Nara: Difference between revisions

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Updated descriptions of government, will continue to update International Relations soon (tm)
SonicFrost (talk | contribs)
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(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{{Infobox civilization|name=Nara|subheader=|image=Nara_Flag.png|capital_city=[[Shiroyama]] | government_type=Feudal Shogunate|position_title1=Shikken|position_title2=Rensho|position_title4=Daimyo|position_title5=Samurai|position_title6=Komuin|position_title3=Taishō|position_name1=[[SwordMaster7777]]|position_name2=[[Prawny331]]|position_name3=[[BlankestAtlas]]|foundation_date=2nd June 2022|preceded_by={{flag|Far Seas Alliance}}, {{flag|Inferno}}|discord=|demonym=Naran|position_name4=[[Bronnakus]], [[Earyx]], [[OreStraya]]||position_name5=[[HPLaptop]], [[dustyrayton2]], [[Hg__80]]||position_name6=[[Bronnakus]], [[mtfUJi]], [[BlankestAtlasHg__80]], [[Hg__80GriffSuperShot]]|caption=Nara's flag, with three heavenly trigrams<ref></ref> representing the divinity of the nation. In the center the moon rises in a dark night sky.|location=3300, 4700|area=3.05 km^2100km²<ref></ref> (outdatedas of January 6, 2024)|alliance=[[Dalgon-Nara Alliance]], {{flag|Elysian Pact}}, [[ASN]]|activity_level=High|settlements=Ichinokawa, Sunatoride, Kajitsu, Orakuru|territories=[[Q'Barra]], Akheron (defunct), Mali|mascot=Finn}}
'''Nara''' is a nation on [[CivMC]], located in the deep (+,+) on the continent of [[Alenarith]]. The nation is primarily Japanese-themed, though it takes some inspiration from other east Asian cultures.
Nara's territory runs from Lake Biwa in the north to the world border, withoriginally consisting of a long, narrow claim reminiscent of the nation of Chile. The nation is bordered to the west by [[DalgonTemporal Empire]], the east by [[Free Danzilonan Republic]] and, [[GensokyoTruidencia]], and Meracydia, and to the north and northwest by [[Doom City]] and the [[Arsenio Pact]]Arsenia.
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===The First Month (June 2022)===
The town of Ichinokawa was planned by [[Paragonius]] as the nation's second settlement within the first week, though it was not established until the third week. In that time Shiroyama also was expanding quickly and drawing in new players, as well as advancing through the tech tree with the help of [[Greltam]] and his farms in the Greltam Special Economic Zone (GSEZ), which is located in north Dalgon. Two new Komuin were promoted for their efforts following launch, with [[Ukai]] as the Komuin of Domestic Affairs (which would later be renamed the Komuin of the Interior). [[Dynamiczbee]] was also promoted as the Komuin of Agriculture, and spearheaded farm construction, with a particular focus on producing aesthetically pleasing farms, instead of the usual ugly squares typical for XP production.
A rail connection north to Mount Augusta was established as one of the first international rail lines on the server. Running underneath Doom City, the unauthorised line was discovered by Doom when several raiders used the tunnel to bypass border snitches. This served to actually improve the relationship between both nations following negotiations, and the rail line was allowed to stay.
A public factory room was set up in Shiroyama, and then Komuin [[Bronnakus]] continued to encourage settlement and the construction of houses. New parts of the city were seeing growth, and the [[SpeedyJustice]] Manor Neighborhood began to take shape at this time with the construction of the eponymous manor.
===The Sack of Shiroyama (July-September 2022)===
The second month of the server did not go as smoothly as the first, though Nara was still flourishing. During this time the Nara Royal Academy of Sciences, an academy with the mission to collect every written book in the world and allow free access to them, as well as the Nara Brewers Guild, were created. The settlements of Kajitsu and Sunatoride sprung up and many new recruits joined the citizenry of Nara.
However, notorious raider [[Vah]] decided to set his set his sights on the continent of Alenarith in this time period. Due to his slippery nature, for quite some time [[Vah]] was able to raid with impunity. However, one fateful day [[Vah]] decided to raid the newly-founded Nara Brewers Guild, burning any materials he could find and killing [[Bronnakus]] several times. With reinforcements inbound, [[Vah]] attempted to escape, chased by [[Bronnakus]] (still armorless and weaponless) and [[Earyx]] (who was in gold prot), when he lagged out and was stuck in the void upon reconnecting<ref></ref> due to a client-side issue. Seizing the moment, the duo of buildfriends attacked without mercy and killed [[Vah]]. Despite not being able to pearl him, the kill was not without its benefits, as [[Vah]] lost multiple weapons, potions, tools, and armor pieces, most of which was burnt<ref></ref> or dropchested far from Nara.
