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(newfriend-committee and honourary doctorate of letters)
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Several months later, the admins announced that [!] (by then the de-facto "global" chat) would be moderated and act as an official global channel, with new players getting automatically added to it. Squareblob announced the end of SeptBot's newfriend messaging functionality on January 1st, 2021<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=Squareblob|sender=Squareblob|date=January 1, 2021|url=|text=I disabled SeptBot messaging new joins. Before newfriends were automatically added to [!] chat there was a bit more use for this and a reasonable response rate but now I think it has outlived its purpose. The relay channel category will continue relaying messages to/from the bot|channel=newfriend-committee|server=Mount September|access-date=January 21, 2022}}</ref>.
Several months later, the admins announced that [!] (by then the de-facto "global" chat) would be moderated and act as an official global channel, with new players getting automatically added to it. Squareblob announced the end of SeptBot's newfriend messaging functionality on January 1st, 2021<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=Squareblob|sender=Squareblob|date=January 1, 2021|url=|text=I disabled SeptBot messaging new joins. Before newfriends were automatically added to [!] chat there was a bit more use for this and a reasonable response rate but now I think it has outlived its purpose. The relay channel category will continue relaying messages to/from the bot|channel=newfriend-committee|server=Mount September|access-date=January 21, 2022}}</ref>.

The discord channnel and role were recycled into ''newfriend-committee'' by Godomasta, an attempt at rewarding newfriends for good activity and behavior. By then one of the most active newfriends was [[Minemaster933]], which prompted Godomasta to request his collaboration in the endeavor[17]. The project would only meet symbolic success, as minemaster would later become a very controversial player. Ironically, no newfriend ever received the newfriend-committee role (except for minemaster).
The discord channnel and role were recycled into ''newfriend-committee'' by Godomasta, an attempt at rewarding newfriends for good activity and behavior. By then one of the most active newfriends was [[Minemaster933]], which prompted Godomasta to request his collaboration in the endeavor<ref>{{Cite Discord message|sender-link=Godomasta|sender=Godomasta|date=March 9, 2021|url=|text=as minemaster and I have discussed, the main aims of the committe would be:
*Recognizing newfriends with an industrious character that place an active effort in improving and maintaining Mount September.
*Promoting activity and citizenry through activities such as events and collective projects.
*Making all new prospective residents feel welcome in Mount September and the server.|channel=newfriend-committee|server=Mount September|access-date=January 21, 2022}}</ref>. The project would only meet symbolic success, as minemaster would later become a very controversial player. Ironically, no newfriend ever received the newfriend-committee role (except for minemaster).

AllenY, then judge, used the channel to grant ''Honourary Doctorate of Letters'', an amusing discord role.
AllenY, then judge, used the channel to grant ''Honourary Doctorate of Letters'', an amusing discord role.