination) and no later than every 10 weeks.
'''Election Process'''
Upon the declaration that the role of Prime Minister sits vacant, eligible candidates will have twenty-four (24) hours to publicly announce their candidacy. After this, a campaign period of at least twenty-four (24) hours will begin in which candidates may release platforms and manifestos, and in which members of the public may elicit commitments in exchange for their support.
All elections must occur over the weekend, defined as the period from Friday-Sunday. The premiership will sit vacant until the next election can be held during the weekend. The Emperor may appoint an 'acting Prime Minister' to maintain a caretaker government following the vacancy of the seat, who will then sit until the conclusion of the next election.
All elections are conducted through private, ranked-choice voting. Voters may select multiple candidates ranked according to their preference which will then be counted by the State Tabulator. In the event no candidate receives 51% of the first-choice votes in the first round, the candidate with the lowest vote tally is removed, and those votes are retabulated with their second-choice candidate. This will continue until a candidate acquires the necessary 51% majority.
In the event of a tie between the final pair of candidates, the State Tabulator will present the anonymized vote tally to the Imperial Court and will request that everyone submit new votes until such time as a candidate attains the necessary 51% majority.
'''State Tabulator'''
The State Tabulator is elected unanimously by the Dukes and shall serve indefinitely until their removal or replacement. This role is currently held by Hakr_, a noble of Highgrove.
'''Dice Day'''
The wide breadth in time between electable periods is due to the Pavian National 'Dice Day'. AfterEvery fourSaturday weeksfollowing oftheir rule,fourth the Prime Minister must partakeweek in Dice Day; a randomized dice-based system that will determine when they 'die', and their reign ends. Every Saturday after the 4th weekoffice, the Prime Minister must choose a number off offrom a 6six-sided die, andfrom roll1 theto dice,6. shouldThe theirdie chosen number appearwill then they are deemedbe deadrolled by the stateCourt andJester an- electionshould fortheir anumber newbe chosen, the Prime Minister iswill held'die' and their premiership will immediatelyend. Should the Prime Minister's number not appear, then they are safe from death until the next Saturday when theythe mustdie rollwill be rolled again. However, this time, pickingthe Prime Minister will pick two numbers, as the numberquantity of numbers picked each Dice Day shall correspond to the number of Dice Days they have endured in their current reignpremiership. For instance, if it was the Prime Minister's 3rd Dice Day then they will pick 3 separate numbers off of the dice, giving them just a 50% chance of survival. This will eventually lead to a 100% chance of 'death' by Week 9 of their premiership.
For the first two Crown Princes, the reign length of the Monarch lasted six weeks before dice days would take place, however this was changed by unanimous vote at the end of BritishWanderer II's tenure via the '''''Crown Prince Reign Length Amendment, II (C.010)'''''. The new reign length is an initial 4 weeks, followed by dice days every Saturday afterwards. Following the declaration of the Empire in June 2023, Crown Prince would be restyled as Archduke. In June 2024, Archduke would be restyled to Prime Minister as an elected role by the full nobility.
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''*** Emperor BritishWanderer I did not engage for dice days during his reign, which would last 62 days in total: 29 as Crown Prince, and 33 as Emperor.''
'''Election ProcessAssassination'''
At any time, the Prime Minister may be assassinated by another sitting Duke of the Empire. A legal assassination will meet the following three (3) criteria:
Elections are to be done anonymously, with each noble informing the State Tabulator privately of their desired candidate for Prime Minister via ranked choice voting. If no Duke reaches a majority on the first count, the lowest tallied candidate is eliminated and the second choices tallied. This process continues until a candidate receives the necessary majority and is declared Prime Minister.
# The Prime Minister must be killed and pearled by another Duke ''personally''.
Elections always take place on a Saturday, and in the event of a legal assassination of the Prime Minister, the election would be held on the nearest Saturday.
# The pearl of the Prime Minister must be immediately placed in the designated Royal Slammer. This is to be a chest in the Cathedral of Pavia, reinforced to a Ducal-exclusive group, and made available to the reigning Dukes.
# The assassinating Duke must, without delay, announce the pearling of the Prime Minister and the location of the Royal Slammer to the public discord, and bring awareness of the event to the other sitting Dukes.
Any assassination which fails to follow any and all of the above criteria is considered illegal and punishable. While pearled, the Prime Minister may not exercise any of their sovereign powers.
'''State Tabulator'''
Should no Duke free the Prime Minister within twenty-four (24) hours of internment, the Prime Minister is legally removed from office and a new election is called for the nearest following Saturday. After this, the former Prime Minister is released with no delay.
The State Tabulator is elected unanimously by the Dukes and shall serve indefinitely until their removal or replacement.
=== Rulers of Pavia ===
