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(Citadel reinforcing, maturation, Acidblocks.)
(Bunkers, Dropchests.)
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=== Bunkers ===
Bunkers are secure structures made with reinforced obsidian with the express purpose to keep people out who don't have permission to come inside. You can recognize them as big obsidian buildings, often with signs surrounding them telling you to keep out or else.
-Bunker picture-
Vaults are a much bigger variant of these bunkers, often stretching from bedrock to sky limit, that are most commonly used to store Exilepearls.
-Vault picture-
=== Dropchests ===
The best way to keep raiders away from your goodies is a simple drop chest. Which means to dig down a couple dozen blocks underground at stone level, putting down a chest and filling the hole back up. make sure to note down the coordinates though. A plugin called orebfuscastion turns some blocks like chests to stone when far away from a player. You may already have noticed this. This is to prevent the use of xray, keeping your hidden treasures safe and secure from prying eyes.
== Hiddenore ==

Revision as of 17:00, 29 March 2023

Civ101 - A Complete (soon™) tutorial for CivMC mechanics.

Making a complete tutorial for all of CivMC's mechanics right here. -RedDevel

1. Discord Authentication

The CivMC discord is the main hub for communication next to the subreddit, where you can receive extra help from players, mods or admins concerning any problems you might have. Either through community support or the ticket system. It’s also a place to discover nations that are open to recruiting in the ads section. Or a place to conduct commerce with players all across the server in the market forum.

To get full access to the discord all one has to do is authenticate themselves by running the command /discordauth on the minecraft server:

And then running the !kira auth command with the received code on the discord server:

This will link your Minecraft and discord accounts on the server, Locking your discord nickname to that of your Minecraft account. Doing this opens up the rest of the discord channels such as:

  • General: for discussion of the game with other players all around the world.
  • Community-support: for when you have a question that other players could help with.
  • Market-trade: a channel dedicated to trading, Allowing you to buy or sell goods from, or to other players with ease.
  • Nation-Ads: a place for nations to advertise their country and why you should join them.

2. Namelayer

Namelayer is one of CivMC’s foundational features, It allows you to make groups, which are then used by a variety of other plugins, Such as Citadel. One of the main things it does is that it allows members of a created group to talk to each other beyond the local chat range of 1000 blocks.

To make a group simply perform the command /nlcreategroup (or /nlcg) and then the name for the group you’d like to make.

This is also possible with the GUI which you can access by performing the command /nl.

To start typing in a group use /g followed by the group name.

Now only those in the group with the right permissions can see your messages. And if you’d like to return to local chat simply do /g on its own.

To edit permissions use the GUI by performing /nl then clicki on the group you’d like to change.

Now on the fence gate top right. Here there are 5 different layers of permissions.

The first is for anyone not blacklisted, meaning that even people not on the group can use these permissions. From then on it’s member, mod, admin and owner. All have preset permissions on group creation, but each can be changed simply by clicking on them and changing it from green to red to disallow, or red to green to allow for that layer.

3. Citadel

Citadel is another one of CivMC’s foundational features that allows players to reinforce blocks and lock chests and doors. slowing down any villains looking to raid your home. It is not complete protection, anyone can still break your reinforcements with some effort depending on what is used to reinforce them.


By running /reinforcements we can see that in the overworld, stone has a health of 50, iron 300 and diamond 2000

-Picture of reinforcements-

Health here equates to how many times a block has to be broken before it is dropped. This is why it is customary on the server to reinforce everything one might build. Because it takes resources to do so for each block, stone is most often used for this, while the others like iron and diamond are kept for chests or other important or valuable blocks.

To reinforce an already placed block hold one of the above mentioned items in your hand (stone,iron,diamond) and perform the command: /Ctr <Groupname> See Namelayer for how to make a group.

-Picture of activating Ctr-

Then punch the block you wish to reinforce to that group. This can also be done to change the reinforcement group of the block when it is already reinforced, given that you are on both groups and have a high enough permission level on them.

-Picture of purple particles around a block-

When purple particles appear around the block the reinforcement has correctly been applied and the block has been protected. It is also possible to reinforce while building by performing /ctf instead of /ctr. Be mindful to keep enough stone in your inventory in this mode however, or else you'll exit the reinforcing mode and be building without adding protection. Frustrating if you don't realize and keep on building, forcing you to use ctr afterwards, or let it stay unprotected.

Te exit reinforcement mode or any other type of citadel mode use /cto

-Picture of exiting reinforcement mode-

Maturation time.

When a block is reinforced it takes time for the protection to mature, meaning that a reinforced block is not immediately at it's maximum break amount. so, taking stone as an example, it would not immediately cost 50 breaks of a block to drop. But a much lower amount that scales with time. the following times are how long each reinforcement material takes to reach maximum protection:

Stone/Netherbrick: 1 hour.

Iron/Gold: 8 hours.

Diamond/Gilded blackstone: 24 hours.

These values are also displayed in the /reinforcements window.


Sometimes you'd like to get rid of someone else's build, maybe it doesn't look all that great, or you'd like to make other use of the space. But woe be you! it's reinforced and you're not on the group. That's where acid blocks come in.

Acid blocks are reinforced gold/diamond/netherite blocks that after some time get rid of the reinforcement and break the block that they're either near. Gold breaks the block above it. Diamond above and under. Netherite does so in every direction.

Each reinforcement type used requires an equivalent type used to the acid block to work. And each acid block has a different maturation time depending on the material used.

Gold acid block maturation times:

Stone/Netherbrick: 20 minutes.

Iron/Gold: 6 hours.

Diamond/Gilded blackstone: 48 hours.

Diamond acid block maturation times:

Stone/Netherbrick: 40 minutes.

Iron/Gold: 12 hours.

Diamond/Gilded blackstone: 96 hours.

Netherite acid block maturation times:

Stone/Netherbrick: 80 minutes.

Iron/Gold: 24 hours.

Diamond/Gilded blackstone: 192 hours.

Once the acid block has matured perform /ctacid while looking at the acid block. This breaks both the acid block and the block under or above depending on the acid block used. Multiple acid blocks can be broken at once.


Bunkers are secure structures made with reinforced obsidian with the express purpose to keep people out who don't have permission to come inside. You can recognize them as big obsidian buildings, often with signs surrounding them telling you to keep out or else.

-Bunker picture-

Vaults are a much bigger variant of these bunkers, often stretching from bedrock to sky limit, that are most commonly used to store Exilepearls.

-Vault picture-


The best way to keep raiders away from your goodies is a simple drop chest. Which means to dig down a couple dozen blocks underground at stone level, putting down a chest and filling the hole back up. make sure to note down the coordinates though. A plugin called orebfuscastion turns some blocks like chests to stone when far away from a player. You may already have noticed this. This is to prevent the use of xray, keeping your hidden treasures safe and secure from prying eyes.


Diamond Veins


Note block









XP production

Bastion production

Netherite Production

Realistic Biomes


City Bastion

Vault Bastion






Athropod egg

Redstone limits

Wordbank -

Client Mods



