Pandastical: Difference between revisions

Replace most non-historical instances of Regentsburgh to Regensburg
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(Replace most non-historical instances of Regentsburgh to Regensburg)
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== CivMC ==
Pandastical initially rejoined the Hyperborean Confederation, settling in the south of the nation. He would be involved in it's government until going through a period of inactivity. Upon rejoining the server he would join the [[Imperial Federation]], and move there to the city/province of RegentsburghRegensburg. A house would be built there, as well as a public potato farm. Quickly he'd become friends with the monarch, [[KingCupar]]. Or as the citizenry called/calls him, Cuppy. He would soon become a Senator, in which he would lead to the fragmentation of the Hyperborean Confederation. His small state there would become a little OMN called [[Matland]].
In the Senate, Pandastical would participate in drafting and voting on many bills. One of his achievements is the regulating of political parties. He would run for Chancellor in the [[1 November Imperial Federation Election|November election]], and come in third. Shortly after he'd voluntarily relinquish his Senate seat, being involved in other things IRL as he began to finish high school.