ObtainableSpatula: Difference between revisions

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=== Participation in the Truidencian Renaissance ===
After a longer period of relative inactivity, Imperial Truidence got lucky with the recruitment of three certain newfriends that would remain loyal subjects of the Truidencian royalty for years to come. Between [[GenericLaqey]]'s building of Coram Castle and St. Bez' Cathedral designed by Obtainable Spatula, [[Icyski]] putting effort into restoring the Truidencian economy, and [[SirTwiggles]] lending a hand wherever it was needed, the groundwork for a renaissance was laid. It was only due to the renaissance that Imperial Truidence found itself to partake in the creation of the [[United Defensive Front]].
=== Diplomacy and Creation of the UDF ===
Spatula was a signatory and co-writer of the UDF Charter, created during the summer of 2019, in the wake of the dissolution of the [[United Northern Congress]]. Furthermore he partook in diplomatic talks resulting in treaties with [[Gabon]] and [[Varkonia]], cementing friendship and mutual cooperation in the shallow -,- quadrant.
=== Trouble in the Neighborhood and Operation Icarus ===
Shortly before the [[War of the Coalition]] kicked off with the Ransakistani sacking of [[Lusitania (CivClassic 2.0)|Lusitania]], another [[NATO]]-sympathizer, [[Foogoot]], had began the construction of a vault within the borders of eastern Imperial Truidence. Upon discovering the vault on an isle within the province of Bezistanm Obtainable Spatula acted quickly and alerted the newly formed UDF. Though initially planning to simply keep an eye on the vault, upon discovering Foogoot's ties to NATO, the UDF Security Council decided that the vault had to be disabled. Spatula took charge of the planning, dubbing the plan to disable the Foogoot vault "Operation Icarus", as Foogoot had flown too close to the sun by building his vault within Truidencian land. Just a few short days later, UDF fighters buildt a Forward Operating Bunker close to the vault, and started heavily snitching the nearby area, both on groundlevel and at becrock, in case Foogoot received reinforcements.
None of the UDF fighters present had participated in an attack of a vault utilizing a Frensin styled skybridge before, so they reached out to two experienced fighters, [[BennyZ]] and [[Shadedoom]], who participated with alt accounts and helped coordinate the attack in secrecy. The attack was a great success, and the vault was converted into a the Royal Imperial Swimming Pool, Spa, and Resort of Bezistan.
It was a pleasant side effect that when war broke out with Ransakistand, and later NATO, the vault attack served as a tutorial of sorts to the UDF on how to attack vaults, and ensured all of the UDF were able to be of great help in all successive vault breaks.
=== Military Career ===
- Foogoot
- Pinkerton
- Mt. Doom
- defense of valyria vault
- hallow
- best western
- vault 76
=== Coronation and Reign as Emperor ===
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[wip] keywords: frisbee, operation icarus, renaissance, war of the coalition, infinity war, end of server, civmc, deteriorating relations with udf and mir/hjalt/vark, controversies, wealth, dovre, ban ard, mt dom, defense of valyria, diplomacy, swatter of vault buzzers, keeping the lights on, lobbying to make udf join infinity war, final olympics in rotterdam, pearling ameliorate
== [[CivMC]] ==