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== Government ==
Norlund was formally a federalized Constitutional Monarchy under the guidance of King Terry III. The monarch had near-absolute power in the form of royal assent, and was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. ThereWith isthe adeath legislativeof bodyTerry III, and the Houselack of Commons,an whichheir functionsor asan aappointed directGovernor democracy.General, Allthe citizens,Prime regardlessMinister ofhas placetaken ofon residence,the mayroles proposeof andthe voteMonarch, onmaking billsNorlund ina thefully housedemocratic ofstate commons followingfor a scheduleshort keptperiod byof thetime. Custodian ofNowadays the House.Monarch Theis citizenrymore electof a Prime Minister once every two months,figurehead and thedoes Primenot Ministerpossess mayany chooseprerogatives toor appointexecutive Ministerspower, whobut servehe underremains him. However, withas the resignationholder of Terry,the andnational thenamelayers. lackRecent ofevents anhave heirlead orto anthe appointedelection Governorof GeneralLeobonet, thePope Primeof Ministerthe hasVatican taken onin the rolesCanton of TerryTallum, making Norlund presently a full directas democracyMonarch.
The House of Commons is Norlund's legislative body, which functions on the basis of direct democracy. All citizens, regardless of their Canton of residence, may propose and vote on bills following a schedule kept by the Custodian of the House. The citizenry also elects the Prime Minister and members of the Federal Council once every two months, as well as the Custodian every month. According to the current Constitution, the Monarch is elected once and for life during an extended vote, following a referendum.
Recent events have lead to the election of Leobonet, Pope of the Vatican in tallum, as Monarch.
The executive branch of government is the Federal Council, which apart from its executive powers has limited legislative powers (issuing decrees, taking part in the constitutional amendment procedure). Its composed of the Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence and Minister of Economic Cooperation. The Council cooperates on solving present issues, initiating economic, infrastructural and defensive projects, handles diplomacy and foreign treaties, recruitment and coordinates the cooperation between Cantons.
The judicial branch of government is the Federal Court. Led by the Head Judge, its an organ composed of representatives from each of the Cantons. The Federal Court internally decides its procedures and assembles whenever a case is filed. It serves as the criminal, civil, administrative and constitutional court of Norlund.
== Notable Figures ==