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Norlund started a "levee en masse", urging all able bodied Norls to head to the Northern coast - starting one of the largest ferrying operations on the server. Organized by the king - to make everyone able to get over to heaven, and to save boats, Norls were told to log off at the Northern coast and wait to be ferried by a ferryman/ferrywoman. This operation was a resounding success and everyone participating got over safely.
During the Heaven defence, after fighting side by side with Norlund - the Queen of Yoslan, Antea formally requested to re-join the Kingdom. This was discussed in the House of Commons and ultimately after opinion polls and many discussions got voted through. YosLan later rejoined fully, with half of it's members remaining unable to vote as a compromise for being dual citizens. With it, YosLan brought the northern claim of [[Agotep]] into Norlund claims. Antea, initially unable to vote as apart of the remerger compromise, was later made a full citizen with voting rights. A small part of Agotep was given by Antea to Okx to make his own country, which is widely seen as unrecognized in Norlund due to the eye sore and bordergore it has created on maps. The Okx claim is located on top of a biome anomaly, an unkown remnant from world creation - that changes the biome of the specified area.
=== The Defeat of the USA ===
With the defeat of USA, Norlund was formally granted the Carbon exclave, on which the Tallum-Veria friendship farms are located. Older norlish intel thought that the area was inhabited by a Carbonite forward bunker - hence their claim to the area. This was never investigated as to not sour relations with Carbon, and due to the area being utilized by Norlund regardless. Later the bunker was revealed to be a fabrication as to lay claim the area.
Norls headed home from Heaven and started rebuilding damaged infrastructure, much of which yet again was located in Tallum (like the northern Tallum bridge). Many norls also contributed to the cleanup of Civcorp. The server saw a decline in active players after the war, partly because of the shitters of the USA leaving, and manpower losses on the coalition side as a result from the war. Norlund despite this kept high player counts, and it's during this time that Saint Lucias cathedral in the Vatican (Tallum) was completed and work on Pogwarts, the newfriend university really took off.
=== The CA14 bill and the Tawa bombing ===
The issue of what defines a canton or not has always plauged norlish politics, and bill after bill has been proposed to fix this - none before CA14 being passed. The controversy that surrounds the CA14 bill first stems from that the bill, before being amended and re-proposed, aimed to remove several cantons which had at least one active member, but according to some in the House of Commons shouldnt be allowed to keep their cantonal status. This prompted the great Tawa sign protest, where Tawa partisans protested in Kannin about the bill, wishing for Tawa to remain a canton. Later a Tawa partisan cell was blown up along the southern Kannin cantonal border, making a large crater and prompting an investigation. Who was behind this terrorist action is still widely disputed.
CA14 got passed with a vote one marginal not counting the abstinations according to earlier norlish praxis. The issue of whenever abstinations should count towards the total was raised and initiated the CA14 discussions and court procedure. This also raised the question if earlier legaslation should be rendered void, if said system applies, and if votes regarding constitutional amendments should require 2/3 of the whole population or just the active voters.
During this the monarch, Leobonet I, got sued by Okx due to making the Prime Minister of the 9th cabinet: CuntJesus the electoral chairman. This was ruled as illegal by judge Skinny, but the case is still considered controversial by some due to judge Skinny not actually having been confirmed judge by the House of Commons, as the law requires.
== Administrative Divisions ==
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Kannin is the third largest Canton of Norlund, and by far the oldest. It is currently the capital of Norlund. It is known for it's urban landscape, with many shops, factories, and government infrastructure. It is known worldwide for its picturesque views and storied past, and is home to the Kannin Fortress, the seat of government, and a federal district ruled directly by the federal government.
==== Kannin FortressCastle ====
Kannin FortressCastle is a federal district within the Canton of Kannin. It is home to the throne room and quarters of the ruling monarch, and is also where the Federal Government is based. It is under the direct jurisdiction of the ruling monarch, formerly Terry III, who oversees maintenance and expansion of the small fortified island.
==== Condor (Formerly Laketown) ====
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==== Kannin Peninsula ====
Kannin Peninsula is the core of the Canton of Kannin. Home to the majority of businesses, government buildings, and homes, Kannin Peninsula is an urbanite's dream. It has gone under significant renovation, going from an underdeveloped swath of land with only a couple of dwellings, to a multi-layered city center focused on Odilia Square, where prominent buildings such as the Cathedral of Saint Odilia and the Supreme Court of Norlund are centered around. Some notable tourist attractions are the shitter market, church of Saint Odilia, Kannin castle, Pogwarts (the newfriend university) and all kinds of stores selling both local and foreign goods.
[[File:Norlund Map Thing.png|alt=|thumb|Map of the various Norlundic Cantons, Territories, Cities, and Towns. (Outdated)]]
=== Tawa ===
TawaThe is onecanton of the newest Cantons in Norlund.tawa, Afterafter a period of rapid growth, it has becomebecame one of the biggest urban areas within the country in earlier norlish history, mostly owing to the dedication of the local leadership, led by Koojikii, and the success of their newfriend recruitment policies. The city of Tawa is home to the tallest structure and one of the most recognisable landmarks in Norlund, the Great Tower, which towers well above the clouds. It is also known for its great walls, also a landmark in Norlund and a subject of great debate in the earlier norlish political climate. Currently lead by Hitmehn, who has continued to develop Tawa into an industrial powerhouse, among other things previously running a xp exchange.
=== Veria ===
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=== Buryatia ===
Buryatia is a Canton located on the western coast of Norlund. It has a population of 3 citizens and is centered around the town of Dubrovnik. Due to its rather isolationist nature in the past, it remains unconnected to major federal infrastructure, but that is a subject to change in the close future. It is currently inactive and placed under protection.
=== Drengrfold ===
Drengrfold is the newest Canton in Norlund. Drengrfold is focused on the settlemenst of Port Lokkarme and Gwenyth. With a population of 4 as of the last census, Drengrfold surpasses several of the stagnant cantons, and is looking to be a new center of development. Formed out of the former territory of Northreach (now Midreach), Drengrfold is isolated from the federal infrastructure network, including rail and road. However, this will change once the rail boom reaches Kannin, where a line will then be routed to Port Lokkarme.
==== YosLan ====
YosLan (officially LörYosLan) is a Canton of Norlund, having rejoined Norlund during The [[Great War]] after seceding from Norlund earlier in the year on July 7th. Yoslan got given the lands of Northern Agotep from Carbon due to their participation in the World War. These gains got included into Norlund with the re-joining of YosLan, and some of them have been used to grant land for new towns.
=== Territories ===
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Following [[The Secession of Ansgar]], Norvansgard was no longer part of Norlund, and instead a major territory of the new Kingdom of [[Yggdrasil|Yggdrasil.]]
Following negotiations between Norlund and Yggdrasil during The [[Great War]], the territory of Norvansgard rejoined Norlund, although not as a Canton due to lack of permanent residents. It's exactis legalcurrently statusa isterritory currentlywith undecidedthe old viking long house being under direct federal control, althoughlike likelyhow toKannin becastle aand territoryIrithyll are managed currently.
=== Former Cantons/Municipalities ===
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|The Third Kingdom of Norlund
|Pope King Leobonet I
|July 2020