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=== The King's Crime ===
In early June 2020, there was a minor dispute between player Raine and the Norlundic government. RainofPain125 was a highly controversial figure in Norlund, with him being almost unanimously detested, but his right to remain in Norlund being defended nonetheless. In a highly controversial incident, in which the facts are still not clear, RainofPain invited King Shamus to his meagre settlement of Paris, and while Shamus waspearled there,Raine following an altercationargument happenedbetween whichthe resulted in Rain being pearledtwo. Shamus and his Ansgar Vikings would claim that the pearling was due to RainofPain threatening bounties upon the Norlundic Government, while other Norlund citizens would claim that Shamus pearled Rain to cash in on a bounty or just to remove the nuisance that was Rain. While most people wereconsidered secretlyRaine happyto thatbe Raina ofgaslighter Painand washave pearled,perceived peoplethe werepearling scaredas ofsomething positive, the premisepearling thatof a governmentNorlundic officialcitizen couldby pearlthe King someoneextrajudicially without any repercussions would create a dangerous precedent. As a result, charges were pressed.
=== The Secession of Ansgar and the Double Claim of Kannin ===
