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Store your wealth in ''drop chests'' (hidden chests secure against XRay):
*# take some valuable items, ~10half a stack of Smooth stone, a Diamond, and a chest
*# if you have it, also bring a Grass block, a [[Plugins#JukeAlert|Jukebox]], and an iron ingot or another Diamond (to reinforce the Jukebox)
*# go to a random place nobody will ever visit or even build at, make sure you're alone (check your CivRadar)
*# dig down into the Stone layer, but at least 56 blocks deep
*# place a single chest and reinforce it with Diamond (<code>/ctr [group]</code>, hold the Diamond, hit the chest (it should show up in chat), <code>/ctr</code> to disable reinforcing mode)
*# if you brought a Jukebox, place it less than 11 blocks away, but not too close, and reinforce it
*# make sure there are no air blocks next to the chest or Jukebox, so they get [[Plugins#Orebfuscator|obfuscated]] as stone and cannot be found through XRay
*# place back all surrounding blocks (stone/dirt) how they were before, if you dug through grass and didn't bring a Grass block wait until the grass is regrown
If someone discovers your drop chest somehow, the Jukebox will [[Plugins#JukeAlert|let you know who took your stuff]].