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(Fixed some Canton stuff, Important people, stuff about the Great War)
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[[File:Kannin October2020.png|alt=|thumb|Kannin, the capital city of Norlund, during October 2020.]]
[[File:Kannin October2020.png|alt=|thumb|Kannin, the capital city of Norlund, during October 2020.]]
'''Norlund''' (/Nɔːrlʊnd/ or /Nəʊrlund/), officially the '''Kingdom of Norlund''', is a sovereign country in the far northwest of the mainland. It is a federal constitutional monarchy, comprised of 10 cantons and 5 federal territories. The population of Norlund is not centered around any particular administrative division, with its citizens and residents spread across its several cities. Norlund is popularly known for its friendliness toward new players, its direct democracy, and its many culturally diverse Cantons.
'''Norlund''' (/Nɔːrlʊnd/ or /Nəʊrlund/), officially the '''Kingdom of Norlund''', is a sovereign country in the far northwest of the mainland. It is a federal constitutional monarchy, comprised of 10 cantons and 3 federal territories. The population of Norlund is not centered around any particular administrative division, with its citizens and residents spread across its several cities. Norlund is popularly known for its friendliness toward new players, its direct democracy, and its many culturally diverse Cantons.

== History ==
== History ==
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=== The World War ===
=== The World War ===
With world tensions rising, and unrest from a number of server changes it all eventually culminated into the obbybombing of CivCorp, in which several civilians of Norlund being affected. Notably the Tawa merchant Hitmehn, who ran a successful store and owned a plot in CivCorp. The Tallumite Presley_Yows was also logged out at the time, but managed to get out once Civcorp briefly got re-captured. After the Obby bombing the, group at the time known as the "obbybombers coalition" merged under the authoritarian superstate known as the USA, this superstate mainly consisted of Blackwater, Chungus and Bobanga, with some support from Laconia. Many of the citizens of the USA had previously been involved in the "Goodfellas raids", a bandit group operating in western Tallum, known for their war-crimes on Norlish newfriends, destruction of civilian and national property. Norlund, and the Northern Defence Alliance decided, for both the good of the world and the nations, to pledge their support for Civcorp and with it Carbon, even if Carbon and Civcorp initially wasnt held in the highest regard by some people in the NDP. Norlund rapidly prepared for total war, making roadblocks and hiding valuables.
With world tensions rising, and unrest from a number of server changes it all eventually culminated into the obbybombing of CivCorp, in which several civilians of Norlund being affected. Notably the Tawa merchant Hitmehn, who ran a successful store and owned a plot in CivCorp. The Tallumite Presley_Yows was also logged out at the time, but managed to get out once Civcorp briefly got re-captured. After the Obby bombing the group at the time known as the "obbybombers coalition" merged under the authoritarian superstate known as the USA, this superstate mainly consisted of Blackwater, Chungus and Bobanga, with some support from Laconia. Many of the citizens of the USA had previously been involved in the "Goodfellas raids", a bandit group operating in western Tallum, known for their war-crimes on Norlish newfriends, destruction of civilian and national property. Norlund, and the Northern Defence Alliance decided, for both the good of the world and the nations, to pledge their support for Civcorp and with it Carbon, even if Carbon and Civcorp initially wasnt held in the highest regard by some people in the NDP. Norlund rapidly prepared for total war, making roadblocks and hiding valuables.

