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(→‎Notable Norls: Added a bunch of notable figures, planning to add more. Added Infamous Sidenotes for figures who aren't so despised that they don't deserve a mention, but aren't worth enough attention for a full article)
(Updated the Notable Norls category to be more specific, and added plenty of figures to it.)
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==Notable Norls==
==Notable Norls==
'''These are Norls who have, in their time spent on Realms, involved themselves deeply into the state's affairs, either outside or inside the nation, and have been agreed to be influential figures within the halls of Kannin, Tallum, Veria, Palasiance, and Yoslan.'''
'''These are Norls who have, in their time spent on Realms, involved themselves deeply into the state's affairs, either outside or inside the nation, and have been agreed to be influential figures within the halls of Kannin, Tallum, Veria, Palasiance, and Yoslan.'''

== Founding Leaders ==
'''Terry III -''' The former King and founder of Norlund. Not to be confused with the Kanninite Terry IV, cousin of the deceased King. His tomb is located inside Saint Odilia in Kannin.
'''Terry III -''' The former King and founder of Norlund. Not to be confused with the Kanninite Terry IV, cousin of the deceased King. His tomb is located inside Saint Odilia in Kannin. Is often noted as among one of the nicest men to his people, and a terrifying force to be reckoned with when it came to those who opposed him.

'''NeoTide -''' Former Minister of Defense and owner of The Poppy. Norlish war hero, participating in earlier conflicts and known for having updated the norlish military infrastructure.
'''NeoTide -''' Former Minister of Defense and owner of The Poppy. Norlish war hero, participating in earlier conflicts and known for having updated the norlish military infrastructure.
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'''RobM''' - Norlish folk hero, Saint of the christian church and one of the head donators to the Norlish Guard when he lived. Many artifacts have been found from RobM, ranging from diamond caches to his old horse that was found by FPFK and brought to Tallum.
'''RobM''' - Norlish folk hero, Saint of the christian church and one of the head donators to the Norlish Guard when he lived. Many artifacts have been found from RobM, ranging from diamond caches to his old horse that was found by FPFK and brought to Tallum.

'''FPFK''' - Founder of Valenholm. Died peacefully from alcohol poisoning, has a mentally unstable son, seen roaming the ruins of Valenholm sometimes.
'''FPFK''' - Founder of Valenholm. Died peacefully from alcohol poisoning, has a mentally unstable son, seen roaming the ruins of Valenholm sometimes.

'''Assjackets''' - Early pioneer in norlish infrastructure and former Prime Minister. Buried right outside Saint Odilia.
'''Assjackets''' - Early pioneer in norlish infrastructure and former Prime Minister. Buried right outside Saint Odilia.

'''Knoxmoor''' - One of the early important figures of Norlund, Knoxmoor was among one of the most popular figures in Norlund, having been Prime Minister, founder of a canton (Tallum), and responsible for the biggest lumber industry in Norlund proper. While no longer active in-game, the occasional spotting of him on the Discords is fairly common, and has been noted to give choice words of wisdom occasionally, or help an aspiring author with his research into Norlund and Tallum proper.

== Notable Leaders ==
'''Okx -''' Among one of the most famous Kanninites in Norlish history, Okx has been around since the beginning, and often has gotten involved in many controversial events in Norlund. Despite this, Okx has always pledged his loyalty to the state (despite a well-known rivalry with Groxlord), and is noted as one of Norlund's greatest fighters, being one of the instrumental fighters that ended the Norlish Bush War, and fighting alongside some of his former enemies in the Great War. As Prime Minister, Okx secured land earned during the Norlish Black Ops, improved relations of Carbon and confirming an official friendship alliance, and helped found the North Defensive Pact with Yggdrasil, Yoslan, the Roman Empire, Moloka, and other notable signatories.

'''Groxlord -''' One of the most famous (or infamous, depending on your country of origin) Norlunders around, Groxlord has created a name for himself and Veria (his homeland) as a whole as one of the most intelligent leaders Norlund's possessed. An immensely popular figure, despite (or because) of his communist leanings, Groxlord has earned the longest reigning title of Prime Minister in Norlish history, a career which eventually ended during the Norlund Black Ops mission into the Imperial Federation. Despite this political setback, Groxlord continued pleding his support to Norlund (even when he disagreed with some actions), and helped, along many Verians, during some of Norlund's more difficult trials, especially during the Great War.

'''CuntJesus -''' Accepted by some as Groxlord's successor thanks to his candidacy and subsequent victory in Prime Minister elections, CJ is often noted as one of the many men who fought in the Great War, participating in it to the very end, and pushing for every Norlish citizen to get involved, and died fighting the shitters during the Siege of Asgard, alongside many of his countrymen. CJ is noted during the duration of his PM reign to be an intelligent ruler, pushing for NDP involvement in the Great War, and preparing Norlund for the eventual fight, knowing full-well the shitter's future invasion of the state.

