Norlund: Difference between revisions

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I did a whole bunch of edits, get a few things up to date, that sort o' thing.
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|labelstyle = background:#;
|datastyle =
| label1 = Prime MinisterMonarch
| data1 = KnoxmoorLeobonet
| label2 = GovernmentPrime Minister
| data2 = Groxlord
| data2 = Constitutional Monarchy (de-jure), Direct Democracy (de-facto)
| label3 = CurrencyGovernment
| data3 = KranConstitutional Monarchy (1de-jure), staminaDirect =Democracy 16 Kran(de-facto)
| label4 = DiscordCurrency
| data4 = Norlundic Kran (1 stamina = 16 Norlundic Kran)
| data4 = [ XbKFNEu]
|label5=PopulationDiscord|data5=[ XbKFNEu]|data6=61 (As of April 15th, 2020)|label6=population}}
'''Norlund''' is a middle power in the far northwest of the mainland. It's known for its friendliness toward new players, its direct democracy, and its many municipalities. Formerly a Kingdom, after the abdication and defection of King Shamus I, Norlund was reborn as the New Republic of Norlund
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Ansgar has now reformed as a new nation under Carbon, named [[Yggdrasil]]. They retain the territory formerly known as Norvansgard.
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=== The Secession of Yoslan ===
On the seventh of July 2020, the Canton of Tawa announced its intentions to secede from Norlund and join Yggdrasil, followed soon after by Yoslan, both motivated by Toxicity aimed at their Cantons and peoples. Talks were opened almost immediately, and the Five demands of Tawa were released, all of which were accepted, and Tawa made the decision to remain. Yoslan, however, went through with secession and became an independent state closely tied to Yggdrasil. Friendly relations have been retained despite at times heightened toxicity.
== Norlundic Subdivisions ==
Norlund is composed of 7 MunicipalitiesCantons, and 2 Territories. A municipality is defined as a swath of land that has at least one town of more than 3 people. A territory is a swath of land lacking any towns or settlements of significant size, and are largely uninhabited and/or uninhabitable. [[File:Kannin.png|left|thumb|390x390px|Kannin, capital of Norlund, shortly after the founding of Laketown ]]
=== Kannin ===
Kannin is the second largest municipalityCanton of Norlund, and by far the oldest. It is currently the capital of Norlund, and has a population of 15 as of the last census. It is known for it's urban landscape, with many shops, factories, and government infrastructure. It is known worldwide for its picturesque views and storied past, and is home to the Kannin Fortress, the seat of government, and a federal district ruled directly by the federal government.
==== Kannin Fortress ====
Kannin Fortress is a federal district within the municipalityCanton of Kannin. It is home to the throne room and quarters of the ruling monarch, and is also where the Federal Government is based. It is under the direct jurisdiction of the ruling monarch, formerly Terry III, who oversees maintenance and expansion of the small fortified island.
==== Condor (Formerly Laketown) ====
Condor is a district within the municipalityCanton of Kannin, and is home to a significant portion of Kannin's population. Known for its fishing-based economy and its lakefront views, Condor is a quaint place to call home. Founded as a newfriend haven away from the secure bastioned area of Kannin Proper, it has quickly grown to be a town within a city worthy of recognition for its simple and rugged, yet aesthetically pleasing architecture and its friendly community.
==== Kannin Peninsula ====
Kannin Peninsula is the core of the municipalityCanton of Kannin. Home to the majority of businesses, government buildings, and homes, Kannin Peninsula is an urbanite's dream. It has gone under significant renovation, going from an underdeveloped swath of land with only a couple of dwellings, to a multi-layered city center focused on Odilia Square, where prominent buildings such as the Cathedral of Saint Odilia and the Supreme Court of Norlund are centered around.
[[File:Norlund Map of Norlundic MunicipalitiesThing.png|alt=|thumb|Map of the various Norlundic Municipalities, Territories, Cities, and Towns.]]
=== Yoslan ===
Yoslan was a Canton of Norlund up until the events following the 7th of July, leading to the secession of Yoslan as an independent state with close ties to Yggdrasil.
(to be filled out once the history of Yoslan is documented)
=== Tawa ===
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=== Norvansgard ===
Norvansgard is the newest municipalityCanton in Norlund. It is primarily composed of former Vaskr members, a Viking clan from TheRealmsMC. They maintain a moderately sized town due North East from Kannin, and have an intricate Nordic culture, with a deep lore and storied past. They are a friendly bunch, and have many social and outgoing members.
Following [[The Secession of Ansgar]], Norvansgard is no longer part of Norlund, and instead a major territory of the new Kingdom of [[Yggdrasil|Yggdrasil.]]
