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'''Norlund''' (/Nɔːrlʊnd/), officially the '''Kingdom of Norlund''', iswas a sovereign country in the far northwest of the mainland. It iswas a federal constitutional monarchy, comprised of 8 cantons and two federal territories. The population of Norlund iswas not centred around any particular administrative division, with its citizens and residents spread across its several cities. Norlund iswas popularly known for its friendliness toward new players, its direct democracy, and its many culturally diverse Cantons.
== History ==
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While the exact date of Norlund's founding on this iteration is unknown, Norlund is certainly one of the oldest nations on the server. Prior to CivRealms, Norlund had a storied past on servers such as CivEx, TheRealmsMC, and, briefly, CivClassics. Its demographics and political system has changed throughout the years, but the constitutional monarchy and leadership of Terry III has been around since nearly the beginning.
On CivRealms, Norlund hashad rarely been a center of attention. Near the start of the server, Norlund was concentrated around its capital, Kannin, which, at the time, was little more than a hamlet. The foundations of the now iconic Kannin Fortress had been laid, and there were only a couple of houses. Rather quickly, however, Norlund industrialized. Factories were built within the fortress, then, later on, public factories came into use for all of Kannin. A general store was created, and bronze and iron tools became a major export. With the introduction of mithril into the economy in late November, early December 2019, things quickly took off thanks to the dedication and cooperation of the early Norlundic players. It was at this time that the first international rail was also built.
Shortly after the infusion of mithril into Norlund, Kannin began to develop from a tiny hamlet to a quaint village, then soon became an urban center focused on the Kannin Peninsula. In addition, agriculture quickly became a hot commodity, with the selling of Carrots becoming a massive export, along with agriculture outposts throughout the nation. It was around this time that the first Municipalities other than Kannin were created, the first being Yoslan under the reign of Prime Minister Assjackets.
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== Administrative Divisions ==
Norlund iswas composed of 8 Cantons and 2 Territories. A municipality iswas defined as an area with a settlement occupied by at least three people. A territory iswas a swath of land lacking any towns or settlements of significant size, and are largely uninhabited and/or uninhabitable. [[File:Kannin.png|left|thumb|390x390px|Kannin, capital of Norlund, shortly after the founding of Laketown ]]
=== Kannin ===
Kannin iswas the second largest Canton of Norlund, and by far the oldest. It is currentlywas the capital of Norlund, and hashad a population of 15 as of the last census. It iswas known for it's urban landscape, with many shops, factories, and government infrastructure. It iswas known worldwide for its picturesque views and storied past, and iswas home to the Kannin Fortress, the seat of government, and a federal district ruled directly by the federal government.
==== Kannin Fortress ====
Kannin Fortress iswas a federal district within the Canton of Kannin. It iswas home to the throne room and quarters of the ruling monarch, and is also where the Federal Government iswas based. It iswas under the direct jurisdiction of the ruling monarch, formerly Terry III, who overseeshad overseen maintenance and expansion of the small fortified island.
==== Condor (Formerly Laketown) ====
Condor iswas a district within the Canton of Kannin, and iswas home to a significant portion of Kannin's population. KnownFormerly known for its fishing-based economy and its lakefront views, Condor iswas a quaint place to call home. Founded as a newfriend haven away from the secure bastioned area of Kannin Proper, it hashad quickly grown to be a town within a city worthy of recognition for its simple and rugged, yet aesthetically pleasing architecture and its friendly community.
==== Kannin Peninsula ====
Kannin Peninsula iswas the core of the Canton of Kannin. Home to the majority of businesses, government buildings, and homes, Kannin Peninsula iswas an urbanite's dream. It hashad gone under significant renovation, going from an underdeveloped swath of land with only a couple of dwellings, to a multi-layered city center focused on Odilia Square, where prominent buildings such as the Cathedral of Saint Odilia and the Supreme Court of Norlund arewere centered around.
[[File:Norlund Map Thing.png|alt=|thumb|Map of the various Norlundic Municipalities, Territories, Cities, and Towns.]]
