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The Omerican Federal Republic is a nation in the Northeast Quadrant. Founded on [foundation date] by [founders], [story on how it was founded and other stuff].
|name = Omerican Federal Republic
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|titlestyle =
|abovestyle = background:#;
|subheaderstyle =
|above = The OFROmerican Federal Republic
|subheader = ''ðu Tasusamilarihon Satata Omerika''
|imagestyle =
|captionstyle =
| image = [[file:OFRBanner.png|200px]]
|caption = OFR Banner
| image2 = [[file:OFRmapOFR.png|400px]]
|caption2 = Map of the OFR(lightOmerican red)Federal Republic
|headerstyle = background:#;
|labelstyle = background:#;
|datastyle =
| label1 = Capital City
| data1 = [[New Draycott]], NDC
| label2 = GovernmentOfficial Languages
| data2 = FederalEnglish, RepublicGarundi
| label3 = PresidentEthnic Groups
| data3 = [[Omuck3(interim)]]50% Omerican
50% Garundi
| label4 = Founded
| data4label4 = March 2018Religion
| data5data4 = 50% [[The Gods of Light]]
| label5 = Major Religions
50% [[Grimatism]]
| data5 = [[The Gods of Light]]
| label6label5 = Demonym
| data6data5 = Omerican
| label7label6 = PopulationGovernment
| data6 = Representative Parliament
| data7 = 2
| label7 = - ''Representative to Omerica FR''
| label8 = Location
| data8data7 = 3800 -2200Omuck3
| label8 = - ''Representative to Garundistan FR''
| label9 = Website
| data8 = anidnmeno
| data9 = []
| label9 = WebsiteLegislature
| data9 = The Omerican Parliament
| label10 = Merger with [[Garundistan]]
| data10 = April 2018
| label11 = Area
| data11 = ''to be determined''
| label12 = Population
| data12 = 2 🔻
| label13 = - ''Density''
| data13 = ''to be determined''
| label14 = GDP
| data14 = like 35D or some shit like that
| label15 = Player Development Index
| data15 = 🔺.50
| label16 = Currency
| data16 = Omerican Scruple
''Gelidon Iomerika''
| data7label17 = 2
== History of the Omerican Federal Republic ==
How OFR was founded and by who, in depth.
== Civclassics and the OFR ==
Finding land near a neighbor with a history