'''TheGreatUniter -''' A figure who stuck around with Norlund until the very end, Uniter is responsible for many of Norlund's last projects, the very last of which, Pogwarts, was a dedication to all newfriends. While stubborn on many of his views, (and being elected Prime Minister), Uniter has always preached for the newfriends, and fought to the bitter end for any who opposed him, internal or external. Coined the term 'Fat Norlund', something that would become one of the most reoccurring memes in CivRealms.

'''TheBigKannon/KannonKyle -''' Widely accepted as one of the strangest political figures in Norlund, Kannon was a newfriend entering politics at a strange time, and was often noted as more of a 'follower' then a leader. Despite this, he became among one of the first 'temporary' Prime Ministers in Norlish history, despite involvement in the operations that ended the career of the Prime Minister before him, and is best known during this time for creating the infamous 'Norlund Apology' to the IF, which still holds some credence in Norlund as a stupid move. Despite this, Kannon is best well-known for being among one of the longest reigning Foreign Affairs Ministers, setting up organizations like the DA, an organization dedicating to creating embassies for Norlund, one of the most notable successes of the program being Presley's embassies in MtA. Has been involved in numerous missions, and is probably most notable for his lack of pvp skills, losing not one, but two sets of Prot given to him by Antea.

'''Pope-King Leobonent -''' The third and last King of Norlund, Leobonent is best well-known for his preach of kindness and valor during the ages of great difficulty, the creation of the Vatican City and the completion of the most monumental church in Realms, perhaps even Civ history, and leading the country in some of the greatest struggles known to man, despite whoever happened to be the Prime Minister at the time. Widely accepted as one of the most successful Kings of Realms, and perhaps even Civ.

'''Zam -''' Among the core of Defense Ministers, Zamoradin is among one of the best-known, thanks to his involvement in many of Norlund's wars, and helping to create the safe and secure state that Norlund was best known for before internal troubles came a-knocking. Despite his allegiance to Veria, Zam believed in a strong, secure Norlund, and always worked towards bettering the country that his state had joined, even if it put him into constant arguments with Norls who disagreed with select ideas.

'''Amaze66/Maze''' - Often called General Maze, Maze is best known for his leading of the Norlund Black Op missions, including the mission to the Imperial Federation, but was the main contributor to the Norlund Expeditionary Forces, and leader of the colonizing effort, but aided Norlund in every misadventure that it found itself in, and pushed for a truly strong Norlund. While considered a war crime by some, in many in Norlund, he's a hero.

== Regional Leaders ==
'''Joadgr''' - The co-leader of Tallum and among the most prestigious ministers of Economic Cooperation in Norlish history, as well as the longest reigning Minister of all time, Joadgr was often noted to be the 'father' figure to many of Norlund, especially Tallum's, newfriends. If you had a problem, or any questions, Joadgr was always willing to help, and while many leaders faced controversies at every corner, Joadgr is among one of the few who has solely worked for the benefit of Norlund and Tallum, and is responsible for the rise of many notable people on the list, including but not limited to, KannonKyle, Presley_Yows, along MANY who would become notable men and women under the Tallum banner, and, discovered the New World first.

'''Xraptor3344''' - The leader, founder, and primary builder of the luxurious Palasiance, Raptor as he is called is among one of the many builders that reside in Norlund, but unlike many of them, his property is among one of the best examples of the diversity offered by the Kingdom, having spent ages collecting and reinforcing his builds as a haven for all those of French descent in the Kingdom.

'''1234Fireball/Flameoguy:''' Notable leaders of Yoslan, these two individuals are often noted for constantly utilizing any and all opportunities to further their causes. Despite this, the two never held hatred for the Norlish state, and often worked for it's benefit.

'''Wolftale''' - A notable leader in their own right, Wolftale has oft served on the Federal Council, but was among one of the few grinders who contributed much of their earnings to Norlund, occasionally evening rivaling Gingerbuddie in their contributions.

'''Hitmehn/Koojiki''' - Leaders of Tawa, the pair were best-well known for their contributions for newfriends, and an impressive wall around their canton. The pair were fierce in their protection of their canton, and nearly drove the country to the brink at a few points, but always agreed to a compromise for the betterment of the state and the canton. Hitmehn is also notable for his contributions to a Norlish XP center, even owning a proper shop in CivCorp before it's bombing.

'''Skinny''' - The leader of Florentia and among one of the most controversial figures still residing in Norlund, Skinny is best well-known for their e-lawyering and helping to lay the foundation of the Norlund Code of Law.