Wanting revenge, [[Vah]] re-geared and made the long trip back to Shiroyama from his bunker in the Fellowship, obbybombing downtown Shiroyama with a stack of IRO<ref></ref> before being chased off. This was easily cleaned up with the help of allies, and peace temporarily returned to Shiroyama once more. For the next short while, due to [[Vah]] being banned, Shiroyama expanded and welcomed the businesses and embassies of many nations. This peace was enjoyed but it was known it was temporary. Upon the end of [[Vah]]'s ban, raids returned intermittently, with several raiders joining the group over the coming weeks, most notably [[Ez2Clutch]], following his pearling and subsequent betrayal of [[Estalia]] upon being released by [[Rhode Island]]. Nara's activity and relative wealth made it an obvious target for attacks, in addition to Vah's historic defeat in Shiroyama. With the assistance of regional allies in the [[Alenarith Forum]], damage to Shiroyama was light. The raiders did successfully kill many Narans, claiming the loot they dropped before running away. This included RezzyDaddy, who was moving house from MTA when he was caught in Dalgon carrying two stacks of diamond blocks<ref></ref>.
In early August, the province of [[Q'Barra]] was formalised<ref></ref>, with Earyx spearheading the claim and being promoted to Daimyo of the region. This left Nara with two formal provinces, with Bronnakus being promoted to Daimyo in early July. The government also saw some reshuffling, with [[JeyHey]] joining as Komuin of Infrastructure, and [[Greltam]] replacing [[Dynamiczbee]] as Komuin of Agriculture owing to his predecessor's inactivity. JeyHey did not remain as Komuin of Infrastructure for long, replacing Ukai. The Infrastructure position was converted into a citizen-led Infrastructure Committee, consisting of [[Asakuun]], [[Toshiba LaptopHPLaptop]] and [[MythicPatronymic]]. This committee started planning work for a cross-continental rail to the north-west, which started construction and was named the Shiroyama North to Arsenio, Caliphate and Commonwealth (SNACC) line.
==== The Southern Border Kerfuffle (August 2022) ====
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While Nara was not party to the Generic War, due to the continued raiding of [[Vah]] and [[Ez2Clutch]] (both of which were associated with [[Rhode Island]]), Nara suffered declining activity during the war. There were some minor victories, such as [[BlankestAtlas]] quick-dropping clutch in central Shiroyama, but it was a stressful time in Nara. Great focus was placed on building up defenses in the form of bunker upgrades and traps. In early September, the Rhode Island group (including Clutch) were banned en masse<ref></ref>, meaning Nara was once again at peace. However, the war took it's toll, and burnout set in. Several mainstays of Nara took extended breaks at this point, and the nation appeared to be in decline<ref></ref>. Great effort was still expended by the remaining members of government to turn the tide.
=== '''Naran Resurgence (December 2022-June Present2023)''' ===
Due to the efforts of the charismatic newfriend [[BlankestAtlas]], Shiroyama started to see great increases in mega-builds, first the Atlas Palace Library then the Shiroyama Hockey Rink. These buildings made great usage of land and added amenities to the city. They also sparked further development of the city of Shiroyama, as more businesses were attracted to the larger city. Notable meme maker and current Komuin of the Interior mTfUJi began taking on the role of grindfriend at this point, which greatly facilitated economic reinvigoration. As activity begets activity, and due to the changes to force newfriends to spawn in cities with people online, Shiroyama began to be the spawn point for many newfriends, leading to a large slew of newfriend arrivals joining the nation. These newfriends built houses and businesses, and returned life to the streets of Shiroyama. Concurrently, former citizens returned to activity as their school semesters ended, which bolstered the activity of the nation. It was during this time that the village of Yoshiwara was settled in Central Nara, that Q'Barra and Ichinokawa expanded and gained branches of the Nara Library System, and that the Castle Trench was completed. Presently, the national focus is the building of the castle, the beautification and expansion of the cities and towns, and developing and fostering the newfriends into the next generation of Narans.