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Veria, like Norvansgard, has a storied past. Founded on Civcraft 3.0 after a merger between the nations of Euthenia and Illyria. It continued on through many civ servers, including TheRealmsMC, where it was in an alliance with the aforementioned Vaskr peoples. After the outbreak of Coronavirus, Veria decided to mobilize and settle within Norlund as a new municipality. Maintaining a socialist lifestyle, Veria holds everything in common, and maintains a socialist democracy, with an Executive Council and a Popular Assembly. With a population of 18 as of the last census, Veria is the largest municipality within Norlund, and the fastest growing. It is now the center of the great Norlundic Rail Boom, with the construction of the Euthenian Grand Central Station beginning on May 4th, 2020.
As of 22 June 2020, due to stiflingunfortunate bureaucracyreal life events on the part of the Verian railway project's leader Cortwade, Veria's station remains unconnected with the national rail network.
=== Palaisance ===
Palaisance is a small municipalityCanton on the cold Northern Coastal Plains of Norlund. With grand French architecture, Palaisance is a home to the Francophone population of Norlund, and is quickly building one of the prettiest cities within the nation.
=== Florentia ===
A moderately sized municipalityCanton with a population of 6 according to the last census, Florentia is a Christian-Socialist municipality. Like Veria, the population holds everything in Common, and has abolished private property. In accordance to the teachings of the Bible, capitalism is the root of Pride and Greed, and socialism is the way to solve those issues. They are friendly and amiable, and are frequently seen discussing laws and current affairs in the Norlund Discord. Presently, there is no significant aboveground settlement within the borders of Florentia, due to their grand goal of eventually building a grand cathedral and holy site. Bill 20, the Bill that created the Constitutional Assembly, was proposed by a Cardinal of Florentia, Ahri, who now represents Florentia in the assembly.
=== Tallum ===
Tallum is the 3rd oldest municipalityCanton in Norlund, and boasts a decently sized population of 7 as of the last census. A relatively quaint settlement, Tallum sits on the coast of Lake Vatican, and is known for its lighthouse and verdant farmland. It is a low density settlement, with a large footprint due its homes and places of business. It has a relatively large cathedral near its northern border.
==== Vatican City ====
The Vatican City is a municipalCantonal settlement sharing it's borders with Tallum. Even if it still is it's own municipality, there are talks about merging with Tallum once Prime Minister Knoxmoor steps down. It sits on the island of Sanctuary within the namesake Vatican Lake, and is known for being a major site for Norlundic Christendom. Headed by Pope Leobonet, the Vatican City the site of significant development. While the full plan for the Vatican has not fully been realized, it's still a site to behold. One of the, what will be, the largest buildings are under construction here: the cathedral of Saint Lucia.
=== Territories ===
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=== Former Municipalities ===
There hashave, on a fewcouple of occasions, been MunicipalitiesCantons that simply fail to take off and fall to ruin and obscurity. To date, there has been twothree examples of this; Ostertal and Dikketijger.
==== Ostertal ====
Ostertal was a militaristic municipalityCanton situated roughly between Kannin and Veria. Reaching a height of 3 members, it was officially declared a municipalityCanton only a couple days before it fell into inactivity. It's leader, Spacey, went inactive due to duties with the U.S. Military, and the other two members simply went inactive shortly after. It'sIts territory has been divided between Veria and Kannin, and the river Ostertal was once based on has since been converted into massive carrot farmland. it eventually evolved into the Settlement of Luzia, a loyal subdivision of Veria, with 4-5 current inhabitants.
==== Dikketijger ====
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== Government ==
Norlund was formally a federalized Constitutional Monarchy under the guidance of King Terry III. The monarch had near-absolute power in the form of royal assent, and was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. There is a legislative body, the House of Commons, which functions as a direct democracy. All citizens, regardless of place of residence, may propose and vote on bills in the house of commons following a schedule kept by the Custodian of the House. The citizenry elect a Prime Minister once every two months, and the Prime Minister may choose to appoint Ministers who serve under him. However, with the resignation of Terry, and the lack of an heir or an appointed Governor General, the Prime Minister has taken on the roles of Terry, making Norlund presently a full direct democracy.
Recent events have lead to the election of Leobonet, Pope of the Vatican in tallum, as Monarch.
== Notable Figures ==
(This is out of date)
'''TerryTheThird aka Terry -''' The Former King of Norlund
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== Election Results ==
Every two months Norlund holds an election to determine who will serve as Prime Minister.
(This is out of date)
'''1st Election - Records are unclear'''