Nightwatch: Difference between revisions

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Believing Garter, Liquid quickly began packing his valuables and began making his way to his safehouse in an remote location in the server. However, while packing, Ch1pR DMed Liquid, asking him why Garter had left and that he knew about Liquid's idea of starting an rebellion. They had an lengthy discussion in DMs, including many screenshots and came to the realization that it was Garter who had told Ch1pR about the idea of independence, and had also dramatically changed the idea to seem more violent and threatening so it would increase the chances of getting Liquid pearled. Liquid then after made an reddit post exposing Garter and his manipulation of both him and Ch1pR. This reddit post got the attention of Garter, who had blocked both Liquid and Ch1pR at this point. He pinged them both in the Lambat server, revealing his ultimate goal.