==== Olympics (March 10-12, 2023) ====
''See Also: [[Nara-Danzilona Olympics]]''
During this time [[BlankestAtlas]] was named the Komuin of Culture and Nara was looking to build a greater relationship with nearby Danzilona, and so the idea of hosting the server's first Olympics was floated around. As it was Winter, the concept emerged as a Winter Olympics, though due to political shenanigans, would not end up being held until the beginning of Spring, in the middle of March 2023. The majority of events were held in Shiroyama Nara, and some new sports facilities, like a Spleef Arena (Sponsored by Doom Delivery) were built to accomodate more event ideas. Other events were held in [[New Swisston]], Danzilona and Venera, Old [[Venne (CivMC)|Venne]]. Nara took home the most medals of any nation in this Olympics, with Hg__80 being the stand-out athlete brining home 4 of Nara's 5 gold medals.
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Q'Barran culture, architecture and lore is a blend of Aztec, the mesoamerican indiginous people, and Argonian, the fantasy lizardfolk race from The Elder Scrolls series. This blend produces a theme of stony but colorful builds, wooden huts overclaimed by vegetation, big step pyramid temples and a magical lore with The Hist Tree as cornerstone.
Originally designated the Nether Hub of Nara, [[OreStraya]] began developing this region as a modern industrial area. Now Daiymo, [[OreStraya]] continues to merge elements of industrial and urban design in an 1800s era vibrant shopping city.
====Kajitsu ====
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==== Sunatoride====
On July 22, 2022, it was discovered that a trio of newfriends began building a village in an Arabian style on a small beach in central Nara, unaware of the claims. At the time Komuin of Citizen Management Bronnakus, as well as [[HPLaptop]], discovered the settlement on a trip southwards and quickly invited, the at time Komuin of Citizen Management, Bronnakus. After some investigation, the pair was able to determine the owners of the settlement. Rather than reacting harshly, the group was invited to join Nara as an official village. Sunatoride ("Sand Fort") was given as a temporary name while the group decides for itself a proper settlement name. However, due to inactivity of said newfriends, the settlement is abandoned, with its materials being cannibalized for the development of the industrial center of Nara and supplies for Yoshiwara.
==== Yoshiwara ====
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==== Imperial Court ====
Reporting to the Shikken is his '''Rensho''', [[Prawny331]], the nation's second-in-command. The Komuin [[mTfUJi]] istemporarily currently fillingfilled in as Temporary Rensho while Prawny iswas on vacation<sup>Date Needed</sup>. Also reporting directly to the Shikken is the '''Taishō''' [[BlankestAtlas]], the military leader of Nara. The Taisho is in charge of Nara's militia and samurai, military infrastructure, as well as taking effective command of the nation in time of war. These three leaders form the Imperial Court, which functionally acts as a Triarchy.
==== Daimyo ====
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The Komuin are the civil servants of Nara, and operate much of the day-to-day requirements of the government. There are four current roles, these being;
* '''Komuin of Citizenthe ManagementInterior'''
Coordinates management of natural resource gathering and farming, as well as all land either reserved for national parks or not currently part of a city/village. Initially held by [[dynamiczbeezDynamiczbeez]], who stepped down in late July to be replaced by [[Greltam]]. In December the position was filled by [[mTfUJi]], following Greltam's absence.
Handles recruitment, plot assignment, coordination of zoning, and promotion from resident to citizen, works with the population to ensure citizens are happy and having fun. Currently held by Bronnakus. Several of these responsibilities were merged into Bronnakus' appointment as Daimyo of Shiroyama.
* '''Komuin of the InteriorInfrastructure'''
In charge of building various infrastructure projects, including rails, roads, excavation, and assistance in construction of military infrastructure. While originally named as a possible government position, the idea of an Infrastructure Komuin was scrapped in favor of an Infrastructure Committee composed of regular citizens. Before it's dissolution, was headed by [[JeyHey]]. Was later revived as a concept with [[Hg__80]] inheriting the position due to his great success with Naran excavation projects.
Coordinates management of natural resource gathering and farming, as well as all land either reserved for national parks or not currently part of a city/village. Initially held by [[dynamiczbeez]], who stepped down in late July to be replaced by [[Greltam]]. In December the position was filled by mTfUJi, following Greltam's absence.
