Pavia: Difference between revisions

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SteelHand7 (talk | contribs)
SteelHand7 (talk | contribs)
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[[File:The dome of Pavia.png|thumb|392x392px|The dome of the main chamber of the townhall. ]]
'''The International Rail Station'''
'''===== The International Rail Station''' =====
The international rail station of Pavia is the gateway to the nation for visitors and tourists around the world. It is the second half of the Townhall complex and is connected to the townhall by the Townhall Gardens. This station is generally larger than stations typically found around the map because the Pavian Government has elected to primarily focus on direct connections to nations rather than to embrace connections to RailSwitch /dest networks. The advantage of this system as viewed by the government is an easier to understand rail system and greater reliability of the lines as there is no additional connections or junctions added to existing rails. However, Pavia still maintains a connection to the OneDest rail network for the convenience of citizens in nations that maintain exclusively a OneDest connection.
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* '''Platform J''' - Open
'''===== The Cathedral of Pavia''' =====
The Cathedral of Pavia hosts the spiritual heart of Pavia, while not currently subscribing to any particular religion - the building is primarily used to host weddings of players around the server. In addition, it hosts the box that is used to hold the Prime Minister's pearl if the Dukes of Pavia choose to assassinate the Prime Minister.