== Notable Citizens ==
'''Henderwicz''' - Tallumite writer, behind the works of Leobonet's errors and Norlish Church architecture.
'''Henderwicz''' - Tallumite writer, behind the works of Leobonet's errors and Norlish Church architecture.

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'''bhieex3''' - Among one of the many active citizens during Norlund's golden age, Bhieex is responsible for many landmarks in the Norlund proper, most notably being the Norlund 'Crack' where the monthly Carrot Festivals were held. Among this, Bhieex was instrumental in the creation of Norlund's second-most popular religion surrounding carrots (especially Karl), and built upon the previous Verian/Tallum traditions of carrot-loving to make it a much more widely accepted way of worship in Norlund.
'''bhieex3''' - Among one of the many active citizens during Norlund's golden age, Bhieex is responsible for many landmarks in the Norlund proper, most notably being the Norlund 'Crack' where the monthly Carrot Festivals were held. Among this, Bhieex was instrumental in the creation of Norlund's second-most popular religion surrounding carrots (especially Karl), and built upon the previous Verian/Tallum traditions of carrot-loving to make it a much more widely accepted way of worship in Norlund.

'''Kaaos -''' While notable for their time as a Minister in the Federal Council, Kaaos is best well-known for their establishment of a national library system, many of whom, like Presley and Kannon, often utilized as to help entertain themselves. Besides this, Kaaos is also well-known for their valiant effort helping to lead the Norls in the Siege of Asgard, and dying sword in hand.
'''Knoxmoor''' - One of the early important figures of Norlund, Knoxmoor was among one of the most popular figures in Norlund, having been Prime Minister, founder of a canton (Tallum), and responsible for the biggest lumber industry in Norlund proper. While no longer active in-game, the occasional spotting of him on the Discords is fairly common, and has been noted to give choice words of wisdom occasionally, or help an aspiring author with his research into Norlund and Tallum proper.

'''Gingerbuddie''' - Most responsible for essentially everything that Norlund has, any and all gear possessed by the Norlish Guard, any building that has blocks, and any projects needing manpower, Gingerbuddie supplied it all. Without Ginger, Norlund would've easily fallen to the likes of their neighbors and other foreign powers, and it's thanks to Ginger that Norlund has a proper statue of Terry once more. If any were notable enough to get onto this list, it would be one Gingerbuddie.
'''Okx -''' Among one of the most famous Kanninites in Norlish history, Okx has been around since the beginning, and often has gotten involved in many controversial events in Norlund. Despite this, Okx has always pledged his loyalty to the state (despite a well-known rivalry with Groxlord), and is noted as one of Norlund's greatest fighters, being one of the instrumental fighters that ended the Norlish Bush War, and fighting alongside some of his former enemies in the Great War. As Prime Minister, Okx secured land earned during the Norlish Black Ops, improved relations of Carbon and confirming an official friendship alliance, and helped found the North Defensive Pact with Yggdrasil, Yoslan, the Roman Empire, Moloka, and other notable signatories.

'''Antea -''' Along with Zam and Gingerbuddie, Antea's notablility came to their skills with grinding and pvping, and while temporarily an enemy of Norlund during the Norlish Bush War, eventually spearheaded the effort to get Yoslan back into Norlund, and despite some adversity, eventually succeeded. Contributed vastly to many war efforts, and even suffered some losses when a certain minister of Foreign Affairs lost not one, but two sets of prot.
'''Groxlord -''' One of the most famous (or infamous, depending on your country of origin) Norlunders around, Groxlord has created a name for himself and Veria (his homeland) as a whole as one of the most intelligent leaders Norlund's possessed. An immensely popular figure, despite (or because) of his communist leanings, Groxlord has earned the longest reigning title of Prime Minister in Norlish history, a career which eventually ended during the Norlund Black Ops mission into the Imperial Federation. Despite this political setback, Groxlord continued pleding his support to Norlund (even when he disagreed with some actions), and helped, along many Verians, during some of Norlund's more difficult trials, especially during the Great War.

'''Imic''' - One of the kindest individuals on the server, Imic took on jobs that many veterans would've feared, namely becoming the Custodian of the Norlish House of Commons, and pushing himself and others round him to be better. A brave volunteer in the Norlish Guard, and fought in many occasions for the banner of the North.
'''CuntJesus -''' Accepted by some as Groxlord's successor thanks to his candidacy and subsequent victory in Prime Minister elections, CJ is often noted as one of the many men who fought in the Great War, participating in it to the very end, and pushing for every Norlish citizen to get involved, and died fighting the shitters during the Siege of Asgard, alongside many of his countrymen. CJ is noted during the duration of his PM reign to be an intelligent ruler, pushing for NDP involvement in the Great War, and preparing Norlund for the eventual fight, knowing full-well the shitter's future invasion of the state.

