Norlund: Difference between revisions

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The monarch, Leobonet I, got sued by Okx for making the Prime Minister of the 9th cabinet: CuntJesus the electoral chairman, while being active Prime Minister. This was ruled as illegal as per norlish law by judge Skinny, but the case is still considered controversial by some due to judge Skinny not actually having been confirmed judge by the House of Commons, as the law requires.
== Cantons and Territories ==
== Administrative Divisions ==
Norlund is composed of 10 Cantons and 3 Territories. A Canton is defined as an area with a settlement occupied by at least three people. A territory is a swath of land lacking any towns or settlements of significant size, and are largely uninhabited and/or uninhabitable. [[File:Kannin.png|left|thumb|390x390px|Old picture of Kannin, capital of Norlund, shortly after the founding of Laketown ]]
=== Kannin ===