Norlund: Difference between revisions

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=== The Interim Federal Council ===
With Prime Minister Groxlord stepping down, the at the time Minister of Foreign affairs The Big Kannon got agreed upon to become the Interim Prime Minister.
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This period was troubled by bandit raids, notably on the city of Tallum which took the brunt of griefs. Pets were killed, chests were popped and people felt threatened. Other members of the NDP were also troubled by the same bandits, and an unified effort in getting rid of these was organized. A bandit hideout was found in the western Tallum mountains, but got disabled by a large unified NDP army, with members from all signatory nations. Eventually the raiders, known as the Goodfellas, got found out to be funded and members of Blackwater, which then due to being defeated in the north by the NDP and international pressure, signed a peace treaty - in which they payed very large reps to the victims, amounting to around 2000 stamina in total (albeit some of it was paid in XP rather than stamina, with varying, but mostly good rates). The reps paid to Norlund, was after being discussed between the King and federal council with the bandits, paid to a large Norlish convoy in Varathia with the motivation of: breaking a previous agreement not to raid, killing livestock, killing pets, popping civilian chests with invaluable items (like eg. books and collectibles), raiding the Tallum bank, actively fighting inside Veria and Tallum, petty griefing, re-griefing newly repaired stuff from the previous griefs, erecting hostile military infrastructure inside Norlish territory and ultimately scaring newfriends and established civilians alike.<br />
=== The Re-Election ===
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=== The World War ===
With world tensions rising, and unrest from a number of server changes it all eventually culminated into the obbybombing of CivCorp, in which several civilians of Norlund being affected. Notably the Tawa merchant Hitmehn, who ran a successful store and owned a plot in CivCorp. The Tallumite Presley_Yows was also logged out at the time, but managed to get out once Civcorp briefly got re-captured. After the Obby bombing the, group at the time known as the "obbybombers coalition" merged under the authoritarian superstate known as the USA, this superstate mainly consisted of Blackwater, Chungus and Bobanga, with some support from Laconia. Many of the citizens of the USA had previously been involved in the "Goodfellas raids", a bandit group operating in western Tallum, known for their war-crimes on Norlish newfriends, destruction of civilian and national property. Norlund, and the Northern Defence Alliance decided, for both the good of the world and the nations, to pledge their support for Civcorp and with it Carbon, even if Carbon and Civcorp initially wasnt held in the highest regard by some people in the NDP. Norlund rapidly prepared for total war, making roadblocks and hiding valuables.
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=== The Defence of Asgård ===
The federal council urged all able to fight citizens to hole up at Asgård and prepare for the anticipated siege. Asgårds geographical position placed it as a chokepoint to the North, making it strategically viable for Norlund to hold to ensure national integrity. Many of the Norlish Guard and armed militia went over to Asgård to help defend it. International volunteers also joined up with the NDP, notably from Alexandria and the BSR. A tunnel was connected to Carbon infrastructure by 1drop, Tremerius and King Leobonet, making Carbon forces able to support the NDP and making it easier for defenders to enter the vault safely. Norlund played a large part in bowing the USA attackers, with some ultimately meeting the end, sacrificing their lives to defend their North when the vault eventually got breached - dying with sword and flag in hand. These notably included cantonal leaders and almost half of the federal council; the Minister of Foreign affairs Joy_a and the Minister of Defence Kaoos. Some people got trapped in the fallen vault, but everyone trapped eventually managed to escape the clutches of the USA safely. Asgård eventually met its end, but its safe to say that Norlund made it hold out longer than it would have. The remaining Norls made their way over to Heaven to prepare for the next siege.
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=== Heaven and the redemption of the Norlish Guard ===
Norlund started a "levee en masse", urging all able bodied Norls to head to the Northern coast - starting one of the largest ferrying operations on the server. Organized by the king - to make everyone able to get over to heaven, and to save boats, Norls were told to log off at the Northern coast and wait to be ferried by a ferryman/ferrywoman. This operation was a resounding success and everyone participating got over safely.
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During the Heaven defence, after fighting side by side with Norlund - the Queen of Yoslan, Antea formally requested to re-join the Kingdom. This was discussed in the House of Commons and ultimately after opinion polls and many discussions got voted through. The complete terms for the re-unification of Yoslan into Norlund is still being actively discussed at the moment.
== Administrative Divisions ==
