Neukaltsburg: Difference between revisions

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=== Change in Leadership ===
Neukaltsburg was incorporated into Icenia March 17th, 2021<ref>Reddit Post :</ref>. Only a week later, there was an exchange<ref>Discord exchange :</ref> on the Icenian Discord BeanQuee found misogynistic and inappropriate; having voiced that opinion and been met with a lack of support, she renounced her citizenship and resigned her post as Vassallin. She has since settled in [[Mount September]]. Neukaltsburg had no leadership while it remained a territory of Icenia. With Icenia's permission<ref>[[File:{{citation needed}}, Deyan-ChrispieExchangeModernKaltsburg.png|thumb|"you canreclaimed havethe territory of Kaltsburg as well as extra territory more to the entirenorth land"of it in June of 2021, forming modern day [[Kaltsburg]] and ending Neukaltsburg.<ref></ref>
</ref>, Deyan reclaimed the territory of Kaltsburg as well as extra territory more to the north of it in June of 2021, forming modern day [[Kaltsburg]] and ending Neukaltsburg.<ref></ref>
== References ==
