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=== Buryatia ===
Buryatia is a Canton located on the western coast of Norlund. It hashad a population of 3 citizens and is centered around the town of Dubrovnik. Due to its rather isolationist nature in the past, it remains unconnected to major federal infrastructure, but that is a subject to change in the close future. It iswas currentlyplaced inactiveunder andprotection placeddue underto protectioninactivity.
=== Drengrfold ===
Drengrfold is the newest Canton in Norlund. Drengrfold is focused on the settlemenst of Port Lokkarme and Gwenyth. With a population of 4 as of the last census, Drengrfold surpassessurpassed several of the stagnant cantons, andat isthe lookingtime toof beits a new center of developmentfounding. Formed out of the former territory of Northreach (nowlater Midreach), Drengrfold iswas initially isolated from the federal infrastructure network, includingthough railit andwas road.later However,connected thiswith willroads changegoing oncethrough the railvarious boomvalleys reachesin Kannin,northern where a line will then be routed to Port LokkarmeNorlund.
=== YosLan ===
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==== The Southwest Territory ====
The Western Territories areis the region of Norlund on the west coast that havehas throughout notits yethistory been fullyrelatively settleduninhabitet. orThere developed.has Despitehistorically this,been thereseveral hasattempts beento somesettle developmentthe area, namely the Western Bell Tower, and the Zexenia/Norlund Friendship Bridge and Saint Peter. The Western Territories has a mostly cool climate, with Boreal Forest and Mountains dominating the geography, along with Cold Steppe on the southern border with SavagardYggdrasil.
==== The Midreach Territory ====
The Midreach Territory encompasses the entirety of the northern peninsula. Composed of steep cliffs, tall mountains, and thick glaciers, the Midreach territory is near-uninhabited, and near uninhabitable, as little grows in what little hardy soil there is. Despite this, theThe settlement of Paris iswas an exception to the rule. AParis was small commune founded by Rainofpain125, Parisand has beenwas a controversial settlement due to their leader's extreme political beliefs. While Paris hadlater nowfell since fallen tointo disrepair after Rain's departure from Norlund, it haswas sincelater beenrebuilt inunder the process of rebuilding under two newfriends MaiNai and MadBaronofUrga, now calling it Port Lohikäärme, or Kärme for short. This settlement has since been moved to the Canton of Drengrfold, along with Gwenyth. As a result, Midreach had its name changed from Northreach, in order to more accurately depict its geographic position. In addition, Irithyll Fortress is a major landmark. Nestled between the glaciers, Irithyll is meant to be a fallback point should invasion drive the government out of Kannin. Built by RobM, it has since fallen into disrepair. Now it serves as a monument to the Norlish people, honouring RobM, it is also of importance to the church due to RobM's death in the crusade against the Ez2crew. Irithyll hosts a small church in the center of it. Fort Irithyll is placed under fedral management, and various norlish archeaological digs have found artifacts dating mainly from "The King Terry early dynastic era".
==== Norvansgard ====
Norvansgard is a former Canton of Norlund. It is primarily composed of former Vaskr members, a Viking clan from TheRealmsMC. They maintain a moderately sized town due North East from Kannin. Following [[The Secession of Ansgar]], Norvansgard was no longer part of Norlund, and instead became a major territory of the new Kingdom of [[Yggdrasil|Yggdrasil.]]
Following [[The Secession of Ansgar]], Norvansgard was no longer part of Norlund, and instead a major territory of the new Kingdom of [[Yggdrasil|Yggdrasil.]]
Following negotiations between Norlund and Yggdrasil during The [[Great War]], the territory of Norvansgard rejoined Norlund, although not as a Canton due to lack of permanent residents. It is currently a territory with the old viking long house being under direct federal control, like how Kannin castle and Irithyll are managed currently.