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=== The King Terry dynastic era Norlund ===
While the exact date of Norlund's founding on this iterationCivrealms is unknown, Norlundit is certainly one of the oldest nations on the server. Prior to CivRealms, Norlund hadhas a storied past on servers such as CivEx, TheRealmsMC, and, briefly, CivClassics. Its demographics and political system has changed throughout the years, but the constitutional monarchy and leadership of Terry III has been aroundapart sinceof nearlythe nation since the beginning.
On CivRealms, Norlund has rarely been a center of attention. Near the start of the server, Norlund was concentrated around its capital, Kannin, which, at the time, was little more than a hamlet at the time. The foundations of the now iconic Kannin FortressCastle had been laid, and there were only a couple offew houses. Rather quickly, howeverHowever, Norlund quickly industrialized. Factories were built within the fortress,castle then,followed later on,by public factories came intofor use for all ofin Kannin. A general store was created, and bronze and iron tools became a major export. WithThanks the introduction of mithril intoto the economydedication inand latecooperation November,of early December 2019Norls, thingsmithril quicklywas tookfirst offintroduced thanks tointo the dedicationeconomy andaround cooperationlate ofNovember theto early NorlundicDecember players2019. It was at this time that theThe first international rail was also built around this time.
Shortly after the infusionintroduction of mithril into Norlund, Kannin began to develop from a tiny hamlet tointo a quaint village,. thenThe soonarea becamearound anthe Kannin Peninsula developed into a dense urban center. focusedAgriculture onalso thebecame Kannina Peninsula.mainstay Inof addition,the agricultureeconomy quicklyas carrots became a hotsignificant commodity,part withof the sellingcountry's ofexports. CarrotsNew becomingfarms aand massiveagricultural export,outposts alongwere withdeveloped agricultureall outposts throughoutacross the nationcountry. Iconic builds such as the Poppy, the pre-renovation Kannin castle and the first Christian churches were founded around this time.
The end of the King Terry's dynasticreign eracame is embossed withfollowing a population boomexplosion and settlementsthe establishment of multiple new cantonscities (at the time known asand municipalities). The first ones being YosLan and Tallum. These cantons were far from the last, however. With the outbreak of COVID-19 in real life,outbreak and the resultingsubsequent quarantine, theresulted populationin ofthe Norlund,server and thatNorlund ofgaining thea servermassive asboost ato whole,player explodedactivity. The population of Norlund balloonedexploded to aroundover 50 active members spread across 7 cantons, 2 territories, and 9 towns/ and cities. Norlund quickly becamegrew into one of the cultural, economic, and population centers of the world. However, as the country's rapid growth strained the government, real life obligations drew Terry and members of his government away from the game. The rapidly growing needs of Norlund's new population followed by the untimely loss of its leadership would later result in significant repurcssions for the nation.
==== The Talamh Uprising ====
A little while before the founding of Yoslan, inIn January 2020, the settlement of Talamh was founded by former Wheatistanis. Underas a tribalsmall structure, Talamh managed the farmshamlet around Lake Vatican, andby madeformer aWheatistanis smallto hamlet for themselves. However,manage the reasonfarms they had migrated toin the regionarea wasunder toa reclaimtribal whatgovernment. theySoon claimedafter, wasthe their ancient homeland. The citizenrycitizens of Talamh began an insurrection, theclaiming firstthey casehad ofmigrated anto activethe rebellionregion withinto Norlundreclaim their ancient homeland. The uprising was quickly put down, and the tribal inhabitants left for the IWW. In late January, Pope, now King, Leobonet founded the Vatican City on the island within the namesake lake,. and inIn Early February, Talamh was refounded as Tallum, and was quickly modernized and converted to Norlish architecture by Knoxmoor, who would later become Prime Minister. Tallum also also saw very rapid growth in it's early days, with the infamous ComradeNick, known as "the terrible" in Norlund, originally originating from the canton - before his emigration away from the country.
=== The Death of the King Terry and Constitutional Crisis ===
On April 29th, 2020, King Terry III died peacefully in his sleep (note: had to leave the server due to IRL reasons), leaving a power vacuum that briefly left the nation confused and without leadership. The death of King Terry was a shock to the nation, and quicklyShortly after his parting was announced, a law was put to vote that created the Constitutional Assembly was created in order to fix the issues caused by the power vacuum left by a king without an heir. Other former leaders had already left the server before Terry, such as Robm and Assjackets. Following the loss of Terry, Prime Minister Knoxmoor also announced that he would also be leaving the server. The near complete loss of governance threw Norlund into a state of crisis.
Over the next month, citizens from all over Norlund worked tirelessly through the Constitutional Assembly to draft a new Constitution for Norlundthe nation. On May 18th, 2020 a new Constitution was finally posted to Redditratified and the Kingdom of Norlund was reborn again. The new Constitution allowed for the election of the Prime Minister and Federal Council andas a new Monarch to be elected,well afteras a periodnew of instability and interregnummonarch. King Shamus I has becomebecame the first elected Monarch of Norlund,. and the internal situation in Norlund has stabilized, but only for a brief period of time.
