Mount Chungusta: Difference between revisions

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The first human planted trees grow in Mt Chungusta, along with the first potatoes ending the Great Starvation.
Milkshaketeer, an unregistered seettler of Mount Chungusta and newfriend is pearled after constructing aan "architecturaly badly designed" building. Later his suspected alt account arrives at Mount Chungusta.
Man_page pearled by Mtc Soldiers after constructing a three story tower, as it was blocking a path and did not fit architectural standards. Man_page fled to a bunker and equiped themself with iron gear, and removing the other members from the groups the bunker was reinforced with. Judge Isit was pearled after his attempt to defeat man_page with his wooden equipment and Man_page used the pearl as leverage. The other Chungustians passed a bill to have man_pages tower moved. Man_page eventually left bunker to move to the trench at his tower and was pearled and then released next day.