=== The Defence of Asgård ===
=== The Defence of Asgård ===
The federal council urged all able to fight citizens to hole up at Asgård and prepare for the anticipated siege. Asgårds geographical position placed it as a chokepoint to the North, making it strategically viable for Norlund to hold to ensure national integrity. Many of the Norlish Guard and armed militia went over to Asgård to help defend it. International volunteers also joined up with the NDP, notably from Alexandria and the BSR. A tunnel was connected to Carbon infrastructure by 1drop, Tremerius and King Leobonet, making Carbon forces able to support the NDP and making it easier for defenders to enter the vault safely. Many Norls also helped dig the large outer trench and with other maintenance work on Asgaård itself. Norlund played a large part in bowing the USA attackers, with some ultimately meeting the end, sacrificing their lives to defend their North when the vault eventually got breached - dying with sword and flag in hand. These notably included cantonal leaders and almost half of the federal council; the Minister of Foreign affairs Joy_a and the Minister of Defence Kaoos. Some people got trapped in the fallen vault, but everyone trapped eventually managed to escape the clutches of the USA safely. Asgård eventually met its end, but its safe to say that Norlund made it hold out longer than it would have. The remaining Norls made their way over to Heaven to prepare for the next siege.
The federal council urged all able to fight citizens to hole up at Asgård and prepare for the anticipated siege. Asgårds geographical position placed it as a chokepoint to the North, making it strategically viable for Norlund to hold to ensure national integrity. Many of the Norlish Guard and armed militia went over to Asgård to help defend it. International volunteers also joined up with the NDP, notably from Alexandria and the BSR. A tunnel was connected to Carbon infrastructure by 1drop, Tremerius and King Leobonet, making Carbon forces able to support the NDP and making it easier for defenders to enter the vault safely. Many Norls also helped dig the large outer trench and with other maintenance work on Asgaård itself. Norlund played a large part in bowing the USA attackers, with some ultimately meeting the end, sacrificing their lives to defend their North when the vault eventually got breached - dying with sword and flag in hand. These notably included cantonal leaders and almost half of the federal council; the Minister of Foreign affairs Joy_a and the Minister of Defence Kaoos. Some people got trapped in the fallen vault, but everyone trapped eventually managed to escape the clutches of the USA safely. Asgård eventually met its end, but it held far longer than expected due to the Norlish support, and the additional time allowed much-needed modifications to be made to Heaven. The remaining Norls made their way to Heaven to prepare for the next siege.

=== Heaven and the redemption of the Norlish Guard ===
=== Heaven and the redemption of the Norlish Guard ===
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== Administrative Divisions ==
== Administrative Divisions ==
Norlund is composed of 8 Cantons and 4 Territories. A Canton is defined as an area with a settlement occupied by at least five people. A territory is a swath of land lacking any towns or settlements of significant size, and are largely uninhabited and/or uninhabitable. [[File:Kannin.png|left|thumb|390x390px|Old picture of Kannin, capital of Norlund, shortly after the founding of Laketown ]]
Norlund is composed of 10 Cantons and 3 Territories. A Canton is defined as an area with a settlement occupied by at least three people. A territory is a swath of land lacking any towns or settlements of significant size, and are largely uninhabited and/or uninhabitable. [[File:Kannin.png|left|thumb|390x390px|Old picture of Kannin, capital of Norlund, shortly after the founding of Laketown ]]
=== Kannin ===
=== Kannin ===
Kannin is the third largest Canton of Norlund, and by far the oldest. It is currently the capital of Norlund. It is known for it's urban landscape, with many shops, factories, and government infrastructure. It is known worldwide for its picturesque views and storied past, and is home to the Kannin Fortress, the seat of government, and a federal district ruled directly by the federal government.
Kannin is the third largest Canton of Norlund, and by far the oldest. It is currently the capital of Norlund. It is known for it's urban landscape, with many shops, factories, and government infrastructure. It is known worldwide for its picturesque views and storied past, and is home to the Kannin Fortress, the seat of government, and a federal district ruled directly by the federal government.
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=== Drengrfold ===
=== Drengrfold ===
Drengrfold is the newest Canton in Norlund. Drengrfold is focused on the settlemenst of Port Lokkarme and Gwenyth. With a population of 4 as of the last census, Drengrfold surpasses several of the stagnant cantons, and is looking to be a new center of development. Formed out of the former territory of Northreach (now Midreach), Drengrfold is isolated from the federal infrastructure network, including rail and road. However, this will change once the rail boom reaches Kannin, where a line will then be routed to Port Lokkarme.
Drengrfold is the newest Canton in Norlund. Drengrfold is focused on the settlemenst of Port Lokkarme and Gwenyth. With a population of 4 as of the last census, Drengrfold surpasses several of the stagnant cantons, and is looking to be a new center of development. Formed out of the former territory of Northreach (now Midreach), Drengrfold is isolated from the federal infrastructure network, including rail and road. However, this will change once the rail boom reaches Kannin, where a line will then be routed to Port Lokkarme.

==== YosLan ====
YosLan (officially LörYosLan) is a Canton of Norlund, having rejoined Norlund during The [[Great War]] after seceding from Norlund earlier in the year on July 7th.