=== Constitutional Crisis ===
Over the next month, citizens from all over Norlund worked tirelessly through the Constitutional Assembly to draft a new Constitution for Norlund. On May 18th, 2020 a new Constitution was finally posted to Reddit and the Kingdom of Norlund was reborn again. The new Constitution allowed for the Prime Minister and Federal Council and a new Monarch to be elected, after a period of instability and interregnum. King Shamus I has become the first elected Monarch of Norlund, and the internal situation in Norlund has stabilized, but only for a brief period of time.
=== The King's Crime ===
In early June 2020, a dispute arose between a controversial player Rainenamed RainofPain125 and the NorlundicNorlish government. hasRaine occurred.had RainofPain125recently wasbeen aforced highlyout controversialof figurethe inIWW Norlund,after butpolitical disputes there resulted in his rightloss of power. He moved to remainthe infar north of Norlund wasand beingestablished defendeda nonethelesssettlement called Paris. An incidentargument hadbroke occurred,out wherebetween RainofPainRaine invitedand King Shamus toduring hisa settlementvisit, ofwhich Paris,resulted andin followingthe anking argumentpearling betweenRaine. The pearling divided the twonation involvedas parties,arguments Shamusbegan pearledabout Rainewhether it was a legal and acceptable action. King Shamus and his Ansgar Vikingssupporters would claimclaimed that the pearling was due to RainofPainRaine threatening bountiesto uponbounty Shamus,the whileking. otherHis Norlunddetractors citizens would claimargued that Shamus pearled RainRaine to cash in oncollect a bounty issued by another nation or to just tosimply remove himan fromundesirable theplayer countryfrom Norlund. While mostRaine peoplewas widely considered Raine to be a gaslightercontroversial andfigure, have perceived thehis pearling asraised somethingconcerns positive,about the pearlinglegal ofprecedent a Norlundic citizenestablished by the Kingextrajudicial extrajudiciallypearling withoutof any repercussions would create aNorlish dangerous precedentcitizens. AsCharges awere result, charges wereeventually pressed against King Shamus, whichfor hashis ledactions towhich himdirectly decidingled to push towardsthe Ansgar's secessionSecession.
=== The Secession of Ansgar and the Double Claim of Kannin ===
On June 4th, in response to the controversycharges ofbrought against King Shamus during the RainRaine Incident; thehis home canton of Ansgar seceded,. claimingAlong with itAnsgar, manythe otherrebels landsalso ofclaimed Norlund,other Norlish territory including the capital, asin wellKannin. Worse still, as seizingformer themonarch nationalof namelayersNorlund, with which Shamus washad been entrusted aswith Monarchmany of the kingdom's namelayers. Norlund,In seekingorder to avoid aoutright civil war, allowedthe AnsgarNorlish togovernment secede,accepted butthe resentedAnsgar theirrebellion claimingbut ofresisted otherattempts Cantonsto (Especiallyalso take Kannin). The Ansgar rebels claimed itthey was their work thathad builtdeveloped a significant portionamount of Kannin, through the efforts of Sirboss and Norlundso claimedit aswas deservedly theirs. The Norlish government held firm that Kannin iswas both the birthplacefounding heart and heartpolitical capital of Norlundthe nation. After terse negotiations, theythe deservedrebels agreed to continuegive toup holdtheir Theon formerKannin Kingand Shamusreturn quicklythe defectednational tonamelayers. AnsgardFollowing andthe Norlundrecent wasloss onceof againTerry leftand withoutthe astruggles king.of Agreeingthe atAnsgar thisRebellion, pointdiscontent thatwith nothe monarchy wouldresulted capturein theits glorytemporary ofabolishment and the golden reignestablishment of Kingthe Terry,short Norlundlived abolishedRepublic theof throneNorlund. WithAnsgar thewould nationgo on to join the vergeKingdom of collapse,Yggdrasil theand short-livedremain Republica point of Norlundcontention wasbetween the two nations for some borntime.
=== The SecessionSecessions of Tawa and Yoslan ===
Ansgar has now reformed as a new nation named Yggdrasil. They retain the territory formerly known as Norvansgard.
On July 7, 2020 the Canton of Tawa announced its intentions to secede from Norlund and join the Kingdom of Yggdrasil. The canton had erected an immense wall that surrounded it borders. However the walls soon fell under heavy criticism and demands for its removal from the rest of the nation leading to Tawa's decision to secede. Negotations began between the leaders of Tawa and the Norlish government which resulted in the 5 Demands of Tawa;
=== The Secession of Yoslan ===
On the seventh of July 2020, the Canton of Tawa announced its intentions to secede from Norlund and join Yggdrasil, motivated by a widespread protest aimed against the construction of a wall by Tawa, surrounding the entire Canton's border. Tawa's declaration was soon followed by Yoslan, which has used the situation as an opportunity to gain independence as well. Talks were opened almost immediately, and the Five demands of Tawa were released, all of which were accepted, and Tawa made the decision to remain. Yoslan, however, went through with secession and became an independent state closely tied to Yggdrasil. Friendly, though sometimes strained relations have been retained between the Kingdom of Norlund and the newly formed Tribal Republic of YosLan, with new infrastructural projects being started between the two nations.
