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'''Pandastical''' is a civ-player, known for advocating war, writing civ essays, complaining, and discord PVPing. However, he's pretty much evened out now.
{{Infobox person|image=|caption=|citizenships=*{{flag|Hyperborean Confederation}} (Former)
*{{flag|Acadia}} (Former)
*[[Kingdom of the Acadian Lewis Islands]] (Former)
*[[Mythril]] (Former)
*[[MythrilImperial Federation]] (Current)|known_for=|main_residence=Berg, Aussieland {{Coord|7335|-4630|120}}|first_civ_server=[[CivUniverse]]|known_iterations=*CivUniverse
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=== Aussieland ===
A few days after his break began, he went to old-Appomattox territory. There, on the old Appomattox island of Pickett's Rock, off the eastern coast of the Chickamauga Highlands. Finding that the island resembled Australia (at least to him) Pandastical would call his new nation state [[Aussieland]]. There would be small buildings there in June; most notably Fort Texas and The [[Great Smiley Face]]. However, for all of July Pandastical would be out of the country irl, and thus out of the server. On July 29th, 2021, the Treaty of Berg would turn Aussieland into the Duchy of Aussieland, a semi-autonomous state within the [[Mythril|Kingdom of Mythril]].
=== Mythril ===
Pandastical would participate in various decisions in Mythril, as a notable opponent to the monarch, [[Voguebadger|Voguebadger.]]
== CivMC ==
Pandastical initially rejoined the Hyperborean Confederation, settling in the south of the nation. He would be involved in it's government until going through a period of inactivity. Upon rejoining the server he would join the [[Imperial Federation]], and move there to the city/province of Regentsburgh. A house would be built there, as well as a public potato farm. Quickly he'd become friends with the monarch, [[KingCupar]]. Or as the citizenry called/calls him, Cuppy. He would soon become a Senator, in which he would lead to the fragmentation of the Hyperborean Confederation. His small state there would become a little OMN called [[Matland]].
In the Senate, Pandastical would participate in drafting and voting on many bills. One of his achievements is the regulating of political parties. He would run for Chancellor in the [[1 November Imperial Federation Election|November election]], and come in third. Shortly after he'd voluntarily relinquish his Senate seat, being involved in other things IRL as he began to finish high school.
Militarily he would found and lead a few scouting expeditions within the Imperial Cavalry. However, being unable to attend training sessions, he would soon be kicked from the military and the unit effectively disbanded.
In December he'd become fascinated by redstone flight, and would attempt several flights. Eventually on New Years Day 2023, he would [ succeed]. Although, this flight largely made him lose any further enthusiasm, due to the faults and nature of redstone flight. He would be heavily involved in the [[Chacha-Slide Scandal]] as well. While attempting to run again for the Senate, he would lose the election, as it was no longer simply appointed by the King. With the announcement of the [[CivReign]] launch in late January, Pandastical planned to depart for there.
== Texts Written By Pandastical ==
