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Pavia is a monarchy, with seven Dukes of Pavia making up the Privy Council underneath the Emperor. The Emperor enjoys a wide breadth of powers domestically and abroad when representing the country on the international stage, with the head of state only being answerable to death whether it be natural or by assassination. Additionally to the Privy Council, all nobility and government members from across Pavia make up the Imperial Court to discuss matters of state, diplomacy, and internal affairs. Pavia was previously known was the Principality of Pavia until the declaration of the Empire in June 2023.
The Empire's territory is divided into three distinct classes as outlined by the foundational law of the country, the Magna Pavia: Churchland, Crownland, and Dukedoms. These classes administrate their own territories with full authority and can only be superseded by the MonarchPrime Minister.
As of February 2nd, 2024, the Emperor of Pavia is His Imperial Majesty, paagf I, who also serves as the sovereign of the larger [[Lyrean Commonwealth]].
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==Duchies of Pavia==
The Duchies of Pavia represent the land of the highest ranking nobles in Pavia bar the Emperor. Duchies are created from a majority vote of the Privy Council, however the EmperorPrime Minister controls expansion of the Duchies as the sole arbitrator of the Crownland territories. Dukes retain final-say over their land, with each Duchy acting as a de-facto self governing region of Pavia, with the ability for it's own rules, governance and way of life. Splits in the culture and evolution of the typical Pavian architecture is encouraged within Ducal land as a manner of promoting a diverse set of regions across the PrincipalityEmpire. Duke hold the ability to grant portions of their held land to lower nobility, enshrining citizens as 'landed nobility'. These nobles have powers over their own territory much like a Duke possesses however they lack the same protections, as their title may be stripped, and their lands reabsorbed at any time by the reigning Duke.
All Duchies hold their own flag, title, and coat of arms which are designed by the Bureau of Semiography, these titles, COAs and flags last for as long as the current Duke stays in power, with the emblems shifting as the incumbent house changes. Every Duke of a Pavian Duchy is the original ruler since it's creation via the Magna Pavia or the Privy Council, meaning there are currently no secondary inheritors as of OctoberJune 20222024.
Duchies may be dissolved through a majority plus one vote of the Privy Council, with these votes the ruling Duke is stripped of their title, and their lands are absorbed back into the Crownland territories. It is generally accepted that Dukes that are removed from power keep any landed or unlanded titles they hold in other Duchies in Pavia.
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'''Election Process'''
Elections are to be done anonymously, with each Dukenoble informing the State Tabulator privately of their desired candidate for CrownPrime PrinceMinister via ranked choice voting. If no Duke reaches the threshold of a ducal majority, oron ifthe therefirst is a tiecount, then the Statelowest Tabulatortallied presentscandidate theis anonymizedeliminated vote tally toand the Dukes,second andchoices votingtallied. shallThis continueprocess in the same mannercontinues until a majoritycandidate isreceives reached.the Withinnecessary thismajority system,and electionsis maydeclared go on for multiple rounds until a candidate isPrime chosenMinister.
Elections always take place on a Saturday, and in the event of a legal assassination of the Prime Minister, the election would be held on the nearest Saturday.