1st demand - a public statement of apology again from all those who have put forth slander against both me and the wall, I should not have to list names, instead like how easily it is to fall into mob mentality to agree to such slander, the mob of norlund should publicly call out such individuals and shame them.
2nd demand- More in-game contact, I understand we all have our own individuals lives to attend to, but I believe civ should be play on Minecraft and not discord. Interpret how you will.
3rd demand - More public programs put in place by both the government and private individuals, joining norlund should provide public benefits like any other nations, new citizens need something to gain from norlund for joining, not being put into a giant work in progress nation
4th demand- Civil discussion must be enforced much more so, slander and libel should not be tolerated whatsoever, and offending parties must be reminded of so, of course both are considered subjective and can be argued in court.
5th demand - The creation of the Norlund Social And Political Research Service, a group of neutral individuals loyal both to state and monarch that will ensure norlund stays on the righteous path, helping to conduct surveillance over all politicians, government officials, military officers, other professionals, businessmen, and general citizens.  As well as ensuring civil discussion/actions are always occurring in Norlund."
Norlund agreed to the Tawa's 5 demands and their secession was averted. However, their rebellion had consequences outside their canton. When Tawa announced their intentions to secede, the canton of Yoslan declared they would also be seeking independence. Negotiations took place between both Norlund, Tawa, and Yoslan. While Tawa ultimately areed to remain in Norlund, Yoslan went forward with secession and became the Tribal Republic of Yoslan.
=== The Restoration of Norlund ===
EverFollowing sinceKing Terry's death, Norlund's positionfell andinto reputationa hadperiod beenof atdecline ascarred steadyby declinepolitical crises and stagnation. The first fullyearly elected government andestablished Kingby hadthe notnew managedconstitution tohad dofailed anythingaccomplish much of note due to the Ansgar SecessionRebellion. happeningThis was shortly afterfollowed theirby election.the Thesecessions disjointedof governmentTawa thatand followedYoslan. onlyWhile managedthese tocrises handleweakened the crises at handnation, notthey ablealso topaved achievethe muchway progressfor in otherits fieldsresurgence. StartingRebellion withand thesecession electionremoved ofdissidents theand 2ndshared Federalhardship Council,unified changethe startedNorls to happen oncethat moreremained. The nationalelection symbolsof havethe beensecond changedFederal toCouncil matchmarked thea spiritreturn ofto thepositive Newchange. Kingdom,As the second Federal Government hasCouncil consolidated the power withinof Norlundthe federal government, oldthey projectsresumed havelong beenabandoned resumedprojects and manystarted new haveones been started. Onto the 7thbetterment of June,Norlund. followingThe Tawanation's declarationflag and thenational secessionsymbols ofwere Yoslan,changed theto Kranbetter hasreflect beenthe redenominatedspirit intoof the Norlundic Kran, which has brought an improvement in stamina backing and control over its circulation through full accountingnation. The Constitutionalnation's Advisory Board has been calledcurrency, the same dayKran, andwas hasre-issued startedwith workstamina on the newbacking and improvedaccounting Constitution,to asensure wellits asvalue. the harmonisation of the Norlundic legal system.
AmongstThe thesecond newFederal projectsCouncil undertakenalso byundertook thesignificant Federalefforts Councilto wasimprove theNorlund's rearmamentmilitary. of theThe Norlish Guard, which hashad receivedpreviously significantrelied amountson the gear of its volunteers, was rearmed with proper protection IV armourarmor sets and godpvp swords. fromThe donationsrearmament andwas cantonalfunded fundsby donations raised andfrom precessedthe bycantons. theThe Federalprocess Council.of creating pvp Thisquality hasgear for the Norlish guard also led to the establishment of the "Protect our Newfriends" programProgram," grantingan eachinitiative Norlishin citizenwhich access to free enchanted mithril armour that was deemedarmor unfit for use by the Norlishguard Guard,was butgiven couldto otherwise be useful in day-to-daynew usemembers. The Federal Rail and Horse Tunnel project haswas also been resumedresurrected with increased funding and public interest,. leading to significant progress for the first time since the Ansgar crisis.
Having overcome its struggles, Norlund bounced back to achieve an era of productivity and renewed stability.
The prior events, apart from weakening Norlund - united the remaining Norlundic Cantons in their common goals and interests. Despite the significant loss of territory, the crises led to fundamental changes in the functioning of the state, and ultimately led to more national unity, and an increase in cooperation, coordination, communication and overall efficiency.
=== Kingsluund Colonisation Efforts ===