=== Tawa ===
Tawa iswas one of the newest Cantons in Norlund. After a period of rapid growth, it hashad become one of the biggest urban areas within the country, mostly owing to the dedication of the local leadership, led by Koojikii, and the success of their newfriend recruitment policies. The city of Tawa iswas home to the tallest structure and one of the most recognisable landmarks in Norlund, the Great Tower, which towers well above the clouds.
=== Veria ===
Veria has a long and storied past, spanning over four years. Founded on Civcraft 3.0 after a merger between the nations of Euthenia and Illyria. It continued on through many civ servers, including Civcraft 3.0, CivEx 3, CivEx First Light and TheRealmsMC. After the outbreak of Coronavirus, Veria decided to mobilize and settle within Norlund as a new municipality. Maintaining a socialist economic system, Veria holds everything in common, and maintains both a representative and direct democracy, with an executive in the form of the Communal Council and a legislature in the form of the Popular Assembly. With a population of 18 as of the last census, Veria iswas the largest municipality within Norlund, and was the fastest growing. It is nowwas the center of the great Norlundic Rail Boom, with the construction of the Euthenian Grand Central Station beginning on May 4th, 2020 and ending on July 19th, 2020.
As of 22 June 2020, due to unfortunate real life events on the part of the Verian railway project's leader Cortwade, Veria's station remains unconnected with the national rail network. <del>As of the 15th of July, the project has once again gained traction and the station, as well as tunnels to most bordering cantons, have been completed.</del>
==== Euthenia ====
Euthenia iswas the capital of the Commune of Veria. According to the most recent population census it remains the largest city within former Norlund. Its neoclassical architectural style iswas almost unique in the country, with the only other area utilising it being Palaisance. Veria is a major economic and infrastructural hub within Norlund, and is home to the Euthenia Grand Central station. Amongst the most recognisable landmarks in Euthenia are the Great Clocktower and the Communal Library of Veria. Euthenia iswas also home to the Verian Communal Storage Building and the Iron Bank of Veria, a subsidiary branch of NorBank.
==== Illyria ====
Illyria iswas, alongside Euthenia, one of the cities which havehad founded the Commune of Veria over four years ago. It hashad been settled by A_M_A_Z_E by the northern coast of the Canton, and is planned to be the main port for the Norlundic Expeditionary Corps.
==== Luzia ====
Luzia iswas the second biggest settlement in Veria, with a population of around 6 citizens. It iswas a quaint medieval settlement located on the western hills of Veria, where once stood the town of Ostertal. Its position close to a picturesque river valley overlooking Lake Veria, as well as its own architectural beauty, has led to its recent rapid population growth.
=== Palaisance ===
Palaisance iswas a small Canton on the cold Northern Coastal Plains of Norlund. With grand French architecture, Palaisance is awas home to the Francophone population of Norlund, and iswas quickly building one of the prettiest cities within the nation<sup>[according to whom?]</sup>.
=== Florentia ===
A moderately sized Canton with a population of 6 according to the last census, Florentia iswas a Christian-Socialist municipality. Like Veria, the population holds everything in Common, and has abolished private property. In accordance to the teachings of the Bible, capitalism is the root of Pride and Greed, and socialism iswas the way to solve those issues. They are friendly and amiable, and are frequently seen discussing laws and current affairs in the Norlund Discord. Presently, there is no significant aboveground settlement within the borders of Florentia, due to their grand goal of eventually building a grand cathedral and holy site. Bill 20, the Bill that created the Constitutional Assembly, was proposed by a Cardinal of Florentia, Ahri, who nowused to representsrepresent Florentia in the assembly.
=== Tallum ===
Tallum iswas the 3rd oldest Canton in Norlund, and boastsboasted a decently sized population of 7 as of the last census. A relatively quaint settlement, Tallum sits on the coast of Lake Vatican, and is known for its lighthouse and verdant farmland. It iswas a low density settlement, with a large footprint due its homes and places of business. It has a relatively large cathedral near its northern border.
==== Vatican City ====