'''Cortwade''' - Among the roster of political figures, Cortwade was among the most idealistic, pushing for a truly pure state that he knew that Norlund could be. While often fighting with many citizens about how to better themselves and the Kingdom as a whole (like Veria), Cortwade always put his trust in his Norlund first and foremost, and often signed up for projects that would involve him deeply, like the Diplomatic Core, and became the longest running Custodian of the Norlish House of Commons, and established just why everyone refused to take that job.
'''TheGreatUniter -''' A figure who stuck around with Norlund until the very end, Uniter is responsible for many of Norlund's last projects, the very last of which, Pogwarts, was a dedication to all newfriends. While stubborn on many of his views, (and being elected Prime Minister), Uniter has always preached for the newfriends, and fought to the bitter end for any who opposed him, internal or external.

'''Meonises, Bishopess of Kannin and Duckapore, Missionary in YosLan, Abbottess of Saint Peter's, Grand Inquistor'''- A controversial figure in some regards, but always for the betterment of Norlund, Meo was willing to fight tooth and nail for their country, and was more then willing to kill one of Norlund's own when they threatened to throw a delicate balance in wack. Helped establish many farms, and harvest them, while also spreading the good word of the Lord to fellow Civ players.
'''TheBigKannon/KannonKyle -''' Widely accepted as one of the strangest political figures in Norlund, Kannon was a newfriend entering politics at a strange time, and was often noted as more of a 'follower' then a leader. Despite this, he became among one of the first 'temporary' Prime Ministers in Norlish history, despite involvement in the operations that ended the career of the Prime Minister before him, and is best known during this time for creating the infamous 'Norlund Apology' to the IF, which still holds some credence in Norlund as a stupid move. Despite this, Kannon is best well-known for being among one of the longest reigning Foreign Affairs Ministers, setting up organizations like the DA, an organization dedicating to creating embassies for Norlund, one of the most notable successes of the program being Presley's embassies in MtA. Has been involved in numerous missions, and is probably most notable for his lack of pvp skills, losing not one, but two sets of Prot given to him by Antea.

'''Renhorn''' - Among one of the core players, Renhorn is one of the longest members of the Norlish Guard, helping to protect the Kingdom of the North from any and all external threats.
'''Pope-King Leobonent -''' The third and last King of Norlund, Leobonent is best well-known for his preach of kindness and valor during the ages of great difficulty, the creation of the Vatican City and the completion of the most monumental church in Realms, perhaps even Civ history, and leading the country in some of the greatest struggles known to man, despite whoever happened to be the Prime Minister at the time. Widely accepted as one of the most successful Kings of Realms, and perhaps even Civ.

'''Rowan''' - Sibling to Presley, and while not necessarily as political as their sister, Rowan has displayed her own skills, building their own embassies, and is among one of the first of the Diplomats in the Diplomatic Corps, Rowan also served in the Defense of Heaven, and is notably in a video by Mr. Beast <ref><nowiki></nowiki></ref>

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(More to come!)
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'''Raine -''' The former head of the now defunct Paris Commune, Raine is a figure now agreed upon to be well-disliked in Norlund. While some may disagree with former King Shamus' actions, after the griefing of the Kärme territory to which Raine has discussed his involvement (supposedly gathering the materials for said griefing, but having no knowledge of it, and allowing 'friends' to do such a heinous action, and refusing to play after his 'friends' were banned for such actions), Raine no longer holds any prestige in Norlund, now being collectively agreed upon as a nuisance at best, and a traitor at worst. <ref>[[RainOfPain125#Involvement in the Paris Uprising]]</ref>
'''Raine -''' The former head of the now defunct Paris Commune, Raine is a figure now agreed upon to be well-disliked in Norlund. While some may disagree with former King Shamus' actions, after the griefing of the Kärme territory to which Raine has discussed his involvement (supposedly gathering the materials for said griefing, but having no knowledge of it, and allowing 'friends' to do such a heinous action, and refusing to play after his 'friends' were banned for such actions), Raine no longer holds any prestige in Norlund, now being collectively agreed upon as a nuisance at best, and a traitor at worst. <ref>[[RainOfPain125#Involvement in the Paris Uprising]]</ref>

'''KIng Shamus the First''' - Among one of the most infamous characters in Norlish history, Shamus essentially lead the events to creating the modern day Norlund, and is responsible for the reworking of the court and legal preceding, as well as leading the precedent from seceding the country. While temporarily redeemed during the Great War, his betrayal of LABS essentially led him to being banned not only from Norlund, but his new home of Yggdrasil as well, and saw his canton eventually returned to Norlund proper.
