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'''New Danzilona''' (abbreviated as '''NDZ''') iswas a direct democracy located in [[Civcraft 2.0|Civcraft's]] +,+ quadrant. It was on the [[CIC]] Yellow rail line, in between the [[Holy Tree]] and [[Breslau]] stops. There were also a number of other international and regional rail lines which connect directly to the central rail station in New Danzilona.
== History ==
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=== Danzilona on 1.0 ===
New Danzilona's story extends back to the early days of Civcraft 1.0. During that map, the predecessor of NDZ, named simply "Danzilona" was founded in the fall of 2012 by Gant2000 in an area of the map which would later be called the Quad Cities region. That area contained the towns of Danzilona, Communa, Gerald and Agraria. The city, while small in size, housed a group of bounty hunters (dubbed Beverly Hill) which quickly took up the fight against the HCF during the Great HCF War. During the war, the HCF led an attack on the Beverly Hill vault which held one of their members. During this attack, members of the HCF ruthlessly griefed parts of the city, which led to its abandonment. A small number of Danzilonans slowly cleared grief in the city over the next few months with the hopes that it would lead to a return of old citizens. Before that could happen, however, the server was reset, and Civcraft 2.0 began.
=== New Danzilona on 2.0 ===
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==== The "Troubles" ====
In the late Fallautumn of 2013, New Danzilona was enjoying slow but steady growth. The town had grown past its primarily agricultural roots, and new neighborhoods were starting to grow on the West and Southwest side of the city. One day, a random stranger decked out in combat gear appeared in the city and killed a prospective resident. The stranger quickly fled the area, but a bounty was issued to spur his capture. Two days later, residents of the city awoke to pillars of lava and water covering a small part of the old town. Snitch logs revealed that the culprit was the mysterious stranger, Rancuneus, who was wanted for the earlier murder. Members of the city cleaned up the damage and set out to capture Rancuneus. However, this would prove to be a game of cat and mouse as Rancuneus' European time zone allowed him to hit the city repeatedly while the majority of New Danzilona's citizens were sleeping. Prussia, Pella, and a number of other cities across the map assisted with the cleanup and hunt for Rancuneus, but the combat login timer was not yet implemented on the server, so the terrorist was able to repeatedly slip away.
After a few weeks, Rancuneus turned his attention to other cities across the map. Churchill, Quito, Catalonia, Fellowship, and a few others were attacked within a short timeframe. This elevated the hunt for Rancuneus to a new level, and even more fighters across the map were on his trail. Around the same time, members of New Danzilona became suspicious that Rancuneus was actually an alt of a player living in the city at the time, Goldmap, given their similar login times, familiarity with the city, and ability to avoid tripping snitches in the city. A post on Reddit later confirmed this suspicion as Rancuneus mistakenly posted a comment from his Goldmap account.
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While a trying time for the city, it solidified the attitude within that New Danzilona was filled with resilient players. It took a few weeks for things to be cleaned up and rebuilt, but the following few months would see a boom in growth and development.
In December 2013, NDZ joined with a number of other towns in the +,+ to form the [[Provincia|United Provinces of the Plus Plus]] to increase defense an economic ties among smaller towns in the quadrant.
===== Early 2014 =====
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===== Spring 2014 =====
In early April, the recently formed Danzilonan Security Force attemped to pearl notorious raider phacad3 when he entered NDZ territory.<ref></ref> They were unsuccessful, and they actually received some backlash for it, becauseas phacad3 was still on good terms with some cities. A week later, some of those who criticized the DSF would be fighting alongside them in one of the biggest battles of the [ Recharge War], which took place in NDZ.
Later on in April and in May, NDZ saw a large influx of new residents. One of those residents, Weishaar, created the Danzmarket in early May. The Danzmarket was a piece of private property run by Weishaar (dubbed the Lorax of the Danzmarket) that contained an abundance of regulated shops. At one point, the Danzmarket was the third most active market in Civcraft. You can read more about the Danzmarket further down on this page.
