One Day War: Difference between revisions

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=== Killing of Aresot ===
Following the successful siege of the Zexenian sky-city Moloka had believed that the war was for all practical reasons over and was attempting to establish communications with the enemy for their formal surrender.
This was however not true as the coalition forces were regrouping and preparing for an attack against Braxos, a fact that would only become clear once Aresot (an until now neutral party) was murdered just outside of Unitas. Aresot responded to this by entering Varathia into the conflict and by providing crucial information about the army and their movements to Moloka.
=== Battle of Braxos ===
Following the pearling of Aresot in neutral claims Molokan Commonwealth forces hastily withdrew from Zexenia's sky-city believing the army was better armed and had greater numbers then their own, during this retreat all that was not lootable in Zexenia was smouldered in ashes in a desperate scorched earth retreat.