=== Territories ===
=== Territories ===
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==== The Midreach Territory ====
==== The Midreach Territory ====
The Midreach Territory encompasses the entirety of the northern peninsula. Composed of steep cliffs, tall mountains, and thick glaciers, the Midreach territory is near-uninhabited, and near uninhabitable, as little grows in what little hardy soil there is. Despite this, the settlement of Paris is an exception to the rule. A small commune founded by Rainofpain125, Paris has been a controversial settlement due to their leader's extreme political beliefs. While Paris had now since fallen to disrepair after Rain's departure from Norlund, it has since been in the process of rebuilding under two newfriends MaiNai and MadBaronofUrga, now calling it Port Lohikäärme, or Kärme for short. This settlement has since been moved to the Canton of Drengrfold, along with Gwenyth. As a result, Midreach had its name changed from Northreach, in order to more accurately depict its geographic position. In addition, Irithyll Fortress is a major landmark. Nestled between the glaciers, Irithyll is meant to be a fallback point should invasion drive the government out of Kannin. Built by RobM, it has since fallen into disrepair. Now it serves as a monument to the Norlish people, honouring RobM, it is also of importance to the church due to RobM's death in the crusade against the Ez2crew. Irithyll hosts a small church in the center of it.
The Midreach Territory encompasses the entirety of the northern peninsula. Composed of steep cliffs, tall mountains, and thick glaciers, the Midreach territory is near-uninhabited, and near uninhabitable, as little grows in what little hardy soil there is. Despite this, the settlement of Paris is an exception to the rule. A small commune founded by Rainofpain125, Paris has been a controversial settlement due to their leader's extreme political beliefs. While Paris had now since fallen to disrepair after Rain's departure from Norlund, it has since been in the process of rebuilding under two newfriends MaiNai and MadBaronofUrga, now calling it Port Lohikäärme, or Kärme for short. This settlement has since been moved to the Canton of Drengrfold, along with Gwenyth. As a result, Midreach had its name changed from Northreach, in order to more accurately depict its geographic position. In addition, Irithyll Fortress is a major landmark. Nestled between the glaciers, Irithyll is meant to be a fallback point should invasion drive the government out of Kannin. Built by RobM, it has since fallen into disrepair. Now it serves as a monument to the Norlish people, honouring RobM, it is also of importance to the church due to RobM's death in the crusade against the Ez2crew. Irithyll hosts a small church in the center of it.

==== Norvansgard ====
Norvansgard is a former Canton of Norlund. It is primarily composed of former Vaskr members, a Viking clan from TheRealmsMC. They maintain a moderately sized town due North East from Kannin.

Following [[The Secession of Ansgar]], Norvansgard was no longer part of Norlund, and instead a major territory of the new Kingdom of [[Yggdrasil|Yggdrasil.]]

Following negotiations between Norlund and Yggdrasil during The [[Great War]], the territory of Norvansgard rejoined Norlund, although not as a Canton due to lack of permanent residents. It's exact legal status is currently undecided, although likely to be a territory.

=== Former Cantons/Municipalities ===
=== Former Cantons/Municipalities ===
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==== Dikketijger ====
==== Dikketijger ====
A bastardization of the Dutch words for "Fat Tiger," Dikketijger was a promising settlement of 5 newfriends, who quickly went inactive for unknown reasons. Despite the aid of Verian officials, and attempts to contact them, it's unknown where they went.
A bastardization of the Dutch words for "Fat Tiger," Dikketijger was a promising settlement of 5 newfriends, who quickly went inactive for unknown reasons. Despite the aid of Verian officials, and attempts to contact them, it's unknown where they went.

==== Norvansgard ====
Norvansgard is a former Canton of Norlund. It is primarily composed of former Vaskr members, a Viking clan from TheRealmsMC. They maintain a moderately sized town due North East from Kannin.

Following [[The Secession of Ansgar]], Norvansgard was no longer part of Norlund, and instead a major territory of the new Kingdom of [[Yggdrasil|Yggdrasil.]]

Following negotiations between Norlund and Yggdrasil during The [[Great War]], the territory of Norvansgard rejoined Norlund, although not as a Canton due to lack of permanent residents.

==== YosLan ====
YosLan (officially LörYosLan) is a Canton of Norlund, having rejoined Norlund during The [[Great War]] after seceding from Norlund earlier in the year on July 7th.

==== Paris/Kärme ====
==== Paris/Kärme ====