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Within hours of the election announcement, two major candidates had arisen, with Renew Pavia backing the Duke of Bedford, BritishWanderer, and a combined AMP-PF coalition lining up behind CedarValiant. Untold hours of electioneering, polling, and interviewing were conducted over the course of two days, with many members of the nobility and citizenry alike declaring openly for their chosen party. During this, the non-partisan Pavia Finance interest group was established by the Duke of Lugano, creepi0n with the purpose of uniting the business community's interests around one banner. Pavia Finance would make a number of press releases arguing for the parties to make promises of zero taxation and continued support for Pavian industries. Initial polling seemed to indicate a plurality of voters and citizens either intended to vote for Renew or believed Renew would achieve victory. However, data also indicated that if the AMP-PF coalition pact held, then AMP could count on victory in the final tally.
Within hours of the election announcement, two major candidates had arisen, with Renew Pavia backing the Duke of Bedford, BritishWanderer, and a combined AMP-PF coalition lining up behind CedarValiant. Untold hours of electioneering, polling, and interviewing were conducted over the course of two days, with many members of the nobility and citizenry alike declaring openly for their chosen party. During this, the non-partisan Pavia Finance interest group was established by the Duke of Lugano, creepi0n with the purpose of uniting the business community's interests around one banner. Pavia Finance would make a number of press releases arguing for the parties to make promises of zero taxation and continued support for Pavian industries. Initial polling seemed to indicate a plurality of voters and citizens either intended to vote for Renew or believed Renew would achieve victory. However, data also indicated that if the AMP-PF coalition pact held, then AMP could count on victory in the final tally.

As the polls closed, Pavians would wait as the state tabulator compiled the totals. On June 8th, 2024, the final results were released to the public. With a total turnout of 68% among eligible voters, in the First Round, AMP would receive 7 votes, Pavia First would take 6, and Renew would receive 4. With no outright majority achieved, the lowest tallied candidate was eliminated and second choices tabulated. In the Second Round, AMP would take 9 votes to Pavia First's 6, leading to CedarValiant becoming the first elected Prime Minister in Pavian history.
As the polls closed, Pavians would wait as State Tabulator hakr_ compiled the totals. On June 8th, 2024, the final results were released to the public. With a total turnout of 68% among eligible voters, in the First Round, AMP would receive 7 votes, Pavia First would take 6, and Renew would receive 4. With no outright majority achieved, the lowest tallied candidate was eliminated and second choices tabulated. In the Second Round, AMP would take 9 votes to Pavia First's 6, leading to CedarValiant becoming the first elected Prime Minister in Pavian history.

===== Premiership of CedarValiant =====
Prime Minister CedarValiant, elected with a clear mandate to pursue revitalization and enhanced security for Pavia, began their tenure with the appointment of Toaxbis as Pavia's first Secretary of State. CedarValiant's premiership would also see the rise of another political party in the United Pavia Party founded by gobblin, Duke of Windermere. The UPP laid out a plan for improving security, immigration controls, and controlling dissent within the Imperial Council. Early on June 10th, 2024, Prime Minister CedarValiant would resign their premiership after just under two days, stating a need to step back and prioritize themselves first. Emperor Paagf I would later appoint Cissonius to head a caretaker government before new elections called for June 15th, 2024. The Annihilating Merry Party would dissolve later that day.

===== Interim Premiership of Cissonius =====
Prime Minister Cissonius would begin their premiership with the appointment of multiple cabinet positions. The Cissonius Cabinet would come to include, in order of appointment:

* GetSkinny, as Minister for Justice
* SirFrenchie, as Minister for Security and Defense
* BritishWanderer, as Minister for Levelling Up (previously Minister for Overseas Territories, Ambassador for Overseas Territories)
* Seekinq, Minister of Rural Affairs
* Toaxbis, Secretary of State
* Nekroz09, Minster for Infrastructure

Within 24 hours of taking office, Prime Minister Cissonius would usher in a new age of expansion and Pavian influence on the global stage, declaring with immediate effect the creation of protectorates for the nations of Moloka and the Deepslate Corporation Isles, concurrent with the ennoblement of representatives for these nations as Crownland nobles. Additionally, the Sovereign Nation of Dirt was placed fully under the jurisdiction of the Pavian Crownland, haakr I of the Dirtgrove Initiative being elevated to landed nobility. The PM would also state publically their wish to pursue closer relations with the neighboring nation of Mehri in the hope of welcoming them into the Lyrean Commonwealth in the near future.

==Duchies of Pavia==
==Duchies of Pavia==