*'''Komuin of the TreasuryCommerce'''
OversawOriginally know as the Komuin of the Treasury, they oversaw shop creation and maintenance, promoted Naran business internationally and encouraged businesses to open in Nara in coordination with Citizen Management, identified opportunities for economic cooperation and worked with Infrastructure to develop trade routes and ease travel, controled national currency should the need for one arise. Initially held by [[Ukai]], who also stepped down in late July so that JeyHey could take the position. After JeyHey's resignation from government, the position was abolished and was replaced by the Shuryo of the Merchant Guild, [[GriffSuperShot]]. This formed the current position of Komiun of Commerce, with less far reaching powers and a main focus on improving Nara's economy, by attracting business' and customers.
* '''Komuin of Culture'''
Responsible for organizing international sports events (like the hockey league and winter olympics) as well as furthering Nara's unique cultural identity. It was formerly held by [[BlankestAtlas]] before his promotion to Taisho, after which he resigned as Culture Komuin to focus on his new military duties. The position is currently vacant.
* '''Komuin ofDefunct InfrastructurePositions'''
*'''Komuin of Citizen Management'''
In charge of building various infrastructure projects, including rails, roads, excavation, and assistance in construction of military infrastructure. While originally named as a possible government position, the idea of an Infrastructure Komuin was scrapped in favor of an Infrastructure Committee composed of regular citizens. Before it's dissolution, was headed by [[JeyHey]]. Was later revived as a concept with [[Hg__80]] inheriting the position due to his great success with Naran excavation projects.
Handles recruitment, plot assignment, coordination of zoning, and promotion from resident to citizen, works with the population to ensure citizens are happy and having fun. Currently held by Bronnakus. Several of these responsibilities were merged into Bronnakus' appointment as Daimyo of Shiroyama.
====Defunct Positions ====
*'''Komuin of the Treasury'''
Oversaw shop creation and maintenance, promoted Naran business internationally and encouraged businesses to open in Nara in coordination with Citizen Management, identified opportunities for economic cooperation and worked with Infrastructure to develop trade routes and ease travel, controled national currency should the need for one arise. Initially held by [[Ukai]], who also stepped down in late July so that JeyHey could take the position. After JeyHey's resignation from government, the position was abolished and was replaced by the Shuryo of the Merchant Guild.
==== Positions of Non-Government Privilege ====
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===== Shuryo =====
The Shuryo arewere originally the masters of Nara's various guilds. They arewere democratically elected by the wider guild membership. The only guild remaining in Nara is the Brewer's Guild helmed by [[Paragonius|Paragonius.]]
===== '''Militia''' =====
The Militia is made up of regular citizens interested in the defense of Nara, including improving their own PVP skills. Players from this group may be promoted to Samurai after passing combat trials.
A trusted citizen of Nara. They are the backbone of Nara and are the most trusted citizens of the nation.
==='''International Relations'''===
Nara hashad a very close relationship with the former neighbouring nation of [[Dalgon]]. This is due to the fact that the Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]] is a good friend of the founder of Dalgon, [[fredhun14]]. This close allyship also assisted both nations during the [[CivMC]] launch as they could guard each other's backs from the roaming players at the time, merging their territory until official claims maps could be posted, although this did lead to some confusion with many people believing that the two separate nations were but one. This alliance iswas yeteventually to be formalisedformalized, butreferred hasto been namedas the [[DNA|Dalgon-Nara Alliance]], or DNA.
In November 2022, Nara joined the [[Independent Southern Powers]] as a founding member. In early December 2022, Nara and Danzilona formalised a friendship treaty<ref></ref>. The two nations also announced a planned 2023 Winter Olympics<ref></ref>. After much frustration with the ISP due to some internal policy arguments and incidents which called into question the sovereignty of both Nara and Dalgon, Nara left the ISP in May 2023 after the relationship became unreconcilable.
Nara maintains friendly relations with most of its neighbors, with an active prescence in the [[Alenarith Forum]], and generally remains neutral on the world stage. Shiroyama hosts a consulate for each of the member nations of the Arsenio Pact, and is connected by rail to Danzilona, MTA, Pridelands and the Commonwealth.
As of June 2023, Nara joined the [[Elysian Pact]]. This was a step towards Nara becoming a major power on the server, and solidifying their alliances amist war raging in other parts of the world.