On May 27th, Operation Green-Metro was proposed.<ref> </ref> It quickly became one of the most controversial proposals in NDZ history, as it threatened to end the agrarian culture of the city. After some revisions, the proposal passed, but barely.<ref> </ref>
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Like the rest of Civcraft, NDZ saw a period of relative peace in the early summer of 2014. June saw more growth in population and shops in the Danzmarket, as well as the rise of leisure activities, such as reading, puffing,<ref></ref> and singing songs.<ref></ref> This peace would be temporarily interrupted at the end of June when a fight broke out between Danzilonans and visiting Grundeswegians, resulting in the first and only use of the official Danzilonan Court.<ref></ref>
At the beginning of July, conflict arose between Weishaar and the rest of NDZ. petlahk of [[Eros Varos|ErosVaros]] built a horse shop outside of the Danzmarket since building it inside was prohibited by Weishaar's niche rule. For this, he was harassed by Weish. Upset by the enforcement of niches, absentee shop owners, and lack of competition, Danzilonan citizens gavepressured theirWeish pleafor to Weishreforms, who then, under the pressure, resigned as Lorax of the Danzmarket, giving the position to gabeknight. Mid-July saw the return of leisure activities, like building islands,<ref></ref> playing hockey,<ref></ref> and singing more songs.<ref></ref> This peace ended when, at the very end of July, the DZF town of [[Aegina]] was griefed by three well-known citizens of Vale (currently and more commonly known as Nexus)., Yousparking canthe readbeginning moreof about that conflictthe [[Aegnian Indepdence#The Vale Incident|through Aeginan Independence]]independence movement.]
AugustThough NDZ was the''de beginningjure'' just a city apart of ana extremelywider turbulentfederation, nextknown fewas months.the InDanzilonan earlyFederation August(or DZF), Danzilonansthere wentwas wildno overactual debatingpolitical aboutstructure to the implimentationfederation ofother athan federalshared governmentforeign andrepresentatives howbetween itall wouldof beits structuredcities. This changed, however, in early August. After almost a full month of debating, the structure of the federal government was finally decided upon on August 25th, leading to the creation and election of the President, Vice President, and At-Large Representatives which took their seats on September 1st.<ref></ref><ref></ref> Mid-August saw heightened tensions between Aegina leader it_needs_bees and the rest of the DZF after he pearled petlahk.<ref> </ref> More about that [[Aeginan Independence#The Pearling of Petlahk|here]]. At the end of August, votingalso began forsaw the new federal government positions,<ref> </ref> which would take effect on September 1st. The end of Augustsummer alsogrowth sawand the beginning of a decline in activity in NDZ, either because of the start of the school year or because players simply lost interest, with the city dropping in population from 30 to 18.
SeptemberThe 2014[[Yurtstead wasWar]] perhapstook the most devastating monthplace in Danzilonanearly history.September This2014 devastationand washad primarily caused by the [[Yurtstead War]] and thelong-lasting effects it had on the Danzilonan populace. Many of the core members of NDZ supported the war while the rest of NDZ was against it. NDZ was so divided that many of those for the war planned to leave NDZ to start their own city. Fearing that this would cause NDZ itself to be completely dieabandoned, many prominent anti-war citizens of NDZ left the city, hoping that the pro-war members would stay and hold NDZ together.<ref></ref> While this mostly worked, as the pro-war members are still active today while the anti-war members have mostly gone inactive or rejoined NDZ, this exodus solidified the massive slump in activity in NDZ. The federal government fell apart, and power was given to a small emergency council.<ref> </ref> Afterwards, more craziness ensued when it_needs_bees attacked Eros Varos with a ghast and was consequently banned from DZF territory and bountied.<ref></ref>
===== Fall 2014 =====
As time went on, the political and social situation of NDZ calmed down and stabilized. The emergency council was dissolved, and peace returned to NDZ.<ref></ref> On October 14th, Bees was pearled, leaving NDZ relatively safe from any known imminent attacks.
November was marked by the beginning of many grand building projects, like the city hall.<ref> central station] and [</ref> November also saw the return of some activity that was lost in September, as one of the anti-war citizens came back along with a few previously inactive citizens.<ref></ref>
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===== Summer 2015 =====
Taking advantage of the peace and the desire to revitalize the federation, NDZ citizens Lowtuff and Des23 created Project Phoenix, which consisted of a series of projects that focused on bringing life back into the territories of NDZ and making them lookvisually pretty, usually through fixingcleaning grief, constructing new builds, and installing more security measures.<ref></ref> By the end of the summer, five Project Phoenix phases had taken place.<ref></ref> It was then put on hiatus when Des took a break from Civcraft. Des came back almost a month later, but when heshe was pearled just a few weeks after returning in the midst of the [[Nox War]],<ref></ref> Project Phoenix remained on hiatus.
The end of the summer saw the expansion of the Danzilonan Central Station, which quickly became one of NDZ's most famous landmarks.<ref></ref>
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===== Fall 2015 =====
On November 13th, Des and other Danzilonans who were pearled during the Nox War, like TheTrackball and JPEGz, were unpearledfreed at the end of the war and defeat of Nox.<ref></ref> While they were pearled, both the central station and the city hall were completed, making for a pretty nice looking fountain area.<ref></ref>
NDZ also enjoyed some festivities on Halloween.<ref></ref>
